
Crime and the Single Parent

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I keep seeing all of these posts for and against gun control, but I'm pretty sure that it's been well proven that a gun does not fire its self. If you want to lower crime rate you have to lower the amount of criminals being brought up.

When I grew up, the most scary thing that was ever told to me was "Wait until your dad gets home!" There is a whole generation of kids out there that don't hear that any more.

Anne Coulter just recently got into a whole bunch of trouble with the Liberal Media for pointing out the Obvious: Single mothers earning minimum wage have a tough time raising kids-


When a person who doesn't have a large bank account leaves MTV to raise their kid, what do you expect? We don't need gun laws, we need working families to teach right and wrong.


"The relationship [between single-parent families and crime] is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion shows up time and again in the literature. The nation's mayors, as well as police officers, social workers, probation officers, and court officials, consistently point to family break up as the most important source of rising rates of crime."

Finally, in areas where there is a high concentration of welfare, there may be an almost total lack of male role models. This can lead to crime in two ways. First, as the Maryland NAACP puts it, "A child whose parents draw a welfare check without going to work does not understand that in this society at least one parent is expected to rise five days of each week to go to some type of job."

Second, boys growing up in mother only families naturally seek male influences. Unfortunately, in many inner city neighborhoods, those male role models may not exist. As George Gilder, author of Wealth and Poverty, has noted, the typical inner-city today is "almost a matriarchy. The women receive all the income, dominate the social-worker classes, and most of the schools." Thus, the boy in search of male guidance and companionship may end up in the company of gangs or other undesirable influences."

You can read the rest of the paper for more. Bottom line is, it may not be politically correct, but you can't argue with the numbers.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
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Agreed. The studies I've read indicate the single largest influence (or at least coorelation) on crime rates was the Roe v Wade decision.

Unwanted, or unplanned kids (or maybe it's just kids raised in an environment not conducive to healthy behaviors in general) are far more likely to become delinquents.

Very incorrect PC-wise. The far left will argue to no end that it is somebody else's fault outright; and even many in the middle are uncomfortable laying the blame where it belongs.

Kids (especially single kids) should not have kids.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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let's not forget those children who are being raised NOT by one parent, but by NEITHER parent....

children born to non marrieds, often where the mother is between 15 and 18 years of age....

the 'sperm donor" is no where to be found >:(>:(
the 'mother' is overwhelmed, :( and so it falls to the Mother of the Mother, i e the Grandma,,, to raise and deal with, these kids..
Grandma takes on the job,, because "who could deny the innocence, the joy, the wonder, of a tiny baby??/ :|[:/]:S:S:S

sad thing is,,, after having raised her own kids, and sometimes doing a miserable job of THAT,,,, ( as evidenced by the sudden pregnancy) , the woman is now dealing with raising often,,, more than just One grandchild...
The older woman, also becomes overwhelmed,
leaving the kids to 'raise themselves'.. which IMHO is a certain recipe for trouble...
For sure there may be exceptions,,, but in many many cases, the children run wild, ( while at the same time professing Undying LOVE for the grandma, who then has the wool pulled over her eyes ) as junior runs the streets, skips school, lies and steals, and eventually steps across the line, into criminal activity...
real sad...
happens in cities, happens in rural areas, happens in MORE places than the "establishment" is willing to realize...
MORE children is NOT now, the solution, and never was, and never will be...:|[:/]
More responsibilty might help,,, on the part of the youth of our country,,,But the responsibility "learning curve" is a tough one which many never manage to understand.


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Then there’s also a bio-physical factor:

There’s been observed a link (correlation … possible causation) between increase in violent crime and lead poisoning in US cities in the late 1970s & 1980s and with the accompanying decrease in crime in the 1990s as exposure to lead has decreased (via elimination of lead in gasoline & paint). Lead … not gun availability or gun control. Lead not parents, tv, cable, the internet, etc. (See attached graph.)

And this is contrasted with violence levels in the UK, which did not beginning eliminating lead until the mid-1980s and early 1990s and saw increase in violent crime in the 1990s.

