
Personal Firearms Ownership.

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Actually, that wasn't what I was thinking.

It was more along the lines of "what did we know about this particular criminal before the act that would have told us he shouldn't have weapons?"

The nazi thing can't be used to confiscate weapons. Nazi sympathies are legal, same as communist sympathies and a whole host of other oddball beliefs. For example, I'm a Ron Paul sympathizer, and that's pretty far out there.

In order to confiscate his weapons before the crime, you need something pretty solid to hang a removal of constitutional rights on.

Weird political views certainly aren't enough--in fact they're constitutionally protected.

Weird behavior? You need a real psychiatric evaluation, or you're going to catch a lot of BASE jumpers in there--if most skydivers think we're nuts, what are most non-jumpers thinking?

Unless we're talking about real criminal or psychiatric records (and if memory serves that guy had neither) it's going to be real hard to find a narrowly tailored test that would have caught him and wouldn't catch (for example) me.
-- Tom Aiello


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The nazi thing can't be used to confiscate weapons. Nazi sympathies are legal, same as communist sympathies and a whole host of other oddball beliefs. For example, I'm a Ron Paul sympathizer, and that's pretty far out there.

Yes, about that, Janet Reno will be at your house this evening to collect your weapons.

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It was more along the lines of "what did we know about this particular criminal before the act that would have told us he shouldn't have weapons?"

He had beaten a woman, threatened to kill her, had a restraining order placed against him and had violated it. Additionally, there were numerous instances of the police being called out to his neighborhood to stop fights he had started.

While I agree that you can't arrest him for his political views, I think the other items I've mentioned clearly show the guy had some issues and really did call for further action.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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...had a restraining order placed against him and had violated it.

I can go with that. If he had violated a restraining order I can see restricting some rights until that issue was resolved, at the very least.
-- Tom Aiello


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