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I wonder how different this list would have been if McCain were elected.

You mean the same McCain that's currently trying to remove a "Buy American" clause from the bill? What kinda commie is he?! :|


i could be wrong, but the guy that said we needed to remove the buy american clause from the bill was tall, skinny and black. Mccain is short hunched over and white.

I think you are right.

Asked about Buy American on Tuesday, President Barack Obama told Fox News that "we can't send a protectionist message." He said on ABC News that he doesn't want anything in the stimulus bill that is "going to trigger a trade war."


that's right screw th US workers so not to piss off a couple foriegners.

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>that's right screw th US workers so not to piss off a couple foriegners.

So much for free markets.

There are a lot of conservatives on this board whose only consistent position seems to be opposing whatever democrats do. Democrats push for a tariff? Democrats are socialist pigs who want to put all trade under government control! Democrats push for free trade? Democrats are free market pigs who want to screw US workers!

Democrats propose a tax hike? Democrats are tax and spend criminals! Democrats propose a tax cut? Democrats are socialist pigs who just want to redistribute wealth!

I guess it makes it easier to figure out your stands on things.

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That really sems to go both ways from both sides from what I've read on these boards.

What? That kind of talk is for socialist free market types that hate the party of goodness and support the party of evil. It even sounds a bit like Hitler :P

How dare you, sir?!

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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that's right screw th US workers so not to piss off a couple foriegners.

Or maybe its because he realizes that one of the factors that made the Great Depression so great was the economic isolationism of the Smoot-Hawley Tarriff Act.

This topic was discussed extensvely by Ben Stein himself in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Pay attention.

- Dan G

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I missed it on NPR but did see it on Hannity. I would have liked to hear the NPR panel.
I hear you about Hannity. I can only take so much of the hype there and w/o sidekick "lefty", it can be almost unwatchable at times, but same goes for CNN's whiny drivel... so I have to switch back and forth. It's challenging to find "the truth" in amongst all the hyperbole, but I try.[:/]

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>that's right screw th US workers so not to piss off a couple foriegners.

So much for free markets.

There are a lot of conservatives on this board whose only consistent position seems to be opposing whatever democrats do. Democrats push for a tariff? Democrats are socialist pigs who want to put all trade under government control! Democrats push for free trade? Democrats are free market pigs who want to screw US workers!

Democrats propose a tax hike? Democrats are tax and spend criminals! Democrats propose a tax cut? Democrats are socialist pigs who just want to redistribute wealth!

I guess it makes it easier to figure out your stands on things.

in order to keep sending billions over seas to help every country in the world we must first be able to take care of ourselves. we must first put americans back to work to generate income, that will then generate tax income then we can once again help others. A person is no good to anyone unless they have first put themselves in a position to give help by making sure they have the resources to help.

I have no problem with some of the bailout bill, just the pork in it and Obama lying about the pork. the bill would create the same amount of jobs with half the spending. 210k per job created by the bill, there has got to be alot of pork. most people I know would love to make 35-50k a year especially those on unemployment.

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I wonder how different this list would have been if McCain were elected.

You mean the same McCain that's currently trying to remove a "Buy American" clause from the bill? What kinda commie is he?! :|


i could be wrong, but the guy that said we needed to remove the buy american clause from the bill was tall, skinny and black. Mccain is short hunched over and white.

FYI, hunched over white guy agrees with tall skinny black guy.
"Mr. President, this bill also contains protectionist “Buy America” provisions that will prove harmful to both the American worker and the world economy. The Senate version of the stimulus bill goes beyond the stark protectionism of its House counterpart in a way that risks serious damage to our economy. The Senate bill requires that major projects funded in the bill favor American-made steel, iron, and manufacturing over goods produced abroad. These anti-trade measures may sound welcome to Americans who are hurting in this economy and faced with the specter of layoffs. The United States, after all, produces the world's finest products. Yet short-sighted protectionist measures risk greatly exacerbating our current economic woes. Already, one economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics has calculated that the "Buy American" provisions in this bill will cost more jobs than it will generate. Some of our largest trading partners, including Canada and the European Union, have warned that such a move could invite protectionist retaliation, further harming our ability to generate jobs and economic growth.

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FYI, hunched over white guy agrees with tall skinny black guy.

This is a surprise, why?

It's not surprising at all given the global nature of the economy these days. I don't think it's a "left/right" issue. I'm no economist but my understanding is that 70% of our economy is based on consumption. We'd have to completely re-tool our economy and society in order to go from a consumption basis to a production basis.

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>in order to keep sending billions over seas to help every country in the world we
>must first be able to take care of ourselves.

I agree. In terms of military aid especially, we should ensure our own infrastructure/schools/programs are funded before sending money to other countries.

>we must first put americans back to work to generate income, that will then
>generate tax income then we can once again help others. A person is no good to
>anyone unless they have first put themselves in a position to give help by
>making sure they have the resources to help.


>I have no problem with some of the bailout bill, just the pork in it and Obama
>lying about the pork. the bill would create the same amount of jobs with half the

?? That's what pork is - local spending from the federal level. Local bridge repair with federal money? Pork. Upgrade to Miramar MCAS's radar systems? Pork. Repairing a VA hospital? Pork.

Many people define pork as "spending I don't like" but in fact it is any national spending for specific local projects.

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