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JohnRich 4
QuoteHe was for it before he was against it.
Yeah, we're seeing a lot of that from Obama.
It's very entertaining, because the liberals elected him to change the way things were done by Bush, and now he keeps doing things the same way that Bush did them. So all his promises of "change" ring hollow. And the liberal supporters don't know what to do with themselves, because he's violating the promises they relied upon to vote for him. But at the same time, they don't dare criticize their golden boy. And their silence implies their agreement with his Bush-style policies, which they previously deemed evil.
The irony of all this is just hilarious. The Obamites are going to need psychological counseling to sort out all the confusion and contradictions.
I've attached the new symbol of the Obama administration, below.
(You liberals may now proceed to accuse me of being a racist for using the term "golden boy".)
QuoteQuotethanks dude, there's nothing this thread needed more than some good old republican bashing. instead, why don't you try defending obama? that would add far more to this discussion.
So ot is Ok the be a obama basher but not a pubican basher?
that's not at all what i'm saying. you can do what you want, i'm just asking you to defend your side instead of bashing the other side in this instance, and in case you haven't noticed, i'm not bashing obama here (that doesn't mean i won't do it in another thread), i'm praising him.
"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
QuoteQuoteinstead, why don't you try defending obama?
He doesn't need defending, it is only neo con, far right warmonging, greedy cunts that think that.
do you have an opinion on this subject or are you just here to call names?
"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
QuoteQuoteHe was for it before he was against it.
Yeah, we're seeing a lot of that from Obama.
It's very entertaining, because the liberals elected him to change the way things were done by Bush, and now he keeps retaining things the way Bush did them. So all his promises of "change" ring hollow. And the liberal supporters don't know what to do with themselves, because he's violating the promises they relied upon to vote for him. But at the same time, they don't dare criticize their golden boy. And their silence implies their agreement with his Bush-style policies, which they previously deemed evil.
The irony of all this is just hilarious. The Obamites are going to need psychological counseling to sort out all the confusion.
I've attached the new symbol of the Obama administration, below.
(You liberals may now proceed to accuse me of being a racist for using the term "golden boy".)
QuoteObama has a 1 track mind and that is to push his agenda towards socialism, all other descisions are for popularity only. that is why he keeps pushing for more government control on the major issues but flip flops on the rest. Trying to stay popular while driving the constitution off a cliff is difficult.
QuoteI personally feel he did this flip flop for damage control. to many dem's, like polosi are getting heat for their involvement and knowledge in the torture issues. Obama seems to flip on issues that will hurt his popularity.
i see it a little bit differently. of course to say that politics isn't playing a roll here would be foolish, but i think there is a much larger factor. i think that as he is coming to terms with the massive resposibility he has on his shoulders to keep america safe as well as his resposibility to our troops. he's gathering information and trying to make the best decisions. he knows things now that he didn't know when he was on the campaign trail and i don't think the flip-flop label is fair.
"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
QuoteQuoteI personally feel he did this flip flop for damage control. to many dem's, like polosi are getting heat for their involvement and knowledge in the torture issues. Obama seems to flip on issues that will hurt his popularity.
i see it a little bit differently. of course to say that politics isn't playing a roll here would be foolish, but i think there is a much larger factor. i think that as he is coming to terms with the massive resposibility he has on his shoulders to keep america safe as well as his resposibility to our troops. he's gathering information and trying to make the best decisions. he knows things now that he didn't know when he was on the campaign trail and i don't think the flip-flop label is fair.
QuoteI would agree with you if Obama had campaigned one way, then learned differently, then changed his mind, but he changes his mind more than once and usually after the news hits the airwaves. His changes seem to coincide with the backlash of reporters and people have spoken, not before. His descision should be made then release that descision, not test the waters then change his mind.