Popular press accounts and links to primary data here.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
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>>The studies I've read indicate the single largest influence (or at least coorelation) on crime rates was the Roe v Wade decision.

I'd think Roe v. Wade would decrease the crime rate. Anyone who thinks the lack of availability of an abortion would make reckless kids less reckless with sex, or that the availability of abortion makes reckless kids even more reckless with sex, is deluding themselves. Fewer abortions means more unwanted kids being born to teen mommas, and thus more babies who grow up to be cowboys. I mean criminals.

>>Unwanted, or unplanned kids (or maybe it's just kids raised in an environment not conducive to healthy behaviors in general) are far more likely to become delinquents.
.... Kids (especially single kids) should not have kids.

Agreed. Back when I did a lot of urban-jurisdiction criminal law, as a paralegal and as an attorney, virtually every defendant I had contact with or was aware of had a very young, single mom and was raised by a considerably older female relative, usually a grandmother.

>>Very incorrect PC-wise. The far left will argue to no end that it is somebody else's fault outright; and even many in the middle are uncomfortable laying the blame where it belongs.

Nonsense. That's just gratuitous liberal-bashing.

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>>The studies I've read indicate the single largest influence (or at least coorelation) on crime rates was the Roe v Wade decision.

I'd think Roe v. Wade would decrease the crime rate. Anyone who thinks the lack of availability of an abortion would make reckless kids less reckless with sex, or that the availability of abortion makes reckless kids even more reckless with sex, is deluding themselves. Fewer abortions means more unwanted kids being born to teen mommas, and thus more babies who grow up to be cowboys. I mean criminals.

>>Unwanted, or unplanned kids (or maybe it's just kids raised in an environment not conducive to healthy behaviors in general) are far more likely to become delinquents.
.... Kids (especially single kids) should not have kids.

Agreed. Back when I did a lot of urban-jurisdiction criminal law, as a paralegal and as an attorney, virtually every defendant I had contact with or was aware of had a very young, single mom and was raised by a considerably older female relative, usually a grandmother.

>>Very incorrect PC-wise. The far left will argue to no end that it is somebody else's fault outright; and even many in the middle are uncomfortable laying the blame where it belongs.

Nonsense. That's just gratuitous liberal-bashing.

I think that it is more than Roe V Wade. The Current welfare system is a cop out for teen women. The "if all else fails, the state will support me" line of thinking has got to come to an end.

The other thing I really don't like about the current system is that it gives all control to the women. Yes it is her body, but just like it takes 2 to tango, the desicion to raise the kid should fall on both also. If the woman decides to keep the baby, the man's only choices at that point becomes marry her, give up his paycheck for the rest of his life, or move to another country. If the woman had a more realistic stark reality of her decision (AKA, she is on her own) maybe she would make a more responsible decision (abortion, adoption, etc) that would allow her to finish school and maybe go to college where she put herself in a position to better take care of herself and any future children she may have. If she comes from a well off family and has the support network to allow her to keep the kid, then more power to her.

Once again, not very PC, but sometimes these things have to be brought up so they can be fixed.
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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OK I know its not typical or "P>C" But. When my wife and I got devorced she got the kidss at first. Court believing that the children belong with thier mother . But I never quit. two years later I got the kids and have raised them ever since. A life philosophy of mine. Take action and take responsibility for that action. As a single dad for eight years I did just that. With the support from my family "Support not dependance" I worked raised the kids took them to Cubs scouts, tae kwon do, etc. All without child support, I did gert food stamps for about three months when I lost a job, But I didnt rely on it for long. It is possible to raise good kids as a single parent . anyone who says differently is just lazy. My step daughter got pregnant at 17. "Before my Current wife and I were married. She went to school became a nurse. and now makes as much or more than I do. All it takes is determinatiuon and the concept. That "I CAN DO IT" and "MY KID{S} DESERVE IT! KIds cant "RAISE themselves. It lkike trying to learne how to fly a plane with no instructor. Possible yes, the probability of a crash HUGE.

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OK I know its not typical or "P>C" But. When my wife and I got devorced she got the kidss at first. Court believing that the children belong with thier mother . But I never quit. two years later I got the kids and have raised them ever since. A life philosophy of mine. Take action and take responsibility for that action. As a single dad for eight years I did just that. With the support from my family "Support not dependance" I worked raised the kids took them to Cubs scouts, tae kwon do, etc. All without child support, I did gert food stamps for about three months when I lost a job, But I didnt rely on it for long. It is possible to raise good kids as a single parent . anyone who says differently is just lazy. My step daughter got pregnant at 17. "Before my Current wife and I were married. She went to school became a nurse. and now makes as much or more than I do. All it takes is determinatiuon and the concept. That "I CAN DO IT" and "MY KID{S} DESERVE IT! KIds cant "RAISE themselves. It lkike trying to learne how to fly a plane with no instructor. Possible yes, the probability of a crash HUGE.

I hope you are proud of what you have done with and for your kids. It is tough raising them as a two parent family. I cant fathom doing it alone.

Attitude! It is everything.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Hi Baron,

I agree completely!

When I got divorced I became the single-parent of two teenagers. I put them both through college ( my money only ) and my son through law school ( again, my money only ).

There are times when I wonder how nice of a car I could be driving or how much larger of a house I could have with that money. But it was definitely worth it.

Heck, my daughter now makes more than her engineer husband.

You just have to decide what is important & what is not,


PS) One benefit is that I now get free legal advice. B|

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OK I know its not typical or "P>C" But. When my wife and I got devorced she got the kidss at first. Court believing that the children belong with thier mother . But I never quit. two years later I got the kids and have raised them ever since. A life philosophy of mine. Take action and take responsibility for that action. As a single dad for eight years I did just that. With the support from my family "Support not dependance" I worked raised the kids took them to Cubs scouts, tae kwon do, etc. All without child support, I did gert food stamps for about three months when I lost a job, But I didnt rely on it for long. It is possible to raise good kids as a single parent . anyone who says differently is just lazy. My step daughter got pregnant at 17. "Before my Current wife and I were married. She went to school became a nurse. and now makes as much or more than I do. All it takes is determinatiuon and the concept. That "I CAN DO IT" and "MY KID{S} DESERVE IT! KIds cant "RAISE themselves. It lkike trying to learne how to fly a plane with no instructor. Possible yes, the probability of a crash HUGE.

I'm very glad you got your kids. This just reiterates the point. You obviously had job skills, determination, desire to provide for your family, and a family that could give you a helping hand when needed. There are so many single parents out there that try to do what you did but didn't have the skills, desire or any of that. In short, they were not you and there kids probably did not turn out like yours. If only more single parents were like you:)And I do mean that in a serious way...

P.S. Maybe if more judges gave the kids to their dads...
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Wasn't Obama's mother a single parent?

This whole "missing role model" may be a misdirection. In the cases mentioned,
it seems that the parent living with the children
isn't a role model either.

It is the failure of a dysfunctional adult to live their
own life and make decisions. The choices regarding
their children are just a segment of those.

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Wasn't Obama's mother a single parent?

I understand it was a virgin conception.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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You know, not all single moms are uneducated losers. I hate the term single mom because of its negative connotations. I’m single and I have always supported my daughter by myself, I’ve never received (nor have I asked for) child support. I’ve worked very hard to build a good life for us and to balance being a good mom while also establishing my career. I’m working on my doctorate in psychology and my daughter goes to a fantastic preschool on campus. I worked hard and studied so I could to get into a top program in my field that funds me for the duration of my PhD program. So now I get paid to go to school and do research (not that grad students get paid much, but it’s enough for us to live off until I graduate). Fortunately, I am able to do a lot of my work at home at night after my daughter goes to bed. So she doesn’t even know that mommy is up all night writing, she just knows that she gets to play with mommy after school every day.

As far as male role models go, they don’t necessarily have to be the child’s father (and I’m sure there are many cases where he may not be the best role model). My daughter is surrounded by people who love her; she has family and friends who are excellent role models. And I like to think that I’m a good role model for her. She will grow up knowing the value of hard work and education

I may be ranting a bit, but it just annoys me that people seem to think that just because a woman isn’t married, she isn’t capable of raising a child on her own. I realize that I may be an exception, but I think there are many women out there working hard to give their children a good life.

