
That's "President A**hole" to you

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I am stunned, shocked, and horribly disappointed that our president would make such a blatantly ignorant and offensive remark about children with mental retardation and disabilities.

You've probably heard by now that Mr. Obama was on Leno last night and compared his recent bowling game (where he bowled a 129) to being like "special olympics or something", while laughing about it.

Obama supporters, don't bother with excuses - there are none. He is our president, not some f*cking comedian or typical loudmouth celebrity. His remark was in the worst possible taste and a shining example of a man showing his true colors, no pun intended.

I guess he thinks watching kids with unfortunate life situations is humorous.

Mr. Obama, you are a first rate asshole.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I guess it's a good thing that President Obama didn't attempt to make excuses and called the head of the Special Olympics immediately following the taping of the show (and prior to it airing) to apologize. Compare this to Gov. Palin, who is planning to turn down $170 million of stimulus funds for education, some of which would have gone to help special needs children, and then ask yourself who's the bigger ass hole and who's the bigger friend to those with this condition.

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I guess it's a good thing that President Obama didn't attempt to make excuses and called the head of the Special Olympics immediately following the taping of the show (and prior to it airing) to apologize. Compare this to Gov. Palin, who is planning to turn down $170 million of stimulus funds for education, some of which would have gone to help special needs children, and then ask yourself who's the bigger ass hole and who's the bigger friend to those with this condition.

Yep, I knew it - it took less than 5 minutes for someone to respond, running to Obama's rescue. If you want to talk about Gov. Palin, start a thread and let's discuss it. That has nothing to do with this and should stand on its' own if you take issue with it.

And of course he apologized. That's called damage control and may or may not have any sincerity connected to it.

Once again, the libs don't debate on merit. They just try to divert the conversation.

Mr. Obama showed last night just what an absolute mindless, rude asshole he is.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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As I'm sure you're all aware- I'm not exactly Obama's #1 fan... I'm somewhere around #250,000,000 (in the states anyway).

Not gonna lie, I giggled a little largley cuz that came from the prez. I'm glad the guy is human though and hasn't turned completely into a bag of political rhetoric as I was beginning to suspect. Just sucks it took a freaking Leno appearance to get it out.

I could never be a politician, if that gets your panties in a bunch, i'd be in serious trouble as a public figure. I'd much rather have a dude in the whitehouse than a stepford husband.

edit: a dude that doesn't tax the bejesus out of people, or meddles with aspects of the business world he doesn't have the first clue about, and doesn't spend even more than he taxes...;)

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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I'm not running to his rescue as he doesn't need rescuing. He fucked up, realized he fucked up, and immediately apologized for it. You are certainly free to debate the sincerity of the apology, but the Chairman of the Special Olympics found the apology "very moving".
Gov. Palin was brought up to point out that while what he said was offensive and shouldn't have been said, actions still speak louder than words and there are people acting like much bigger ass holes out there.

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People need to relax when it comes to the MRDD population. As Roxanne says "They're fucking retarded". Quit trying to make them something other than what they are. I can assure you it's the non-retarded population that cringes at the term. BTW, she's Director of Nursing at a facility that houses 32 profoundly retarded adults and one of the most compassionate people I've ever known.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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When we started our first 4-way team, we'd refer to ourselves "Perris Special Olympics" for a while. The next year someone else took up that mantle. It's a good thing you don't jump or you'd be offended pretty much all the time.

Bill - this is for you and the other replies downplaying my "outrage".

I have as much a sense of humor as the next guy - maybe more. I enjoy all kinds of humor, much of which many would consider very offensive (ask me about being part of the Stevens and Pruett Radio Show sometime;)). However, this wasn't a joke passed around on the plane or around the fire over a beer. This was the president, the most watched and listened to man on the planet, and the man who is THE representation of the American people.

I was not offended that Mr. Obama said what he said. I was offended that my president said it, and even did so on worldwide television.

And by the way, I loooove the way the libs are downplaying this. It shows more than Obama's colors.

If a republican did the same thing, he'd be getting barbecued here today and you know it.