QuoteAnd the liberal supporters don't know what to do with themselves, because he's violating the promises they relied upon to vote for him. But at the same time, they don't dare criticize their golden boy.
that will change i think.
what i think is dangerous is the flip flop accusations. its something done mostly by the right and if i recall correctly, started with john kerry. i think it was justified in that instance, but since then we have taken to calling everyone who changes their mind a flip-flopper. reguardless of who is doing it to who, the problem with it is that politicians are just going to dig their heals in and be unwilling to change their minds on anything. we need those guys to be able to change their minds as cercunstances change or more information becomes available.
we have a guy in the white house who those on the right have vast differences with. now he makes a decision that we agree with and he still can't get credit for it? not good.
"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
QuoteQuoteAnd the liberal supporters don't know what to do with themselves, because he's violating the promises they relied upon to vote for him. But at the same time, they don't dare criticize their golden boy.
that will change i think.
what i think is dangerous is the flip flop accusations. its something done mostly by the right and if i recall correctly, started with john kerry. i think it was justified in that instance, but since then we have taken to calling everyone who changes their mind a flip-flopper. reguardless of who is doing it to who, the problem with it is that politicians are just going to dig their heals in and be unwilling to change their minds on anything. we need those guys to be able to change their minds as cercunstances change or more information becomes available.
we have a guy in the white house who those on the right have vast differences with. now he makes a decision that we agree with and he still can't get credit for it? not good.
QuoteIt is not that he got it right that bothers most, we are happy he did, it is that Obama is influenced and can be made to change his mind by applying pressure, thus showing he has week mind and characture. Obama has shown his beliefs are weak and the presidency is weak along with it. The enemies of the US are taking note and will use that to their advantage.
rushmc 23
QuoteQuoteinstead, why don't you try defending obama?
He doesn't need defending, it is only neo con, far right warmonging, greedy cunts that think that.
He is a true professional and is doing a splendid job of keeping you and me out of a depression, and regaining the respect of the rest of the world for the United states of america.

You owe me a key board!

if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
JohnRich 4
Quotei think that as he is coming to terms with the massive resposibility he has on his shoulders to keep america safe as well as his resposibility to our troops... he knows things now that he didn't know when he was on the campaign trail and i don't think the flip-flop label is fair.
Then I'd like to hear him say these magic words; "I was wrong before."
The chance of that happening? Zero.
QuoteQuotei think that as he is coming to terms with the massive resposibility he has on his shoulders to keep america safe as well as his resposibility to our troops... he knows things now that he didn't know when he was on the campaign trail and i don't think the flip-flop label is fair.
Then I'd like to hear him say these magic words; "I was wrong before."
The chance of that happening? Zero.
Quote0 none not a chance. I would respect him more if he did say " After seeing the relevant information I needed to change my mind for the benifir of the country."
To be precise, Obama turned this over to the courts. Had he really believed in this position, he would have signed an executive order saying the same. Being the limp spine political animal he is (and seeking re-election) he gave up his executive power so as to seem to be “fair”. In essence, he is a wimp. He has no guts and cares only about the polls and his “popularity. He could give a shit less about the troops.
And if he had chosen to instead release these photos, what would your complaint have been? Because it seems to me you'd have complained either way.
(drink Mountain Dew)
QuoteAnd their silence implies their agreement with his Bush-style policies, which they previously deemed evil.
Not at all John. But many of us can realize that the big picture, the well being of the country, is more important than petty bullshit political marksmanship.
Bush was bad for this country in a number of ways. It was an expensive, deadly, train wreck of an administration. What they did was wrong and they should have been held accountable years ago. Nothing would make me happier than to see him and his enablers called into full account on a world stage, with pictures and videos preceding the keel hauling exercise. Nothing would make me happier except one thing; our country recovering from one of the biggest mistakes of our history and doing so quickly, quietly and inexpensively. And if it takes being called a "flip flopper" or having to keep your mouth shut when you want to scream, then so be it. It sucks, but it's the right thing to do.
I'm unhappy that Cheney won't have these pics thrown in his face, but I understand. Obama made the right decision at this time.
mnealtx 0
QuoteQuoteAnd their silence implies their agreement with his Bush-style policies, which they previously deemed evil.
