warpedskydiver 0 #76 June 19, 2009 Hey Quade I do not own a firearm!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #77 June 19, 2009 Quote Quote Hey Quade, did I tell you how much ammo I bought the other day? Heh, go for it! Just don't store a 30 foot long shipping container full of it next to MY house. Heh. tell us your address and I will let people know who they live next to, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #78 June 19, 2009 >Did you read the NYT article yesterday, about the most recent poll >results? It was very interesting. The upshot was that while a majority (I >think there number was higher than the one you posted) of Americans >think the President is doing a good job, only a minority (less than 50%) >support his healthcare plan. . . . Interesting. Latest Pew poll shows that 75% of americans want US healthcare changed so that everyone is covered for essential care. 41% thinks the system needs to be scrapped and rebuilt, 30% thinks it needs fundamental changes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #79 June 19, 2009 Quote Quade, you are so far left that when you walk you usually walk far left of center, and probably drive your car a little left of center Oh Lee. Metaphor probably isn't your strong suit. If it were, you'd probably realize that there is a reason the right lanes are also known as the slow ones. Naturally I'd meet a little opposition coming at me from head on if I so much as crossed the center line. That should be common sense to any reasonable person. Then again, we don't always have reasonable people on the other side do we? Quote I am also wondering, when you skydive, if you have a strong left turn automatically built in to your skydive that other skydivers make up for your ineptness. I'm trying to envision how that possible considering how I've spent most of my skydiving career. Again, your metaphor shows a certain lack of understanding. Somehow you've missed your mark and just aren't being very accurate, but dig your heal in before you land on your ass. You're not going to score points with me, but maybe some other bag of wind around here will support you. Quote You are so transparent, have your own agenda, and as a moderator, you can speak and not get banned. Really? I was unaware the rules didn't apply to me, but continue to believe whatever you wish. Quote You are antagonist, Oops, is that a personal attack? Perhaps if it was a complete sentence, but in any case, I don't know if you've ever noticed, but I allow people to take way more liberties with shots at me than I would ever tolerate them taking at another user. I figure it comes with the gig and try not to be a pussy about it by banning people right and left even if they do deserve it from time to time (and no I'm certainly not talking about you in this case).quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rookie120 0 #80 June 19, 2009 Quote Latest Pew poll shows that 75% of americans want US healthcare changed so that everyone is covered for essential care. What exactly is essential care? Are you talking about emergency care or what?If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #81 June 19, 2009 QuoteWhat exactly is essential care?I doubt it specified too closely. And, of course, "essential care" is different for everyone. I think immunizations, well baby checks, and an annual physical should be included. Along with a basic set of drugs at a nominal cost. Most of those are already available at $4 a pop from Wal-mart and competing drug stores, so we have that. I'd like to see more walk-in clinics for things like colds. Why? Because it's WAY cheaper to pay for a doc-in-a-box (or a nurse practitioner) than it is to pay for an ER. Quite frankly, having an adjunct building at the ER which treats non-emergent care would be good. When you get triaged there by the ER staff (got a cold? no ER for you!), you go to the end of the line -- now there's an incentive to go to the non-emergent care place first!. But it takes looking at what costs the most in our ERs and hospitals now, and finding a way to cut back on those. Not eliminate (we are talking about people), but cut back. Trusting people to do "the right thing" is naive, and hoping that punishing them will make them stop is just as naive. Natural consequences are the best kind. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StreetScooby 5 #82 June 19, 2009 Quote Perhaps if it was a complete sentence, This sounds like some special secret to be employed as needed...We are all engines of karma Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryzflies 0 #83 June 19, 2009 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteYou're out of line on this one quade I'm not surprised you think so. So, please, go back and read everything I've written in this thread and point out to me where I stepped over the line. I understand where people don't like to have their little name calling games called out in public. I get that. He used it, I called it out. Tough. Go back and read everything I've written in this thread and show me where I made a racist comment (other than in your own mind, that is). Stop whining, he caught you fair and square. Then fucking PROVE it - he damn sure hasn't. The proof is in your own word used in this very thread. The man doth protest too much, methinks.If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #84 June 19, 2009 >What exactly is essential care? Are you talking about emergency care or what? The exact question in the poll was: "Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system in this country so that all Americans have health insurance that covers all medically necessary care?" (75% favor) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ErricoMalatesta 0 #85 June 19, 2009 Quote "Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system in this country so that all Americans have health insurance that covers all medically necessary care?" (75% favor) So it is more or less hovering at the same level as all the other polls over the last two decades that asked the same thing... which incidentally is one index of the American population being way to the left of powerful opinion. There is still hope Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #86 June 19, 2009 QuoteQuite frankly, having an adjunct building at the ER which treats non-emergent care would be good. When you get triaged there by the ER staff (got a cold? no ER for you!) There are quite a few ER's that have an "urgent care" type office either built in or next door. I think the hospitals have already started using this solution because it makes sense.