
Wind Farm: Beautiful or Eyesore

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They are not beautiful. They are not an eyesore. They look like flagpoles to me, slightly more interesting.

>Would you want one in clear view of you house?

I really wouldn't care.

What about offshore oil platforms?

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Would you want one in clear view of you house?

The house I own right now? I wouldn't care as long as it didn't keep me up at night.

The house I have in my dreams? I don't think I'd like to have it spoiling the view. If it were far enough away and didn't detract from that, then no issues at all.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If I owned the land the wind farm was sitting onB|

However if my neighbor owned the property and the wind farm hade some noise issues so that I couldn't lrave my windows open, or devalued my property values>:(. NIMBY

One Jump Wonder

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Where's the "meh" option?

I don't think they're at either extreme.

I do think that wind power could be more viable to the public if the next few generations of windmills put a bit mor emphasis on designing for visual appeal and (especially) quiet operation.
-- Tom Aiello


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There are 8 in a cluster a few miles West that I see every time I go riding.
Anything that makes us less beholden to the Saudis is beautiful.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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They're neither beautiful nor an eyesore. They're noisy, however. But a great source of alternative energy.
They're putting in a 50 unit wind farm approximately 3 miles from my home, where the wind from the canyons constantly blow at least 5kts all the time. The experimental unit they put in drove me insane at night, so now have to close the windows.

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>What about offshore oil platforms?

Same. Not beautiful, not an eyesore.

save the occasional spewing of oil, and certainly minor seepage of chemicals with normal operation. Windmills just leave dead birds on the ground.

The oil platforms off Long Beach are a sufficiently disguised style.

What if we stick a windmill on top of the ones off Orange County?

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>Well, if part of the time they have a large oil slick, that comes into
>the evaluation of 'is it an eyesore?'

Hmm. I'd say the oil derrick still looks the same, it's just that it's pooped out a big oil slick which isn't so pretty. (I'll let you supply your own analogy for something that's pretty but occasionally poops out something not so pretty.)

Of course, what it looks like should be about 1% of the decision on whether or not to do offshore drilling.

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I think a little of both. But they are needed.

What I don't like is the fact they are being put so close to National Parks. I was on top of Texas in May and I could see them in the distance. I don't like seeing wells near Arches and Canyonlands either. And I was surprised by how many more have been installed out in West Texas in the last few years.......I like the idea of them being built off shore.:)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I think a little of both. But they are needed.

What I don't like is the fact they are being put so close to National Parks. I was on top of Texas in May and I could see them in the distance. I don't like seeing wells near Arches and Canyonlands either. And I was surprised by how many more have been installed out in West Texas in the last few years.......I like the idea of them being built off shore.:)

You would see a lot more of them if they could make money for the companies building them

Oh, and I like the idea of drilling rigs off shore.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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