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pirana 0
QuoteOn the other hand, I have Quade. You have high school physics and jenga blocks.
I'll take Burning Stack Of Jenga Blocks for $1000 Bob.
pirana 0
QuoteHis opinion is that the bottom of the iron support structure would have to be compromised for the building to collapse in the manner that it did. That would mean that the jet fuel and fire would have had to have made it all the way to the bottom of the building. He didn't think that was feasible. It was his opinion that the jet fuel would have burned up while it was still on the upper floors of the building and the base of the building would have had to have been blown for the collapse to occur. He said he could also be wrong and that we should recreate the circumstances to see what would happen.
In other words, he did not actually understand the investigative reports or their findings at all.
pirana 0
QuoteHow can people wonder why a passport would survive? WTF? Why is that surprising? Things get thrown and blown all over from all the floors during the collapse, but the presence of a passport or any other piece of paper is supposed to be important, give me a break!
But is such a great CT talking point:
<> Steel, glass, and concrete building reduced to rubble, but . . .
It must have been done by aliens.
They mostly got pissed off because they couldn't get majority recognition for their crop circles.
pirana 0
QuoteQuote"If you were to come to Minnesota, I could have you locked up like that. That's power." Jesse Ventura
That picture makes it a lock. Ventura and Rodman, switched at birth.
Lefty 0
QuoteWell, I did confess to not really knowing. My take on him is just from a few bites I've heard and other people's opinions. What I've heard and from others gives me an image of a Rush Limbaugh knock-off.
Is he not as bad as that?
Think Rush Limbaugh without the sense of humor and with more Christianity thrown in. Of course, Rush Limbaugh isn't an extremist, either. The word "extreme" has lost all meaning because it gets attached to any description of the side that disagrees with the speaker--especially on these forums.
wmw999 2,485
Wendy P.
Lefty 0
QuoteQuestion -- who would you consider to be a conservative or right-side extremist?
Wendy P.
An extremist would be someone who advocates or uses violence to support their cause.
On the left:
Al Gore = not extreme.
People who hammer spikes into tress so loggers get injured = extreme.
On the right:
Rush Limbaugh = not extreme.
Abortion clinic bombers = extreme.
People nowadays don't reserve the word for the real nut jobs. They throw it around as a cheap attempt to discredit the other side without putting any mental effort into their own arguments.
Darius11 12
QuoteHow can people wonder why a passport would survive? WTF? Why is that surprising? Things get thrown and blown all over from all the floors during the collapse, but the presence of a passport or any other piece of paper is supposed to be important, give me a break!
Well when the passport is from one of the hijackers on a plan that burst in to flames as it rammed in to a building it kind of makes you wonder.
Like I said you are so sure of every thing I am not I don’t think I just magically know every thing to the point that questions are not allowed.
we have seen what being 100% sure and not asking questions has done for us in the past 8 years.
Darius11 12
QuoteGo ahead and vote for him, he won't do anything for you
Oh yea unlike all the other ones who have helped so much.
I like his honesty, and i love people who are not full of shit and pc all the time.
I don't know his life i am not his stalker. I liked what he said to hannity.
Darius11 12
It must have been done by aliens.
I love the reaction some of you have to questions.
Its funny when some are the same people who were sure about Iraq, the war, WMD, Torture, and the list goes on and on and on…………..
Good on you guys. Keep not asking questions and reassuring each other that your always right even if your wrong.
What a comfortable world you guys live in, granted you will never actually learn anything but comfortable none the less.

How does one know it all? and become so sure of one self?
Darius11 12
It seems that you guys know it all, and are just so sure of everything. To the point where the only reaction you have is mocking the people who actually say hey I am not so sure. Maybe we should find out.
Its fascinating for me how people can be dead wrong so often and so sure of themselves consistently.
Not to mention refuse all facts that do not support their view no matter the source and reach for any hearsay or BS they can find that supports their view point.
In matters of Bush, Iraq, WMD, Iran, 9-11 and Israel you guys just know it all no matter what the facts are.
Well, I did confess to not really knowing. My take on him is just from a few bites I've heard and other people's opinions. What I've heard and from others gives me an image of a Rush Limbaugh knock-off.
Is he not as bad as that?
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