
Time for TV press to quit being used by Obama

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Talk about nailing it. Really, I would have no problem with any media if they would treat ANY presidient as they treated Bush. THAT, IMO is their job!


As we approach another version of what I have come to think of as network-White House co-productions, the TV press desperately needs to step back and question how it is covering President Barack Obama.

Next Wednesday night at 10, ABC News will offer the president an hour of prime time -- as well as prime real estate on all its newscasts throughout the day -- to sell his landmark health care plan.

The need for such self-scrutiny should be all the more apparent in light of the president's complaint Tuesday about one media outlet (read: Fox News) "attacking" his administration. I am no less troubled than I ever was about the way Fox and MSNBC have turned all-news into all-partisan opinion TV in prime time, but thank goodness at least one TV outlet, Fox, is questioning Team Obama as it pushes for the kind of massive change in American life not seen since the era of Franklin Roosevelt.

I have been saying since before the Obama administration took office that it is better at manipulating the medium of TV than any White House team since that of John Kennedy, and that was a media universe so different in the early 1960s as to make comparisons almost meaningless. Here are my latest two posts on the matter, the first one coming after the first of two recent anchorman-bowing-to-the-president sessions by Brian Williams an NBC. What surprised me was how little interest readers had in discussing it -- as opposed to, say, Jon & Kate or Dave & Sarah. The passive acceptance of a servile press was shocking to me.

After 24 years of reporting and writing about TV and media on a daily basis, I have to say in fairness that I do not believe ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and the others allow their news operations to be used by the White House for partisan political reasons. Based on my experience, I believe it is more a matter of business: Obama means strong ratings, and they will do almost anything to get him on their channel or network given the business he brings with him.

NBC's special really did look and feel like a campaign commercial for Obama, especially when he took Williams out for mid-day hamburgers, but any embarassment the network felt was probably forgotten once the ratings came in showing that more than 9 million people watched each of the two nights.

ABC will be using its White House exclusivity next Wednesday to try and boost all its broadcasts -- from Good Morning America to Nightline. From the network's point of view, why not? NBC News cashed in, why not ABC? And is it payday for CBS the week after that when Obama wants to sell another nation-changing proposal?

It really is a cozy game that the White House is playing with the TV news industry, and it will be too late for us as citizens when some enterprising journalist (are there any left?) chronicles it in a book that is published two years from now. But wait, she or he will have to have access to the White House to get a decent advance, which demands its own kind of getting into bed with the administration.

Perhaps, the best measure of how compliant the mainstream TV press has become is Obama's complaint Tuesday about having "one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking" his administration. Obama declined to name the "station" when asked by CNBC interviewer John Harwood -- what a childish, silly bit of gamemanship by a president. How could anyone not think it is Fox?

When Harwood said he assumed Obama was speaking of Fox, the president replied, ""That’s a pretty big megaphone. You’d be hard pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front."

Given all the reckless and irresponsible words uttered by the likes Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, I hesitate to write these words, but good for Fox. It must be doing something right, if it has the president complaining about the tiny bit of scrutiny he gets on TV.

On the other hand, if Fox News is our last, best TV watchdog on the White House, then the TV press, as well as media critics like me, should be profoundly embarassed, and vow to start doing a better job -- immediately.
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if we falter and lose our freedoms,
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Abraham Lincoln

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the point (I believe) is that the media should have a critical eye on everything done by the administration. (no matter what party)

That doesn't appear to be the case with the current pairing of media and administration.

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the point (I believe) is that the media should have a critical eye on everything done by the administration. (no matter what party)

That doesn't appear to be the case with the current pairing of media and administration.

Thank you for insulting our intelligence. Clinton only got a blowjob from Monica. Bush and Cheney got regular blowjobs from the entire Fox"News" staff.

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the point (I believe) is that the media should have a critical eye on everything done by the administration. (no matter what party)

That doesn't appear to be the case with the current pairing of media and administration.

Thank you for insulting our intelligence. Clinton only got a blowjob from Monica. Bush and Cheney got regular blowjobs from the entire Fox"News" staff.

I didn't mention your intelligence. A bit defensive aren't you?

You're the one bringing specific stations into this and specific members of the administration. I welcome media reporting on administration's activities with a critical eye. You seem to think that since Obama isn't Bush, he gets a pass from the media... at least that's the way I read your "intelligent arguments".

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the first one coming after the first of two recent anchorman-bowing-to-the-president sessions by Brian Williams an NBC. What surprised me was how little interest readers had in discussing it -- as opposed to, say, Jon & Kate or Dave & Sarah. The passive acceptance of a servile press was shocking to me.

If people support it, they're not going to uprise against the media outlets covering it. Obviously enough people don't have a problem with it and want to tune in, let alone rage out against it. If people didn't want to hear it and didn't tune in, then these networks would not be stupid enough to drain themselves down the pipes airing something people don't want to see.