Not at all John. But many of us can realize that the big picture, the well being of the country, is more important than petty bullshit political marksmanship.
Yeah, ok... more of the "when a Dem does it, it's good...when a Republican does it, it's bad" song-and-dance, in other words...because y'all did nothing but "bullshit political marksmanship" for the last 8 years.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
TomAiello 26
nerdgirl 0
Q.”As we study strategic leadership here, we’ve learned that many times a strategic leader makes decisions and policies that are often resisted by various stakeholders for political, financial and sometimes moral reasons. As a strategic leader, sir, what have been some of your greatest ethical challenges as a leader making decisions, and what recommendations do you have to us?”
SEC. GATES:”… by the time a decision gets to the president, there are no good options.
“If there was a good option, somebody at a lower level would have made the decision and taken credit for it. (Laughter.)”
Nota bene: he started his response to the question by noting that “I would say I probably faced more ethical issues when I was director of CIA than as -- (laughter) -- the Secretary of Defense.”
Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying
Yeah, ok... more of the "when a Dem does it, it's good...when a Republican does it, it's bad" song-and-dance, in other words...because y'all did nothing but "bullshit political marksmanship" for the last 8 years.
Hardly. Yea, we complained about Bush LIKE CRAZY! We did it every day. But you're forgetting one very important thing.
We were right about damn near everything we criticized him for! Sorry that you guys didn't listen and get rid of him the first time you had a chance but even when he and the Republicans were betraying you, no betraying us, you folks just kept on embracing him. I'm not an "I told ya so" kinda guy but at times like these, when almost everyone is trying to get as far away from the Bushies as possible, it's really tempting.
But nope, I'm not gonna do it

He was voted by a majority to be leader, that is a fact you don't seem to fathom.
Sure I do. Doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he does.
he has den great things already.
Name one.
The war's still going (expanding actually), the economy is still in the shitter (getting worse actually), and the deficit is setting a new record (more than any 4 years of Bush combined actually).
QuoteKeeping america safe is not done by invading countries using lies as scare tactics to gain support
Scare tactics to gain support... kinda how the stimulus and budget were passed...
Quote, keeping america safe is done by gaining the respect of fellow countries and respecting differences.
Let me know when the Arab world, namely Iran and the Taliban, decide to start respecting differences.
Quotebt you don't sell too many guns that way though do you!
As stated, many more guns have been sold since Obama's administration took over. So, no, you don't sell too many guns that way.
Stay positive and love your life.
TomAiello 26
Quote...we complained about Bush LIKE CRAZY!
I'm not sure who the "we" and "you guys" are in this instance. Can you elaborate?
I seem to recall John McCain, for example, who I believe is a Republican, complaining quite a lot about "enhanced interrogation." It's also become quite obvious recently that Nancy Pelosi, who I think is a Democrat, did not complain about that at all.
The war's still going (expanding actually),
That's because we never should have left the location of the problem in favor of an optional war elsewhere. Now we're cleaning up after 43's bad decision.
Quotethe economy is still in the shitter (getting worse actually), and the deficit is setting a new record(more than any 4 years of Bush combined actually).
I don't think it's fair to give Obama a hard time because he hasn't pulled us out of a near depression in the first twelfth of his first term.
But yea, the deficit is a serious problem. How big do you think it would have been this year if McCain had won?
TomAiello 26
QuoteThat's because we never should have left the location of the problem in favor of an optional war elsewhere. Now we're cleaning up after 43's bad decision.
Ah, yes, the "it's all Bushes fault" surfaces again.
How long can the Obama administration continue to blame Bush for everything? My guess is that we're still going the be hearing this in the 7th or 8th year of the Obama presidency.
For what it's worth, Obama looks to me like he's just "Bush plus." He appears to be giving us the 3rd Bush term that he was campaigning against, with major expansions of pretty much all the Bush initiatives, along with the maintenance of various Bush foreign policy objectives.
I'm so thrilled to get 16 years of Obushma.
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