
And now Maine is legalizing gay marriage

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And New Hampshire may be next :o



(CNN) -- Same-sex marriage became legal in Maine on Wednesday as Gov. John Baldacci signed a bill less than an hour after the state legislature approved it.

Maine Gov. John Baldacci signed a bill Wednesday legalizing same-sex marriage.

"I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage," said Baldacci, a Democrat.

But he raised the possibility that the residents of the state would overturn the law, saying, "Just as the Maine Constitution demands that all people are treated equally under the law, it also guarantees that the ultimate political power in the State belongs to the people."

The Human Rights Campaign, a gay and lesbian rights organization, praised Maine's new law.

"This law is simply about making sure that loving, committed couples, and their families, receive equal rights and responsibilities. This is a step that will strengthen Maine families," Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese said in a statement.

New Hampshire lawmakers were discussing a similar bill Wednesday, but it was not clear whether the House would reach a decision. There was a move to refer the bill back to committee, which would delay a vote.

New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch said last week that he did not think the law is necessary, because the state recognizes civil unions.


What kind of crazy topsy-turvy world do we live in when "liberal" California outlaws same-sex marriage, and has some of the most stringent marijuana-usage laws, and "conservative" New Hampshire and Maine are legalizing gay marriage, and both states currently have proposals to decriminalize pot??
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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California outlaws same-sex marriage, and has some of the most stringent marijuana-usage laws,

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. CA hardly has the most stringent pot laws - Jerry Brown made possession an infraction back in the 70s. And the Gov has opened the door to the already proposed notions on full legalization.

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If "conservative" means "government that interferes as little as possible in the activities of consenting adults", it makes perfect sense. If "conservative" means "I'm going to demand that everybody else follows my religious principles", I agree it is a confusing situation. Personally, I think it is a step in the right direction.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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What kind of crazy topsy-turvy world do we live in when "liberal" California outlaws same-sex marriage, and has some of the most stringent marijuana-usage laws, and "conservative" New Hampshire and Maine are legalizing gay marriage, and both states currently have proposals to decriminalize pot??

:o So, why then did *you* allow an alien to take over the wheel in sunny California??

On our side of the pond we use to think that the brain of USoA is sitting at the east coast - seems to be true B|

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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If "conservative" means "government that interferes as little as possible in the activities of consenting adults", it makes perfect sense. If "conservative" means "I'm going to demand that everybody else follows my religious principles", I agree it is a confusing situation. Personally, I think it is a step in the right direction.



I think a lot of so called "conservatives" seem to forget that little item:S:S:S

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So! Why does that affect your life?

'cause I'm an American that believes in equality. I think there are still a few of us left that care about such things. Even if I'm not trying to marry someone of the same sex, I'm glad a few states have the courage to do the right thing.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Even if I'm not trying to marry someone of the same sex

You just wait buddy... Soon, the Socialist Empire of America will designate the right man for you and force you to marry him. Them darn gays are out to convert you!

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What kind of crazy topsy-turvy world do we live in when "liberal" California outlaws same-sex marriage, and has some of the most stringent marijuana-usage laws, and "conservative" New Hampshire and Maine are legalizing gay marriage, and both states currently have proposals to decriminalize pot??

It appears that the crazy topsy turvey world you live in must be right wing world, where facts are meaningless, freedom and equality are for normal white folks only, and nothing should ever change or evolve.

California is really quite conservative in many areas. New Hampshire and Maine are fairly progressive.

It won't be long now until the folks that speak out against gay marriage will be treated the same way that people who speak out against inter-racial marriage are now. The times are changing, like it or not.

All of the same tired arguments were used by conservatives when inter-racial marriage was an issue. Before that, it was segragation. You know, the bullshit about "it's in the bible", and "it has traditionally been wrong" and "We have always done it that way", etc, etc. Same shit, different issue. Wrong then, and wrong now. Try reading some history, actual hiostory as written by those that lived it.

I had a really amusing conversation with someone who was opposed to gay marriage. She was going on about how wrong it was, it was against tradition, and that the bible was clear about marriage being between 1 man and 1 woman, etc, etc. Essentially the same talking points we always hear. I asked how she felt about the concept of property ownership and was she aware that until the 1960s, an un-married adult woman could not own property in her own name. (She is single and owns her house) I asked if she was aware that inter-racial marriage was illegal, in some states, as late as 1967. (she is half white/half dark skinned Guatemalan, and her parents are still married) I pointed out that both of those massive social changes went through against tremendous conservative opposition. I asked if she would have been cool with life if the conservatives of those times had prevailed. She was unable to answer for a short while, then said "No, I don't think so".
I then asked why she wanted to prevent others from having the freedoms she enjoyed. She didn't have an answer at all.

I rocked her world, in a pleasant and non-confrontational way.

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Obama said during the campaign that marriage should stay between a man and a woman. Doesn't that make him a homophobe? :D

Of course he also said that he supports civil unions that would have all of the same legal implications as a marriage, just a different name. Why would he do that (didn't disagree at all with McCain on this issue)? Because he is just an ordinary politician!

I don't care if gays want to marry, but then I don't see how laws against polygamy can be justified, or laws restricting marriage to blood relatives. The same arguments apply - how does it affect another person's marriage, what goes on in private...

