
Why are only Muslims called terrorists?

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A man in Miami killed his ex, mother-in-law, step-daughter and her boyfriend, then killed himself. No one's calling him a terrorist.

In Mexico, nine bodies were found, in what is being called an act of "extreme violence among warring drug cartels".

We used to call the IRA terrorists. Now, the Irish fringe are labelled "police killers".

The guy that killed 10 people is labelled a "disgruntled loner".

But anytime there is violence in the Arab world, it seems to get labelled as the work of "muslim terrorists" or "muslim extremists". I don't remember the last time I heard the word terrorist, without it being preceded by Muslim or Iraqi or Taliban or Jihad.

What about all the Christian terrorists? I'm sure more than half of the white people that commit mass-murder are probably Catholic, Baptist or some other form of Christian belief.
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I would add another parameter

terrorist: this incident is done to show what we can do to you. you will have more of this so you should be afraid, very afraid.

mass murderer: this incident is the highlight and finale of my actions. if I didnt get you, you are probably safe (assuming I'm dead of captured).

why are most terrorists muslim? I don't know, the two things I can say about it are:
- not all muslims are terrorists but I would have liked to see more muslims publicly speak against these people.
- I'm happy I'm not Muslim.

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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from dictionary.com
Terrorism, Pronunciation [ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Terrorist, Pronunciation [ter-er-ist] Show IPA
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.

I agree there are terrorist orgsnisations that are not called so.

The GWB administration was one of many. But as someone said, if they are supposedly on your side then they are freedom fighters:S:S

In my mind, anyone that kills anyone for political reasons without trial, is a terrorist.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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why are most terrorists muslim?

Ahh wait is that statement even factual?

Are you looking at only a certain fraction of time in history? Or maybe we need to spend more time trying to understand what or who is a terrorist?
Oh wait we already did that thread and the only thing that made sense was perspective of the person who is passing the judgment. Which means there is no simple standard that applies.


not all muslims are terrorists but I would have liked to see more muslims publicly speak against these people.

There was and it depends on the "terrorist" not all "terrorist" are creaited equal.


I'm happy I'm not Muslim.

Why? is there something awful that happens to people who decide to follow Islam?
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Eco terrorists.

That one seems to be more of a self-referential label, as in "yeah, I'm cool because I'm an eco-terrorist". Everyone else just calls them "those nuts that chain themselves to trees".
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Why? is there something awful that happens to people who decide to follow Islam?

Yes there is.

The rights of more than half of the planets population are turned into those of second class human beings.

Thanks but I will stick with the rights that have been hard won for women...here in the 21st century..... not those that women had in the 7th century.

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Because you can't spell "terrorist" without "Muslim."

Well, actually you can't spell "terrorist" without " . .s. . i . " You don't really need all the other letters. So perhaps we should give the Mulms a break, and go after those damn is's.

On the other hand, you know those small neighborhood stores everyone is always promoting over Wal-Mart? You really can't spell "terrorist" without "store." At all. Heck, "terrorist" is just "store" with one extra terrorist-sympathizing letter. Blow a few stores up, and arrest anyone who refers to themselves as "I" and you'll be making some real progress against terrorists. Pretty soon people won't be able to even spell the word.

So what's it going to be? Pal around with terrorists in your local neighborhood store, or get tough on terror?

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And yeah, most of your other examples were not relevant.

Not relevant - maybe that's the excuse the media uses to remove the word terrorist from any white mass-murderers. The 15 people killed in Germany probably weren't that relevant, which is why the perpetrator was only referred to as a "teen gunman", and not a terrorist.

I, too, have been reading about renewed acts of violence in northern Ireland. So far, none of the reports I've read have called any of the murderers there "terrorists" - the closest I've seen are reports that terrorism may return to Northern Ireland. What about the ones that have already killed several police officers there? Why haven't they been labeled as terrorists? Dissidents, rioters, nutters, idiots, but not terrorists. Is it because they have the wrong skin color? Or the wrong religion?
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Ahh wait is that statement even factual?

I'm pretty sure it is.
if you want to "play" with the definition or look at ancient history, be my guest. it won't change anything.


Why? is there something awful that happens to people who decide to follow Islam?

no, only that it is heavily tainted by those who claim blowing up school buses is Allah's wish.

as always, in your mind if someone is arab/muslim/palestinian they must be right and you have to defend them. If i were you, I would have been the first to condemn this "branch" of Islam that puts a dark mark on a whole religion.
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Not relevant - maybe that's the excuse the media uses to remove the word terrorist from any white mass-murderers. The 15 people killed in Germany probably weren't that relevant, which is why the perpetrator was only referred to as a "teen gunman", and not a terrorist.

That was a lone nutter, not a nutter manipulated by a political extremnist faction. :S


Is it because they have the wrong skin color? Or the wrong religion?

Well, if you really are detemined to see muslims discriminated against in this issue, don't let me stop you from it..
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Why? is there something awful that happens to people who decide to follow Islam?

no, only that western opnion about it is heavily tainted by those who claim blowing up school buses is Allah's wish.

No holy text preaches violence.
It's the occasional corrupt and power hungry figurehead who manipulates their followers into senseless wars and acts of violence.
It's the interpretation that is at fault.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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It's the occasional corrupt and power hungry figurehead who

exactly. and by that they taint the rest.
what I would like to see from other muslim is a total rejection of those who "manipulate their followers into senseless wars and acts of violence".

no religion is bad. people are bad. terrorists who justify their actions as the wish of Allah cause more damage to other muslims than to their intended victims.


western opnion about it

yeah well, I look at things from a western point of view. if some other culture sees these people as heros than it says more about them than about me...
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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why are most terrorists muslim? I don't know, the two things I can say about it are:
- not all muslims are terrorists but I would have liked to see more muslims publicly speak against these people.
- I'm happy I'm not Muslim.

So bored of hearing this tired drivel. There has been a massive outcry amoungst Muslims around the world against terrorism. Its just that you either deliberatly choose to be blind and deaf to it or that you need a wider reading list.
As for the last comment, I'm sure there are many Muslims and Christians who are glad they are not Jewish, thing is if they say it they are accused of being anti semitic.
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There has been a massive outcry amoungst Muslims around the world against terrorism

not enough in my opinion and for sure not around where I live.
considering that the majority of victims (at least lately) are muslims, I would expect a bigger outcry.


I'm sure there are many Muslims and Christians who are glad they are not Jewish, thing is if they say it they are accused of being anti semitic.

I have no problem with you not wanting to be jewish. my point was that I'd hate to be in a position where I need to defend my values and faith because of some assholes who use it in such a way. I never said there is anything wrong with muslims so please don't twist my words.

and you know what? in the (luckily very few) incident where someone carried out an act of terror in the name of my religion (e.g the idiot Dr who killed worshipers in Hebron in 94), I was ashamed and outraged.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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and you know what? in the (luckily very few) incident where someone carried out an act of terror in the name of my religion...I was ashamed and outraged.

Me too.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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western opnion about it

yeah well, I look at things from a western point of view. if some other culture sees these people as heros than it says more about them than about me...

I added "western opinion" because we mean the same thing:


terrorists who justify their actions as the wish of Allah cause more damage to other muslims than to their intended victims.

- in my opnion not only because of innocent victims, but also because Joe Ignorant starts to associate ALL muslims with terrorists / a terrorism preaching god.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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and you know what? in the (luckily very few) incident where someone carried out an act of terror in the name of my religion...I was ashamed and outraged.

Me too.

When I first learnt about the crusades in high school, I was very impressed with noble heroes such as Richard the Lion-Hearted...
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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