
Should Sen. John Ensign resign from the Senate?

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He should ask for forgiveness, and continue his duties. He should call off his relationship with he's staffer and stay clear of her husband for safety reason. He may need to give a call to Law Rocket to discuss his options. However it does appear he resigned from his position of leadership.

Other than that, he should stay on the job. Well there might be some other things he might what to do like trying to keep his marriage together.

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It's called practising what you preach.


Arkansas Gazette, 1974

"I think it's plain that the president should resign and spare the country the agony of this impeachment and removal proceeding," Clinton said. "I think the country could be spared a lot of agony and the government could worry about inflation and a lot of other problems if he'd go on and resign."

Hammerschmidt said after the president's revelations Monday he was not sure whether Mr. Nixon's actions legally were impeachable.

Clinton, a law professor at the University of Arkansas, said there was "no question that an admission of making false statements to government officials and interfering with the FBI and the CIA is an impeachable offense."

I guess he "couldn't recall", eh?
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Resign because he cheated on his wife? No! AGREED
Resign because he betrayed Christian Conservatism? No! AGREED
Resign beause he betrayed the voters who were defrauded into thinking they were electing a family values kinda guy? No! AGREED
Resign because he banged the wife of one of his own staff! No!AGREED


Ensign should do exactly what he told Clinton to do after the Monica affair came out. RESIGN.

It's called practising what you preach.


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>Ensign should do exactly what he told Clinton to do after the Monica
>affair came out. RESIGN.

You know, if he learns from his mistakes, I'd actually rather have a representative like Ensign than another untarnished holier-than-thou hypocrite trying to take away people's rights. (Not that it's my decision since he's not from my state.) No one is going to listen to Ensign going on about his views on morality any more, which is a good thing in my book. He may even end up just doing his job and representing his constituency, which would be nice.

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Time for you to leave, dirtbag.

Why aren't the rightys demanding his resignation?

Must be that hypocrisy stuff that Mike doesn't comprehend.

For the Google search challenged, here is the definition -


1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.

1. See deceit.

Very intresting ....

Does that apply to scumbag's that did an "intern" while actually in the office then deny it .. well until he realized that she was mentally unstable enough to actually keep the dress with the ejaculate stain :-)

Where were all the self righteous groups then … whining it’s not a “women’s rights issue” or a “workplace issue” cause she said it was OK !

Perhaps he should send his wife on the morning talk shows .. to proclaim it's simply a "Left Wing Conspiracy" !

Well at least he did not knock her up .. deny it .. and get caught sneaking into her hotel room to see her and her kid !

ENOUGH of the Rosie O'Donnell brand of politics ….

BTW .. How does Google define "lie under oath" ?

99% of the people on this earth are sheep ... dare to be different

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Looks like a serious ethics violation. Couldn't find anything about his latest problem on Fox, though:S. Seems they're too concerned with Letterman.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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