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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but then I don't see how laws against polygamy can be justified, or laws restricting marriage to blood relatives. The same arguments apply - how does it affect another person's marriage, what goes on in private...

I don't support polygamy, but I don't think it should be outlawed either. Two consenting adults, IMO, applies to three or more consenting adults. OTOH, I don't fully understand the reasoning behind the polygamy laws, other than (again) religious values that underscore our laws. Either that, or they really just hated the original Mormons (not the current ones).

I can see restricitng blood-marriage because it affects children.

Gay marriage allows freedom and equality between two consenting adults, and there is no social drawback, other than offending some religions that started thousands of years ago. And it grosses out many heterosexuals, which is probably the main reason it's controversial.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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It won't be long now until the folks that speak out against gay marriage will be treated the same way that people who speak out against inter-racial marriage are now. The times are changing, like it or not.

All of the same tired arguments were used by conservatives when inter-racial marriage was an issue. Before that, it was segragation. You know, the bullshit about "it's in the bible", and "it has traditionally been wrong" and "We have always done it that way", etc, etc. Same shit, different issue. Wrong then, and wrong now. Try reading some history, actual hiostory as written by those that lived it.

+1 .... These people just don't see it, but down the road they will be looked at just as people who are against interracial marriage and equal rights among all races are today. They spew the same exact jargon that people tried to throw out back in the day when blacks wanted the same freedoms that whites wanted. It is such a simple concept-- Equal rights for ALL. Thats what our law states. Leave the bible and religion out of law and basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes I still can't believe that we are living in 2009 and injustices like this one still occur. [:/]
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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I don't fully understand the reasoning behind the polygamy laws

I think that polygamy has such a bad reputation is that so many of them victimize young girls. The age of consent and how that is used by polygamists is a separate issue from polygamy, in my opinion, and should be dealt with separately, perhaps polygamist marriages should require the girl to be over 18 without exception.


I can see restricitng blood-marriage because it affects children.

Of course it is more likely that children will have problems, but we allow people that will most definitely be passing on genetic problems to get married and have children, and just because blood relatives aren't married doesn't prevent them from making kids together. Some blood relative couples can't make kids, shouldn't there be an exception for them? If yes, then we should all admit that we'd face the fact of having to be accepting of those relationships, for if 2 brothers (or any other now - taboo combination you could think of) want to get married, then nobody should think it is wrong, isn't that correct?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I don't fully understand the reasoning behind the polygamy laws

I think that polygamy has such a bad reputation is that so many of them victimize young girls. The age of consent and how that is used by polygamists is a separate issue from polygamy, in my opinion, and should be dealt with separately, perhaps polygamist marriages should require the girl to be over 18 without exception.

I think the reasons in the 19th were simply religious intolerance and morality turned law. Aside from the problem you mention, the problem now would be regulatory. We certainly do reward marriage on many financial levels (aside from the taxation of dual income professionals), but it's all based on binary pairs. How would those be rewritten for 3? for 10? It would become quite the tax shelter, I'd think.



I can see restricitng blood-marriage because it affects children.

Of course it is more likely that children will have problems, but we allow people that will most definitely be passing on genetic problems to get married and have children, and just because blood relatives aren't married doesn't prevent them from making kids together. Some blood relative couples can't make kids, shouldn't there be an exception for them? If yes, then we should all admit that we'd face the fact of having to be accepting of those relationships, for if 2 brothers (or any other now - taboo combination you could think of) want to get married, then nobody should think it is wrong, isn't that correct?

Since we're leaving the notion that marriage is about having children, and since siblings can breed freaks without being married, there's something to this. But permitting such marriage may convey support for such badly advised offspring.

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I don't think the government should have any more say over who gets married than it does over who gets baptized. However it *should* make laws that protect children (and animals) from predatory adults. Realistically though, I realize the government is not going to get themselves out of marriage (or anything else they get themselves into), so I'd be ok with a federal law that better defined marriage in terms of contract law, such that those parties who cannot legally enter into a contract (e.g. minors and animals) cannot legally enter into a marriage. Barring that, do we really need to assume that marriage includes sex? The problem with allowing blood relatives or minors to marry mostly relates to them having sex more than it does exchanging rings, right?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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We certainly do reward marriage on many financial levels (aside from the taxation of dual income professionals), but it's all based on binary pairs. How would those be rewritten for 3? for 10?

That slight difficulty shouldn't stop the drive to remove the bigotry. It is just a matter of figuring a reasonable set of laws to control the benefits while being married, and what should happen with divorce.


Since we're leaving the notion that marriage is about having children, and since siblings can breed freaks without being married, there's something to this. But permitting such marriage may convey support for such badly advised offspring.

If the desire to prevent bad genetic conditions is all that is making blood-relative marriage illegal, then there should be a LOT of other people that should face similar restrictions.

If a friend of yours came up to you and admitted they were gay, you're supposed to be accepting and supportive. If that same friend admitted that their gay lover is their brother/sister, then you should also be accepting and supportive, correct?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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We certainly do reward marriage on many financial levels (aside from the taxation of dual income professionals), but it's all based on binary pairs. How would those be rewritten for 3? for 10? It would become quite the tax shelter, I'd think.

The tax code could be simplified by just removing all those marriage references. The government shouldn't care whether you participate in a religous institution.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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