
Profiling CEOs and Their Sociopathic Paychecks

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Speaking of highly paid CEO's and their purchased legislators...who do you think has shaped the current healthcare "reform" before Congress, making it require that every American purchase their product?


Let’s supposed that we took 500 Family Practice/ Internal Medicine doctors and paid them $200,000. If we made them see 35 patients a day, 5 days a week for 48 months a year, that would be 8400 patients per doctor or 4,200,000 patient visits per year. That would cost $100,000,000 per year. Is that a lot of money? Well, in 2005 William McGuire, the CEO of UnitedHealthCare, alone took home $125,000,000. If we took the $100 million from him, and forced him to live on $25 million a year (yes, that is tough, but with budgeting it is possible) he alone could pay the annual cost for 4.2 million patient visits. Just one person.

In a 5 year period, the CEOs of the top 23 healthcare companies took home $14.9 billion ($14,900,000,000). If we took 10%, and forced them to divide $13.49 billion amongst themselves, and applied $1.49 billion towards hiring primary care doctors at $200,000, we could hire 74500 MDs. At 8400 patients per year 625,800,000 patient visits, or twice the number of citizens we have in the USA; two PCP visits per year for every American. WOW!!!

Now, how hard is it to do the math? Right now, over 60% of the healthcare dollar goes to healthcare administration. Drop that down to 50% and we have solved healthcare problem in the USA.

If you were not pissed off before, you should really be pissed off now

• United Health Group
CEO: William W McGuire
2005: 124.8 mil
5-year: 342 mil
• Forest Labs
CEO: Howard Solomon
2005: 92.1 mil
5-year: 295 mil
• Caremark Rx
CEO: Edwin M Crawford
2005: 77.9 mil
5-year: 93.6 mil
• Abbott Lab
CEO: Miles White
2005: 26.2 mil
5-year: 25.8 mil
• Aetna
CEO: John Rowe
2005: 22.1 mil
5-year:57.8 mil
• Amgen
CEO: Kevin Sharer
2005:5.7 mil
5-year:59.5 mil
• Bectin-Dickinson
CEO: Edwin Ludwig
2005: 10 mil
5-year:18 mil
• Boston Scientific
2005:38.1 mil
5-year:45 mil
• Cardinal Health
CEO: James Tobin
2005:1.1 mil
5-year:33.5 mil
• Cigna
CEO: H. Edward Hanway
2005:13.3 mil
5-year:62.8 mil
• Genzyme
CEO: Henri Termeer
2005: 19 mil
5-year:60.7 mil
• Humana
CEO: Michael McAllister
2005:2.3 mil
5-year:12.9 mil
• Johnson & Johnson
CEO: William Weldon
2005:6.1 mil
5-year:19.7 mil
• Laboratory Corp America
CEO: Thomas MacMahon
2005:7.9 mil
5-year:41.8 mil
• Eli Lilly
CEO: Sidney Taurel
2005:7.2 mil
5-year:37.9 mil
• McKesson
CEO: John Hammergen
2005: 13.4 mil
5-year:31.2 mil
• Medtronic
CEO: Arthur Collins
2005: 4.7 mil
5-year:39 mil
• Merck Raymond Gilmartin
2005: 37.8 mil
5-year:49.6 mil
• PacifiCare Health
CEO: Howard Phanstiel
2005: 3.4 mil
5-year: 8.5 mil
• Pfizer
CEO: Henry McKinnell
2005: 14 mil
5-year: 74 mil
• Well Choice
CEO: Michael Stocker
2005: 3.2 mil
5-year: 10.7 mil
• WellPoint
CEO: Larry Glasscock
2005: 23 mil
5-year: 46.8 mil
• Wyeth
CEO: Robert Essner
2005:6.5 mil
5-year: 28.9 mil

TOTAL 2005: 559.8 mil

TOTAL 5-Year: 14.9 billion

Who is it that will really benefit from the current proposal? Oh, yeah, it's these guys, who are about to successfully pull off the biggest coup in corporate lobbying history--passing a law that forces every American to purchase their product.
-- Tom Aiello


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Please disable your copy/paste for a day. I'd like to know what YOU think.

If he did we may find out it is kallend in yet another ID[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I (seriously) don't care what others 'make'... I only care about me and mine. Life's too short.

There are loads of people who get paid a lot for doing bugger all. It would be a full time job for us to worry about it... S.U.M.O - Shut (the fuck) Up and Move On

I have to believe your dad, and mine, would be great friends:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Myth: A Huge Chunk of My Tax Dollars Supports Welfare Recipients

Fact: Welfare Costs 1 Percent of the Federal Budget

"Despite increased program spending, the average monthly family benefit, measured in 1995 dollars, fell from $713 in 1970 to $377 in 1995, a 47 percent drop"

What percentage of the Federal Budget do the economic bailout packages come out to?

I can understand that you don't like either, but the corporate welfare, I think, is far less responsible and wasteful than child welfare.

