
Gen. Colin Powell Criticizes Obama

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Powell airs doubts on Obama agenda

Colin Powell, one of President Obama's most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president's ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the federal debt too much.

"I'm concerned at the number of programs that are being presented, the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them," Mr. Powell said in an excerpt of an interview with CNN's John King. "And we can't pay for it all," said Mr. Powell.

Mr. Powell's comments represent the growing concern that began with hard-line fiscal conservatives but is now spreading to moderates about the rate of government spending and debt under President Obama, and the long-term impact on the country's fiscal sustainability and national security.

Mr. Powell expressed alarm at "budgets that are running into the multi-trillions of dollars" and "a huge, huge national debt that, if we don't pay for in our lifetime, our kids and grandkids and great-grandchildren will have to pay for it."

"The federal government has become too large and too intrusive in our lives," Mr. Powell said then. "We can no longer afford solutions to our problems that result in more entitlements, higher taxes to pay for them, more bureaucracy to run them, and fewer results to show for it."
Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/03/powell-airs-doubts-on-obama-agenda/

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Kinda should have paid a little more attention on the front side. There was no doubt that this was the direction that the Obama administration would go.

Is Colin differentiating himself from Barry for a possible presidential run himself?
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Is Colin differentiating himself from Barry for a possible presidential run himself?

Doubt that very much. For one thing, Powell's past his prime. He was a hot topic who could have had the White House for the asking back in the nineties, or certainly in 2000. But I think he's used up on politics and enjoying whatever it is he's doing too much nowadays after the way he was gang raped in the Bush cabinet.

Secondly, the main reason he didn't run all those years ago was because Mrs. Powell asked him not to. I doubt if that's changed at all.

I think what General Powell has said here voice some valid concerns. Not sure if I agree with him altogether, but am impressed by the man's ability to state his case with a civil tongue. He hasn't resorted to the usual crap of demeaning the President's middle name, alleged religious affiliations, or birth certificate. Powell is a man of DIGNITY who can state an intelligent case without crawling in the shit with the the wingnut faction.

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Kinda should have paid a little more attention on the front side. There was no doubt that this was the direction that the Obama administration would go.

Is Colin differentiating himself from Barry for a possible presidential run himself?

Well, that's a 180 from his "Americans want more government in their lives" spiel from last year....
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Colin Powell is the sort of guy I hope to be. He speaks his mind because he is his own man and doesn't lockstep with left or right.

He is also extremely politically astute (you don't make Joint Chiefs Chairman without it) while not acting like a politician.

He is a strategist and an operations guy. He knows what reaources are required for these proposals and how show of strength can make you weak.

He supported Obama. I would assume he doesn't regret his vote.

Then again, I blame the GOP for all of this crap, anyway. Had the GOP not been such fuckups they could at least filibuster in the Senate. And with swithces in votes by Democrats going at $3-$4 billion in district pork, expect some early Democratic opposition to this to disappear by the time a cloture vote comes along - and $20 billion in new projects to go with that switch.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The government is spending too much ... Obama is just president. Yes, a lot of the ideas are coming directly out of his administration, but they don't get into law without congress approving them. So ... we need a 3rd option there ... ;)

There is one good thing that COULD come from all of this. If things get sufficiently f'd up, perhaps enough of the sheep will cease to be sheep and people will manage to get some real changes made. Kinda like a drunk or other addict "hitting bottom" before they wake up and do something about their situation.

As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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Kinda like a drunk or other addict "hitting bottom" before they wake up and do something about their situation.

In this case I think that "hitting bottom" is likely to involve a debt default, which will be cataclysmic, but possibly essential to shocking us into actually addressing the real issue (that our government spends far more money than it has).
-- Tom Aiello


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