-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #87 June 19, 2009 Quote>Did you read the NYT article yesterday, about the most recent poll >results? It was very interesting. The upshot was that while a majority (I >think there number was higher than the one you posted) of Americans >think the President is doing a good job, only a minority (less than 50%) >support his healthcare plan. . . . Interesting. Latest Pew poll shows that 75% of americans want US healthcare changed so that everyone is covered for essential care. 41% thinks the system needs to be scrapped and rebuilt, 30% thinks it needs fundamental changes. From Rasmussen: Forty-one percent (41%) of American adults believe it would be a good idea to set up a government health insurance company to compete with private health insurance companies. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that an identical number (41%) disagree. President Obama is now aggressively campaigning to build support for creating such public-sector competition. Later today, he is expected to give a major address to the American Medical Association that outlines his health care reform goals including the creation of a government-run health insurance company. Just 32% of Americans believe that the addition of a public sector insurance option would reduce the cost of health care. Forty percent (40%) say it would not. Sixty-three percent (63%) say it’s likely that a government insurance company would lose money and require taxpayer subsidies. Just 20% say that’s not likely. Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans believe private insurance companies will provide better service and more choice than the government option. Thirty-four percent (34%) hold the opposite view.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #88 June 19, 2009 QuoteQuote You are so transparent, have your own agenda, and as a moderator, you can speak and not get banned. Really? I was unaware the rules didn't apply to me, but continue to believe whatever you wish. I must have missed the post giving you your "one warning" for saying I was a racist - can you point it out to me?Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #89 June 19, 2009 QuoteThe proof is in your own word used in this very thread. Then fucking PROVE it - show the racial epithet I used or shut the fuck up.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #90 June 19, 2009 Your one warning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #91 June 19, 2009 You make some valid points in your post. I have to disagree with a border fence. That would be the biggest waste of money in the history of wastefull spending. I live in San Diego and "Can see Mexico from my house". The bad guys dig tunnels under the border here all of the time. A fence won't slow down illegal immigration. The only thing that would deter the current trend is to enforce the laws we currently have. The problem with that is the first time a politician wants to send back the illegals there is an uproar and that politician will lose votes. I drive up I-15 and I-5 nearly every week. There are border patrol checkpoints and another one on I-8 that I stop at to and from Skydive AZ. What a waste of time, money and effort. If the government wants to really catch everyone they could do it easily. Start raiding work places and entire neighborhoods. Start patrolling the border better. I was laughing watching that LA Lakers parade the other day. The LAPD and INS should have locked down the stadium and rounded up about a few thousand illegals, gang bangers and parolees at large. But no one wants that to happen. Why? Because the illegals have a bigger voice than US citizens. They have become a "voting block". I have been a fireman here in SoCal for 25 years. I have seen some amazing things happen here that would never be allowed in other nations. signed, future resident of Belize Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #92 June 19, 2009 >A fence won't slow down illegal immigration. On the plus side, it would cost tens of billions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #93 June 19, 2009 QuoteYour one warning. I'm being called a racist and *I'M* the one getting the warning? Nice.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #94 June 19, 2009 >Do you really think the consumer public would have caused that particular >problem were it not stated government policy to "encourage home >ownership" even when such encouragement meant chartering corporations >whose main purpose was to get people to take out mortgages? Yes. Recessions have happened before without that encouragement, and they will happen again. Government has a very minor effect on the economy. Their best possible role is to enforce laws that require transparency in banking and investing, so that people know what they are buying. For example, had reporting requirements for CDSes not been removed in 2000, it is likely that that market would not have hyperinflated and collapsed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #95 June 19, 2009 QuoteGovernment has a very minor effect on the economy. The consumer of 40% of GDP has a "very minor effect" ?-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #96 June 19, 2009 >The consumer of 40% of GDP has a "very minor effect" ? Government, in its role as "economic controller," has a very minor effect. Government as a consumer of goods and services has a large effect. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #97 June 19, 2009 Quote>The consumer of 40% of GDP has a "very minor effect" ? Government, in its role as "economic controller," has a very minor effect. Government as a consumer of goods and services has a large effect. "Economic controller" - as in setting budget? Isn't that exactly what ENABLES the consumption of the 40%?Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chasteh 0 #98 June 20, 2009 Quote Government, in its role as "economic controller," has a very minor effect What about the effects that occur when the government imposes taxes on imports? (Thus controlling the cost for foreign corporations to sell their goods in the United States, thus restricting purchase options for domestic consumers, thus increasing the number of purchases made by consumers of goods bought from domestic corporations.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #99 June 20, 2009 Quote Quote Your one warning. I'm being called a racist and *I'M* the one getting the warning? Nice. That is the result of being on "the list"Stand up for yourself and have an opinion that does not coincide with that of Bill and Quade and you make the list. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #100 June 20, 2009 Quote Quote Quote Your one warning. I'm being called a racist and *I'M* the one getting the warning? Nice. That is the result of being on "the list"Stand up for yourself and have an opinion that does not coincide with that of Bill and Quade and you make the list. If that were true, I'm sure I'd be on the list.-- Tom Aiello Tom@SnakeRiverBASE.com SnakeRiverBASE.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites