
Ms California and Family Values

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Interesting. My perception is that the right is far more vitriolic than the left. Could be that my natural orientation is more left-ish, and yours is more right-ish. And neither of us (from what I can gather from what you right) would be considered a knee-jerk dyed-in-the-wool far-right or far-left type. What sounds like funny insider jokes to some can sound like vitriol to people who don't think they're part of the fun.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Interesting. My perception is that the right is far more vitriolic than the left. Could be that my natural orientation is more left-ish, and yours is more right-ish.

Interestingly, I thought of myself as being on the left until I arrived on campus for my first year of college and witnessed the incredibly hateful actions and attitudes of the "left" there. Coming from a relatively normal small town upbringing it was an incredible shock to me.
-- Tom Aiello


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Could be that my natural orientation is more left-ish, and yours is more right-ish.

that's probably the most likely reason for our different observations. we all shoot incoming info through our own prisms.

there are exceptions. i am atheist, but tend to see a certain amount of persecution of christianity by the left. by the same token i can also see nastiness coming from certain religious groups, most recently the mormons stand against gay marriage and the catholic church's wadded panties over obama at notre dame, but that's it's own thread.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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> i'm not saying there isn't hatred on the right, i'm saying the the degree
>and breadth is far greater coming from the left.

And I'm saying that the only way you can believe that is if you are getting your news from very specific (and narrowly focused) sources. Right wing news sources want to get you outraged over liberals and want you to ignore what conservatives are doing (and vice versa.)

>the point of my comment was that the left would love to see it silenced.

Well, at least as much as the right wing wants NPR silenced.

>the left widely and viciously attacks fox news and tries to destroy its
>credibility constantly.

FOX is doing a good job of that on its own!

>i stand by my observation that the left is more hateful.

And I'll stand by my observation that the extremes of both parties are hateful - and are also a small percentage of the overall total If you spend all your time on websites/listening to shows whose purpose is to generate outrage directed at democrats, your worldview will be that the left is hateful as a rule, and the right wing is reasonable, fair and courteous generally.

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> i'm not saying there isn't hatred on the right, i'm saying the the degree and breadth is far greater coming from the left.

Bill, I agree with TrophyHusband, and my observations is not based on any web sites, television, radio or other media. It's based on my personal experiences with people of various persuasions.
-- Tom Aiello


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>Bill, I agree with TrophyHusband, and my observations is not based on any
>web sites, television, radio or other media. It's based on my personal
>experiences with people of various persuasions.

And around here, talking to the people I live with and work with, it's the right wingers who are by far the more vitriolic and intolerant. Wendy has apparently had the same experience.

Like I said, I think overall both sides have their share of rude, intolerant loudmouths. But often, people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest.

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> i'm not saying there isn't hatred on the right, i'm saying the the degree
>and breadth is far greater coming from the left.

And I'm saying that the only way you can believe that is if you are getting your news from very specific (and narrowly focused) sources. Right wing news sources want to get you outraged over liberals and want you to ignore what conservatives are doing (and vice versa.)

wrong bill. i believe that not from what i see on fox news or hear on talk radio but from what i have observed from those on the left, not only on radio and tv, but both on these forums and to a greater extent liberals i am in contact with in person as opposed to righties i have personal contact with.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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>Yeah right, that is why Fox dominates the ratings in every category.

Which is why the claim "the liberals want to destroy FOX!" holds no water.

It is pretty cool how reliably the right-wingers here defend a news organization that presents news with the bias they prefer. It's an example of how people will staunchly defend a source of news that paints the world the way they want it painted, and an example of how that can change one's perception of the world.

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Which is why the claim "the liberals want to destroy FOX!" holds no water.

Wanting to and being able to are two different things.

It is pretty cool how reliably the right-wingers here defend a news organization that presents news with the bias they prefer.

Bill, you don't have to defend it when it is fact. So you are saying that the "left-wingers" don't watch the news with the bias that they prefer????? Yeah right.............NOT;)
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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>Bill, you don't have to defend it when it is fact.

Then what does it say about that news outlet that people here constantly feel the need to defend it?

>So you are saying that the "left-wingers" don't watch the news with
>the bias that they prefer?

Of course they do; a great many choose a news source that best fits what they want to be told. And that leads to them having the same sorts of misconceptions that right-wingers do.

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FOX is doing a good job of that on its own!

