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chasteh 0
>So your argument is bunk
Looks like yours is, because they pay taxes as well, just not as much. I never said that they paid as much as or more than other taxpayers.
>And I applaud you for finally getting the point, although you probably still won't see it that way.
You mean the point that says wealthy persons depend on the contributions of others? Oh ok.
>This country in in financial trouble. Give-a-ways to those that are here illegally sponging off the system does no good for the country.
Neither does giving trillions of dollars to wealthy white men.
>It may help you feel better, but in reality you are the exacerbating the problem by not helping to enforce the law.
Yea. As if blowing the situation out of proportion by employing thousands of new border patrol agents, undercover police officers, and building a giant fence on the border is not "exacerbating the problem."
What part of that doesn't add to the economic problem, again?
headoverheels 333
What have you or I done that's touched even a fraction so many?
I've told over 40 million people what they weigh.
Thank you, Joe the Plumber.
Actually, Shane the sales guy. Before that it was machinist-prior to that it's been everything from surveyor to short order cook. And, every since I was 13 and lied about my age to work in a cotton mill it's been Shane the taxpayer. I remember getting a raise when MW went to $3.15 and I didn't complain-but I also saw prices go up at the store where I bagged groceries because now they had to pay me more.
rhaig 0
Anyone not picked up on the governments radar?
Those that are NOT paying taxes?
Those that are not LEGALLY residing here
You mean like Pedro outside who works outside all day to build the road you drive on, or Alejandro who is paid under the table to dig ditches, work in the fields, or trim the bushes in your yard?
Or are you referring to the sales taxes they still pay?
wherever you live, do a google maps search for "mexican grocery". go there, and if you can speak enough spanish to buy something or yours is the rare store that has a bilingual employee behind the register, and you pay cash, note how much sales tax you pay. Depending on the store, the person behind the counter, and the person making the purchase, sales tax appears to be optional. I've shopped at mexican groceries all over TX, KS, OK, MO, and IL. Anywhere there are workers, you will find these stores. Not all charge sales tax. Considering the amount of cash only business they do, I'd expect that they don't all pay it either.
so... you were saying??
rhaig 0
employing thousands of new border patrol agents, undercover police officers, and building a giant fence on the border is not "exacerbating the problem."
What part of that doesn't add to the economic problem, again?
That sounds like thousands of jobs. Including ongoing infrastructure maintainence. That sounds like it might subtract from the economic problem.
The problem with building a fence at the border is where are they going to find the day labor to build it?
That sounds like thousands of jobs. Including ongoing infrastructure maintainence. That sounds like it might subtract from the economic problem.
Spending money you don't have never improves an economic problem.
chasteh 0
>> some point in time you have to pay for the things the government provides...
Cute. So now you're down to saying: "There has been a person at some point in time who has not had to pay sales tax."
I applaude you for the amount of time it took to establish that for me. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite demonstrate how government services go unpaid for, even for them (particularly if they are the ones most likely to be found building the public infrastructure that you blaim them for not paying for)
Interestingly enough, you have also done quite well to shift focus from the point at hand: That the wealthy depend greatly un public infrastructure. (And from Quade's posts, not that I agree or disagree, that the wealthy should pay more for those services)
chasteh 0
Well if you are a conservative, you are highly unlikely to support the government being the only source of revenue for the persons filling those jobs. Also, if you are a conservative, you would say that it is not the government's purpose to "subtract from the economic problem" because it results in socialistic authoritarian control patterns.
>The problem with building a fence at the border is where are they going to find the day labor to build it?
Carlos Mencia would tell you: Have the mexicans start it, then put them all on the other side of it to finish it off! Hooray!
rhaig 0
and you know that it's more than "there exists at least one person that hasn't paid sales tax".
I'd hazzard that half of the sales in these stores to illegal immigrants don't have sales tax applied to the total properly. (and that may be low)
I was responding to one point. only one point. twist away.
chasteh 0
Interesting. And it doesn't negate my statement that services must be paid for at some point in time.
>and you know that it's more than "there exists at least one person that hasn't paid sales tax"
Would you be referring here to the corporate executive who is able to substantially reduce most of the taxes paid during his consumption as a result of "business espenses," or to the business he operates and the corporate tax rates he takes advantage of and society doesn't see in return, or to all the sales taxes combined that were left unpaid, in total, by those illegal immigrants? Which number do you think is more?
rhaig 0
>try to make my words say whatever you want. You know my intention was responding to the remark about the illegals paying sales tax.
Interesting. And it doesn't negate my statement that services must be paid for at some point in time.
>and you know that it's more than "there exists at least one person that hasn't paid sales tax"
Would you be referring here to the corporate executive who is able to substantially reduce most of the taxes paid during his consumption as a result of "business espenses," or to the business he operates and the corporate tax rates he takes advantage of and society doesn't see in return, or to all the sales taxes combined that were left unpaid, in total, by those illegal immigrants? Which number do you think is more?
thank you for demonstrating the last two words of my post that you didn't quote.
twist away.
chasteh 0
As if quoting '>try to make my words say whatever you want' didn't make that clear enough.
Remember, you still took MY statement out of context - oh well.
Thank you, Joe the Plumber.
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