
Obama is not a US Natural Born Citizen

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Just as long as I like, even longer if it causes you problems.

Well, it's YOUR point you are thwarting, unless you KNOW you were wrong (which you do, of course).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just as long as I like, even longer if it causes you problems.

Well, it's YOUR point you are thwarting, unless you KNOW you were wrong (which you do, of course).

While we're on this type of thing, how's that "gun epidemic" proof coming along, John? Got any Koch postulate proofs for us, yet?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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When Bush was in power, of those on here who didn't like him, only a couple of people on here felt it necessary to resort to the 9/11 conspiracy theories in order to attack him. The majority of us (those of us who opposed Bush) thought they were full of shit.

Now Obama is in power, and there are people on here who oppose him. That's fine, but of those, how many are going to oppose him on real-world issues, and what percentage will resort to using unsubstantiated conspiracy theories?
Speed Racer

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I do not like Obama, but that is not the reason I question his Natural Citizenship.

There were quite a few things that led me to want to ask questions about it.

As you see many people resorted to attacks right away instead of listening and trying to understand.

Conspiracy? No

Lies? possibly yes

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I do not like Obama, but that is not the reason I question his Natural Citizenship.

There were quite a few things that led me to want to ask questions about it.

As you see many people resorted to attacks right away instead of listening and trying to understand.

Conspiracy? No

Lies? possibly yes

Don't feed the credulous troll.

Something like 25% of the pople in the USA believe that the Creation myth in the Bible is fact.

Something like 20% believe that dinosaurs and human beings were on the earth at the same time, and interacted with each other.

What does this mean" It means there are a shitload of really ignorant people around whose grasp on reality is weak, to non-existant. The birthers are card carrying members of this group.

Don't feed the troll.

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>Something like 20% believe that dinosaurs and human beings were on the earth at the same time, and interacted with each other.

You are referring to The Flinstones doctrine, a well documented piece no doubt.

What about dual citizenship, for example; I was born in the U.S. I have a birth certificate to prove it BUT my mother was not yet a U.S citizen at the time of birth SO - If I want I can also get a citizenship in Italy

Also I thought it was funny that there is a business organization that caters to this condition
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Those who oppose Obama had best pick their battles carefully. Chasing will o' the wisps like the birthplace of our chief executive is more likely to do damage to the Republican party than it is to uncover anything tangible that is a threat to the president.

When Dan Rather got suckered into publishing a faked letter that complained about GWB going AWOL from the Guard, it worked brilliantly. People lost sight of the fact that the letter, though fake, was factually accurate.

By persevorating about whether BHO was born on US of A territory or not, an awful lot of energy is spent over something that is sure to come to naught. While the whacko right is tilting at windmills, the whacko left has free reign.

Some people just love conspiracies, and see them everywhere. I subscribe to the principle that one should not attribute to conspiracy that which can be easily explained by incompetence.

Again, if someone is actually opposed to BHO, blowing a lot of time and effort making a lot of fuss about his birthplace is to his benefit and to the detriment of his opposition.

Blue skies,


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I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories because of the simple observations I have made in a microcosm of human interactions socially. People are too competitive,jealous,and independent minded these days to successfully pull off a conspiracy because most people have their own agenda in my opinion. Organizationally however such as in a corporation, government or the military, people have no choice but to go along with what they are told to do or suffer dismissal- I'm not knocking that lifestyle but it is why I myself could never participate.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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When Bush was in power, of those on here who didn't like him, only a couple of people on here felt it necessary to resort to the 9/11 conspiracy theories in order to attack him. The majority of us (those of us who opposed Bush) thought they were full of shit.

Now Obama is in power, and there are people on here who oppose him. That's fine, but of those, how many are going to oppose him on real-world issues, and what percentage will resort to using unsubstantiated conspiracy theories?

Honestly, I think the percentages are about the same.
-- Tom Aiello


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> Chasing will o' the wisps like the birthplace of our chief executive is more
> likely to do damage to the Republican party than it is to uncover
> anything tangible that is a threat to the president.

Shhhh! This is currently the most entertaining thing to come out of the right wing since the "I can see Russia from my house!" Palin-isms. Keep it going!

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Shhhh! This is currently the most entertaining thing to come out of the right wing since the "I can see Russia from my house!" Palin-isms. Keep it going!

First, Palin as governor did a whole lot better than your last two for your state. Second, before you start taking your cheap shots you might want to check your facts first since several of the challenges in court over this have been made by democrats including three of the five active ones.

And while you are playing the blame game why don’t you focus some it at Obama’s own like his grandmother that has stated he was born in another country……..I guess she is one of your “right wingers” too huh?

We all better pray that he is a natural born citizen as I don’t think our country could take the ramifications of the fall out if it turns out he is not both domestically or internationally. To be honest, Biden scares the hell out of me more than Obama, McCain and Palin combined.

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>First, Palin as governor did a whole lot better than your last two for your state.

See? Without the Palin supporters or the Obama "birthers" you'd get far fewer knee-jerk posts defending the indefensible. And where would that leave us? Discussing real issues, and such talk has no place here.

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First, Palin as governor did a whole lot better than your last two for your state.

Prove it.

It's pretty easy governing for less than a full term of a state with fewer people than San Francisco, esp when you get free oil money.

And still she couldn't even complete a single term!

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It's pretty easy governing for less than a full term of a state with fewer people than San Francisco, esp when you get free oil money.

Anybody remember the 1992 democratic primary debates?

Jerry Brown: During a single year of my term as governor of California, we created more jobs than there are people in the state of Arkansas.

Bill Clinton: Uh...
-- Tom Aiello


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Wow. You've changed my mind. A page (or a hundred) of links to people making comments in internet char rooms and blog posts (which is what most of the links provided are) is some really damning evidence.

I need more popcorn.

- Dan G

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>I guess Obama's Grandma was a liar anyways...

Excellent. I can't wait to see what's next. Tune in next week! What depths will the GOP sink to? Perhaps they will decide his grandmother was a whore, or that Obama was really born in Mexico! See, that's why he supports all those murdering fatherkillin' motherrapin' illegal immigrants - HE'S ONE OF THEM! I don't see what other kind of proof you need.

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>I guess Obama's Grandma was a liar anyways...

Excellent. I can't wait to see what's next. Tune in next week! What depths will the GOP sink to? Perhaps they will decide his grandmother was a whore, or that Obama was really born in Mexico! See, that's why he supports all those murdering fatherkillin' motherrapin' illegal immigrants - HE'S ONE OF THEM! I don't see what other kind of proof you need.

Why YES!! One need only look at the post I am replying to, to see what "depths" are attainable.... If only in a vision.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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True, I guess Obama's Grandma was a liar anyways...

Good point. Watch the libs run around trying to bury the interviews with her. I don't trust her one bit. Listen to this:

Here's the conversation:

MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

Notice the way the lib translator backtracks at the end - it figures.

Nipple Boy
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