Yeah right, that is why Fox dominates the ratings in every category. And don't even try and bring that weak "entertainment" justification to the play ground.

Has nothing to do with content. If they are sucessful and big(like walmart and big oil and big corp) they are to be hated.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Yeah right, that is why Fox dominates the ratings in every category.

Which is why the claim "the liberals want to destroy FOX!" holds no water.

It is pretty cool how reliably the right-wingers here defend a news organization that presents news with the bias they prefer. It's an example of how people will staunchly defend a source of news that paints the world the way they want it painted, and an example of how that can change one's perception of the world.

This is because they have not had a closer to fair news outlet in 50 years
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Bill, you don't have to defend it when it is fact.

Then what does it say about that news outlet that people here constantly feel the need to defend it?

>So you are saying that the "left-wingers" don't watch the news with
>the bias that they prefer?

Of course they do; a great many choose a news source that best fits what they want to be told. And that leads to them having the same sorts of misconceptions that right-wingers do.

billvon, people only defend what is attacked. Something you have been quite visable doing lately
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Bill, I agree with TrophyHusband, and my observations is not based on any
>web sites, television, radio or other media. It's based on my personal
>experiences with people of various persuasions.

And around here, talking to the people I live with and work with, it's the right wingers who are by far the more vitriolic and intolerant. Wendy has apparently had the same experience.

Like I said, I think overall both sides have their share of rude, intolerant loudmouths. But often, people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest.


Amazon is a perfect example of what tom and trophy husband are talking about. You may spin things and give people some crap, and that is ok, but Amazon usaully just attacks. that is the type of things that give people the perspective of the left or right being vitriolic and intolerent.

We don't have to agree but the attacking is the wrong thing to do. the attacks on Palin, joe, and Ms California were vicious and uncalled for. You may not agree but they all have the right to thier opinions and did not deserve the hatefull attacks and the investigations into their personal lives just because they had an opinion defferent from the left.

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>Amazon is a perfect example of what tom and trophy husband are talking about.

Right. And we have plenty of examples on the other side, who do nothing but attack Pelosi, Gore, Sheehan etc etc.

>We don't have to agree but the attacking is the wrong thing to do. the
> attacks on Palin, joe, and Ms California were vicious and uncalled for.

Fair enough. Of course that goes for the attacks on Pelosi, Iraq war widows and US veterans by the right wing as well.

>You may not agree but they all have the right to thier opinions and
>did not deserve the hatefull attacks and the investigations into their
>personal lives just because they had an opinion defferent from the left.

Just as, say, Al Gore has the right to his opinions, and does not deserve hateful attacks and investigations into his personal life (i.e. his energy use?)

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So you're saying it does need defending; Mike said pretty clearly it doesn't need defending if it's fact. QED.

Just because people chose to defend it does not mean that it needs to be defended.

I personally watch both Fox and CNN. That way I am pretty much guaranteed to get all the views. As for the rest of the alphabet channels, they are just a waste of air space to me.
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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So you're saying it does need defending; Mike said pretty clearly it doesn't need defending if it's fact. QED.

Just because people chose to defend it does not mean that it needs to be defended.

I personally watch both Fox and CNN. That way I am pretty much guaranteed to get all the views. As for the rest of the alphabet channels, they are just a waste of air space to me.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Just as, say, Al Gore has the right to his opinions, and does not deserve hateful attacks and investigations into his personal life (i.e. his energy use?)


Al Gore? Because people either don't agree with him or wonder how serious he is because he deffinately doesn't practice what he preaches. How serious can people think he is about global warming be if his cabon footprint is one of the largest in the country and has not done anything to set an example?

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>How serious can people think he is about global warming be if his cabon footprint
>is one of the largest in the country and has not done anything to set an example?

How seriously can you take a woman who preaches about family values - and got her start in modeling by posing topless? Is she "off limits" because she's a good conservative, but Gore deserves all the hate and dredging through his personal life because he's a liberal?

Your double standard is showing.

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>How serious can people think he is about global warming be if his cabon footprint
>is one of the largest in the country and has not done anything to set an example?

How seriously can you take a woman who preaches about family values - and got her start in modeling by posing topless?

I thought the best part was the co-director who quit over it, citing it as setting a poor example for her children to continue being involved in a pageant where someone had some near-naked photos. The hilarious part was that the director who quit was a former Playboy centerfold.
-- Tom Aiello


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