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You tell em sister:)

It has been pointed out in several posts that it is not a matter of being single and raising a child... but how the parent raises the child.

Doing it on your own is tough work. Its all about the choices... and who really is the most important person in your life.

Raising a child as a single parent can be done successfully, especially if the environment is a better one than so many where both parents are screwing it up so badly.

To the OP.. there are plenty of really screwed up people out there that are the products of a two parent household as well.[:/]

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It has been pointed out in several posts that it is not a matter of being single and raising a child... but how the parent raises the child.

Exactly, it is the quality of the parents not the quantity. Two bad parents are not better than one good one good parent. Of course, it would be great if all children had two wonderful parents, but that is not always the case.

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Since I am pretty familiar with research in this area, I’ll contribute my .02. Negative outcomes in children generally arise from multiple negative factors in the child’s life, not just one. Problems that are correlated with single parenthood are not simply due to a child growing up with one parent.

Single parenthood is often associated with other negative factors such as low education, low wages, poor quality childcare, poverty, poor nutrition, lack of medical care, and as nerdgirl pointed out lead exposure (particularly in urban neighborhoods). One negative factor does not usually result in problematic outcomes. It is when there are several that things go bad. Yes, many single moms do experience some or all of these issues, but they can also be present in two-parent homes. If you have an actual study indicating that single parenthood causes children to become criminals I would love to see it.

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I may be ranting a bit, but it just annoys me that people seem to think that just because a woman isn’t married, she isn’t capable of raising a child on her own. I realize that I may be an exception, but I think there are many women out there working hard to give their children a good life.

I think the biggest problem for me is this society assumes that the reason a woman can raise their child alone is because the man is an insignificant part and the woman knows best. I don't believe that to be true. I believe both mom and dad teach kids different things neither one is more or less important in a child's (who will be an adult someday) life. I am not talking about just survival but to learn things that will make them a more complete humane being.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I may be ranting a bit, but it just annoys me that people seem to think that just because a woman isn’t married, she isn’t capable of raising a child on her own. I realize that I may be an exception, but I think there are many women out there working hard to give their children a good life.

I think the biggest problem for me is this society assumes that the reason a woman can raise their child alone is because the man is an insignificant part and the woman knows best. I don't believe that to be true. I believe both mom and dad teach kids different things neither one is more or less important in a child's (who will be an adult someday) life. I am not talking about just survival but to learn things that will make them a more complete humane being.

Thats great... but the reality is that in this society its the women who have to be the adults and raise the children when the father decides to move on to someone else... FAR TOO OFTEN. The lack of responsibilitity is staqggereing.

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I may be ranting a bit, but it just annoys me that people seem to think that just because a woman isn’t married, she isn’t capable of raising a child on her own. I realize that I may be an exception, but I think there are many women out there working hard to give their children a good life.

I think the biggest problem for me is this society assumes that the reason a woman can raise their child alone is because the man is an insignificant part and the woman knows best. I don't believe that to be true. I believe both mom and dad teach kids different things neither one is more or less important in a child's (who will be an adult someday) life. I am not talking about just survival but to learn things that will make them a more complete humane being.

Thats great... but the reality is that in this society its the women who have to be the adults and raise the children when the father decides to move on to someone else... FAR TOO OFTEN. The lack of responsibilitity is staqggereing.

That may be the case in your experience, but mine is the opposite. I know many guys who want to be responsible and our financially with out the need for a court or a fight. The understand they have a responsibility and want to full fill it. Yet when it comes to them having any influence in how the child should be raised they have no say, and no respect. Unfortunately unless the mother is a crackhead who is not recovering right now (true story I'll tell you about if you want) she wins the kids and sets the rules.

Its like they tell the dads you can be a parent but only the bad parts that hurt can be yours, The joy full stuff will if the mom wants to share them with you she will. It's ridicules.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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