
Hey, All of you who make up your minds based on polls

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>I don't recall anyone here claiming that he inherited a perfect economy from Bush - did you have a point with that, or are you just setting up a strawman?

Yes, I do have a point. That is-both sides are responsible, just like the "roll call" results below show:


Also, I am not setting up a straw-man. (Do you even know what a straw-man is? Just kidding...)
My point hasen't waivered in my posts, and I am still on topic. Thank you.

Actually, part of my objection to your statements also involved pointing out situations where a person both blamed Bush for the 2001 recession and did not blame Obama for the 2008-09 recession.
How are you doing with that search? Could it be that your waivering from making that point undoubtedly true and attacking a different argument is a straw-man?
Maybe it is a red-herring. (Come over here and let's talk about what THAT is... Just kidding! Hah! This is fun)

Great. It was a Democrat controlled congress from then on. Does that mean the democrats are entirely to blame? No. Does that mean the republicans are? No. Does that mean that the bailouts are a disaster created by both parties? Yes.

Are you done yet?

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You forget me thinks. I do not need a poll to know what I think about something. Unlike many here.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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