Class isn't throwing white house parties and jetting off to Chicago for Valentine's Day dinner. It's knowing how to carry yourself. Mr. Obama's actions were classless.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I'm not running to his rescue as he doesn't need rescuing. He fucked up, realized he fucked up, and immediately apologized for it. You are certainly free to debate the sincerity of the apology, but the Chairman of the Special Olympics found the apology "very moving".
Gov. Palin was brought up to point out that while what he said was offensive and shouldn't have been said, actions still speak louder than words and there are people acting like much bigger ass holes out there.

Well put, but the Palin reference still doesn't fly with me. That's a story for another thread, and I will gladly debate it on its own merit.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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>However, this wasn't a joke passed around on the plane or around
>the fire over a beer. This was the president, the most watched and
>listened to man on the planet, and the man who is THE representation of
>the American people.

I agree. It was stupid to say on TV. It would be like Tom, our sometime 4-way partner, telling one of his blonde jokes when on the podium at Nationals. Funny joke, inappropriate time.

Good to hear that you're not offended by such jokes, and you don't really think that people who tell them special-olympics jokes "think watching kids with unfortunate life situations is humorous."

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Obama supporters, don't bother with excuses

Why would we make any? It was an insensitive comment. But I'm glad to hear that your tolerance level for such comments is very low. I'll be sure to remember that for future reference. Unless of course you're simply not allowing a crisis to go to waste for political gamesmanship's sake.;)

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Class isn't throwing white house parties and jetting off to Chicago for Valentine's Day dinner. It's knowing how to carry yourself. Mr. Obama's actions were classless.

Exactly, class is bombing and invading another country to prove something to Daddy..killing thousands without a valid reason....now that is fucking class.

it was a fucking joke...

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Class isn't throwing white house parties and jetting off to Chicago for Valentine's Day dinner. It's knowing how to carry yourself. Mr. Obama's actions were classless.

Exactly, class is bombing and invading another country to prove something to Daddy..killing thousands without a valid reason....now that is fucking class.

it was a fucking joke...

Conversation diversion attempt. A bad one, but one nonetheless. Can you libs ever just discuss the topic at hand?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Obama supporters, don't bother with excuses

Why would we make any? It was an insensitive comment. But I'm glad to hear that your tolerance level for such comments is very low. I'll be sure to remember that for future reference. Unless of course you're simply not allowing a crisis to go to waste for political gamesmanship's sake.;)

No gamesmanship here. I am truly offended that my president would make such a remark publicly and I believe it says a lot about his ability - or lack thereof - to behave appropriately for the situation.

If you knew me you would know that my "tolerance for such comments" is actually very high. It's my tolerance for seeing my president do it in front of the world that I have no tolerance for.

Some of us still feel a sense of deep respect for the office, even if we don't agree with the person filling it.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I'm am curious how much time and effort you've spent helping the Special Olympics before suddenly taking up their banner after Obama's gaffe (and just like the Nancy Reagen comment, it was a political gaffe). Volunteered there? Contributed financially?
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No gamesmanship here. I am truly offended that my president would make such a remark publicly and I believe it says a lot about his ability - or lack thereof - to behave appropriately for the situation.

If you knew me you would know that my "tolerance for such comments" is actually very high. It's my tolerance for seeing my president do it in front of the world that I have no tolerance for.

So which enraged you more, "the bombing will begin in five minutes" from Reagan or Bush's physical comedy act of looking under the table for WMDs?

Some of us still feel a sense of deep respect for the office, even if we don't agree with the person filling it.

You needed to warn me on that one. Now I've got diet coke in my sinuses:D
A very brief search will show how much respect you have for the office when Obama's in it.

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I think the weird thing for me was that the official statement from the white house press office afterward seemed to confuse the Special Olympics and the Paralympics.

I don't really mind the original comment, though.
-- Tom Aiello


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When we started our first 4-way team, we'd refer to ourselves "Perris Special Olympics" for a while. The next year someone else took up that mantle. If you were at Perris you'd be offended pretty much all the time.

That's quite a stretch for a BDIF.
I guess there's a reason no sitting President has been on a late night variety show in decades. Maybe a little common sense would have prevented it entirely. Is the comment a big deal? I dont think so. Is it rediculous for the President to be on a comedy show making gaffes? Absolutely.

Stay positive and love your life.

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>I guess there's a reason no sitting President has been on a late
>night variety show in decades.

I commend you for the remarkably rapid about-face to another way to criticize him. The Obama-haters are definitely on their toes today.

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