After 24 years of reporting and writing about TV and media on a daily basis, I have to say in fairness that I do not believe ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and the others allow their news operations to be used by the White House for partisan political reasons. Based on my experience, I believe it is more a matter of business: Obama means strong ratings, and they will do almost anything to get him on their channel or network given the business he brings with him.

If it brings strong ratings, then what is the matter with bringing the people what they want to see and tune in to? In the past 24 years there might not have been a president that caused a movement as strong and had enough support as this guy has to devote a segment to them. The people, or at least a large enough part of the population that watches these networks or TV in general, like him, so the networks are airing what people want to see and getting exactly what you said out of it-- a ratings boost. It's business, pure and simple. How can you fault them for that? If America has that big a problem with it, then don't watch, and the networks probably won't air something like that again, no matter what political affiliation or agenda they have. It all comes down to business in the end.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Dam you guys are in big trouble? Even Europe is on yours side right now, and the rest of the world have hope.

As long it last this time as well. Enjoy and be proud of your President! If he fails to, the world have no more trust in your country. Think about that...

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Talk about nailing it. Really, I would have no problem with any media if they would treat ANY presidient as they treated Bush. THAT, IMO is their job!

You mean like Fox's lovefest for Bush?

Ok, for the sake of this reply I will give you "Bush had Fox". So, what about NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, PBS, NPR ea al.??

YOU are quite entertaining !:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>You mean like Fox's lovefest for Bush?

That was COMPLETELY different.

Yep, they never took him on.

You to have a distorted view of what was happening. But, living with a tingly leg give those who have it a "cleaner" perspective on things:o

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Don't you ever stop whining? Every president has used the media.


You got the "tingly" leg too I see!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Dam you guys are in big trouble? Even Europe is on yours side right now, and the rest of the world have hope.

As long it last this time as well. Enjoy and be proud of your President! If he fails to, the world have no more trust in your country. Think about that...

You must take me for someone who gives a damn about how other countries think about our internal affairs. Cause I dont......... I hope and pray our presidents agendas fail as they are wrong for this country. They will work in the EU however, ..
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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the first one coming after the first of two recent anchorman-bowing-to-the-president sessions by Brian Williams an NBC. What surprised me was how little interest readers had in discussing it -- as opposed to, say, Jon & Kate or Dave & Sarah. The passive acceptance of a servile press was shocking to me.

If people support it, they're not going to uprise against the media outlets covering it. Obviously enough people don't have a problem with it and want to tune in, let alone rage out against it. If people didn't want to hear it and didn't tune in, then these networks would not be stupid enough to drain themselves down the pipes airing something people don't want to see.


After 24 years of reporting and writing about TV and media on a daily basis, I have to say in fairness that I do not believe ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and the others allow their news operations to be used by the White House for partisan political reasons. Based on my experience, I believe it is more a matter of business: Obama means strong ratings, and they will do almost anything to get him on their channel or network given the business he brings with him.

If it brings strong ratings, then what is the matter with bringing the people what they want to see and tune in to? In the past 24 years there might not have been a president that caused a movement as strong and had enough support as this guy has to devote a segment to them. The people, or at least a large enough part of the population that watches these networks or TV in general, like him, so the networks are airing what people want to see and getting exactly what you said out of it-- a ratings boost. It's business, pure and simple. How can you fault them for that? If America has that big a problem with it, then don't watch, and the networks probably won't air something like that again, no matter what political affiliation or agenda they have. It all comes down to business in the end.

No, it is more than that. At least is used to be. Today, it is more about a media that thinks the man they picked got elected because of them. Therefore, they can not allow him to fail.........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You must take me for someone who gives a damn about how other countries think about our internal affairs. Cause I dont...........

Just like you don't care what your readers think of your analytical, grammatical, and logical skills?;)
If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

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No I dont think you give a dam about what other think about your internal problems, even it affects others than your own country!

That´s how it is, and how it will be until your people find, or need a reason to change........

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No I dont think you give a dam about what other think about your internal problems, even it affects others than your own country!

That´s how it is, and how it will be until your people find, or need a reason to change........

Change? No. Why? Cause we have already proven we are the best in world. Grow/ yes, we always need to do that. Conform to the world? FUCK that
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I also seem to remember the media and some on this site complaining that Bush set up quesions.

Now, more silence

Fun shit

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You must take me for someone who gives a damn about how other countries think about our internal affairs. Cause I dont...........

Just like you don't care what your readers think of your analytical, grammatical, and logical skills?;)

Not all of them. But for fucking sure it fits for you:o

:P:P:P Here are three little winky thingys so I, like you, dont get a warning:P
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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