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Compare/contrast Obama's statement on the Tiller murder (given the same day):

I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.

And, the statement on the murder of two US Army soldiers at a recruiting office in Little Rock (given 3 days later):

“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe.

Bolding mine...emphasis his. [:/]
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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So what's the beef here? If he used the same words you'd have some wisecrack about his teleprompter. What would the great MnealTX have said?

Couldn't tell you exactly what I'd say - I'm not a 'grand statesman' like 0bama is.

Too bad he couldn't bring up any of that eloquence he instantly had on hand after Tiller's murder in the 3 days it took him to get around to making a statement over the soldiers' murders.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>Too bad he couldn't bring up any of that eloquence he instantly had
>on hand after Tiller's murder . . .

Looked just as eloquent to me. Again, what would you have said? Or are you just looking for a reason to attack him again?

> in the 3 days it took him to get around to making a statement over the
> soldiers' murders.

Murder_s_? In your zeal to slime Obama you apparently have not even read anything about the incident.

The next time there's a death of a soldier, and you figure you can get some political mileage out of his death, perhaps research first, attack later would be a better plan.

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling rather than the substance of the post - I expect no less from you.

After all, EVERYONE knows that being "shocked and outraged" over a "heinous" murder is EXACTLY the same as being "deeply saddened" over a "senseless" murder.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling rather than the substance of the post - I expect no less from you.

After all, EVERYONE knows that being "shocked and outraged" over a "heinous" murder is EXACTLY the same as being "deeply saddened" over a "senseless" murder.

Just keep up with your phony outrage about every trivial thing that Obama does that annoys you. I plan to enjoy watching for the next 8 years. ;-)

It is hilarious how the righties are all OUTRAGED about Obama, and whinge and whine about the most trivial bullshit.

At least he said something. Shrub would have completely ignored both events.

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling

Liar. It wasn't a mispelling. A) you said it twice; B) 'Two' is not a mispelling of 'one'. You plainly didn't know the facts of the incident.


rather than the substance of the post

There is no substance. Just vague, incoherent bashing of someone you don't like for any tenuous reason you can find.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling rather than the substance of the post - I expect no less from you.

After all, EVERYONE knows that being "shocked and outraged" over a "heinous" murder is EXACTLY the same as being "deeply saddened" over a "senseless" murder.

Just keep up with your phony outrage about every trivial thing that Obama does that annoys you. I plan to enjoy watching for the next 8 years. ;-)

It is hilarious how the righties are all OUTRAGED about Obama, and whinge and whine about the most trivial bullshit.

At least he said something. Shrub would have completely ignored both events.


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling

Liar. It wasn't a mispelling. A) you said it twice; B) 'Two' is not a mispelling of 'one'. You plainly didn't know the facts of the incident.


rather than the substance of the post

There is no substance. Just vague, incoherent bashing of someone you don't like for any tenuous reason you can find.

Ah no, that was you and Bush.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Compare/contrast Obama's statement on the Tiller murder (given the same day):

I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.

And, the statement on the murder of two US Army soldiers at a recruiting office in Little Rock (given 3 days later):

“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe.

Bolding mine...emphasis his. [:/]

His image as some gifted orator and statesmen is mostly smoke and mirrors, but at least he didn't use the exact same wording twice, didn't hem or haw, and didn't use the wrong words with these particular quotes. I'd say he's making some progress.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling

Liar. It wasn't a mispelling. A) you said it twice; B) 'Two' is not a mispelling of 'one'. You plainly didn't know the facts of the incident.


rather than the substance of the post

There is no substance. Just vague, incoherent bashing of someone you don't like for any tenuous reason you can find.

Speaking of incohent bashing (and thanks for the PA, btw)- yes, by all means, Jakee... let's concentrate on the fact that I mistakenly thought it was two murders instead of a murder and a wounding, rather than the point of the post, which was the immediate outrage over the murder of an abortionist vs the tardy, tepid response to the murder of a soldier.

What was that quote, again? "When you can't attack the evidence, attack the witness" - something like that, anyway.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>Yes, by all means, Bill...nitpick over my mispelling.

It wasn't a misspelling. You couldn't be bothered to even check to see how many soldiers had been killed. Looks like you could take a lesson from Obama in preparation.

>After all, EVERYONE knows that being "shocked and outraged" over a
>"heinous" murder is EXACTLY the same as being "deeply saddened" over a
>"senseless" murder.

Right. And everyone knows that having two US soldiers killed is exactly the same as having one killed. Who cares about the other one as long as you get an attack on Obama in?

ODS; it's a terrible thing.

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What was that quote, again? "When you can't attack the evidence, attack the witness" - something like that, anyway.

There is no evidence. There isn't anything. Nothing has happened. You're making a mountain out of a perfectly flat and well tended lawn.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I'm with you Mike. You're exactly right, and you've obviously made a point that causes the libs to revert to the standard tactic of shifting the target. AND knocked the moderator so far off balance he won't even call a PA. Nice.

10 to 1 it took some staffer to convince Obama - finally - to say SOMETHING about the murdered soldier.
The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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The left media have to play up the Tiller murder for their beloved abortion lobby. Had Tiller not been an abortionist, his murder would have but a fraction of its publicity. Same for the recruiters. In both cases their professions thrust news of their murders onto the national stage.

The President's responses indicate differences in the levels of his passion - or more likely that of his writers - with regards to the issues that thrust Tiller and the servicemen onto the national news scene. Personally, I don't care if a President comments on murders publicly and think he's probably better things to do. He took time to do so - perhaps it's a good thing; his choice. The difference in statements is indicative of a difference in feelings regarding the crimes, of that there is no question.

Personally, I think Tiller was a brutal, murdering piece of shit, but I don't think he deserved to be murdered any more than the servicemen deserved what their attacker wreaked upon them.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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