What YOU dont understand is corps do not pay taxes. They just send the bill on. To corps, taxes are a cost of doing business and the products they sell..You and I pay those "taxes".
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Myth: A Huge Chunk of My Tax Dollars Supports Welfare Recipients

Fact: Welfare Costs 1 Percent of the Federal Budget

Welfare maybe. What about Medicaid, food stamps, ER visits for "free" health care, etc. Factor in their share of other services directly used that they don't contribute to as well. Total the expenses of all that for one year.

On the corporate side. All the bailout money (minus current worth of the stock in the company the gov't now has) and the tax breaks given.

I'd be really interested to see which is the bigger cost.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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In a 5 year period, the CEOs of the top 23 healthcare companies took home $14.9 billion ($14,900,000,000).

A very simple look at the numbers provided show that this is more bullshit. The 23 don't come remotely close to 14.9B.

Why are leftists so bad at math? The right has no problem lying with numbers, but they seem to actually know how to add.

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In a 5 year period, the CEOs of the top 23 healthcare companies took home $14.9 billion ($14,900,000,000).

A very simple look at the numbers provided show that this is more bullshit. The 23 don't come remotely close to 14.9B.

Why are leftists so bad at math? The right has no problem lying with numbers, but they seem to actually know how to add.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>What YOU dont understand is corps do not pay taxes. They just send the bill on. To corps, taxes are a cost of doing business and the products they sell..You and I pay those "taxes".

Yes, dude, I understand that. I have taken economics classes before. Thanks.

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>What YOU dont understand is corps do not pay taxes. They just send the bill on. To corps, taxes are a cost of doing business and the products they sell..You and I pay those "taxes".

Yes, dude, I understand that. I have taken economics classes before. Thanks.

Hard to believe based on your posts......

Your welcome
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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not that I blame the CEO's (cuz not too many people will say "oh no... you're paying me way too much")

But... I question if the government would sign those contracts giving those CEO's that annual salary. I've stated it before. I do NOT trust the government. Too many lobbyists.

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I'm curious what level of compensation you believe would be "fair" for top level government employees?

Top-level government employees are nicely compensated. Not as well as Fortune 500 CEOs but nicely.

There are, however, some differences. First and foremost is that a high-level government employee is not interested in profit or loss. Sure, they lobby for a bigger piece of the budget, etc., but they are limited by their budget and go from there.

I'll put it this way - think if the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made $20 million per year. There would definitely be some people wondering about that job. Does he get bonuses? For what?

Here's a point - I am required to be a shareholder of Uncle Sam. If I find out that my dividend is 3 cents per share and the CEO is getting paid $50 million, then I can sell my stock and buy something else. I can't do that with the government.

If someone sucks we can vote him or her out. And think of the moral hazard. "I'm the president. I've got this thing and its fucking golden."

Why is a guy that runs a company compensated more than the guy that runs the entire government?

Because the guy that runs the government need make no profit. And, as elections show, people will actually pay millions for the job. Because power is a good thing. Obama himself can and has brought higher paid CEOs to their knees.

Is the CEO -really- doing something that is that much more difficult?

Yes and no.

[Reply] I don't think anybody gets compensated for the difficulty of what they do. I believe people get compensated for how much somebody else "believes" is the least amount they can get away with paying them.

Yes. A person's value is determined by what people will pay that person. And some people are proven to be more valuable if you pay them to go away.

[Reply] it's NOT always a rational decision based on return to shareholders but sometimes a pretty big scheme to keep the money for themselves and fuck their shareholders over.

Yes. It happens. And that's the risk shareholders take at times.

[Reply]Just because a CEO takes home a half billion dollars in a year does NOT mean he's actually worth that much to the people that invested in the company. It may just mean he's a big fuckin' crook.

Possibly. I'd think that Steve Jobs could ask for a raise and be given one. And since many of these folks get stock options the value can certainly be paid off over time - or lost.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yes, dude, I understand that. I have taken economics classes before. Thanks.

>Hard to believe based on your posts......

Show me where I have indicated in any way what you say is "hard to believe based on my posts."

I.E. Show me what you think says I don't understand basic economic systems and the effects of taxation, or show me where you think I have indicated that I haven't taken economics courses before.

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Unfortunately, speaking of "corporate welfare" doesn't quite qualify as not understanding elementary economic principles.

Are you going to negate something here?

Are you going to show how what I said about corporate welfare is false? Does the United States government not sponsor multi-billion dollar corporations?

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"Corporate welfare is a general term that refers to financial assistance, tax advantages, or other support given to corporations and other business entities by the United States government. Unlike welfare payments given to individuals, corporate welfare system is not intended to prevent poverty or raise the standard of living. Instead the federal government awards payments to specific industries or companies in the form of subsidies, grants, contracts, and other aid. Due to the wide range of interests, the system is not monitored or controlled by a single Congressional committee. In addition, since many Americans have mixed views on corporate welfare, this practice is sometimes an area of great debate."

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"Corporate welfare is a general term that refers to financial assistance, tax advantages, or other support given to corporations and other business entities by the United States government. Unlike welfare payments given to individuals, corporate welfare system is not intended to prevent poverty or raise the standard of living. Instead the federal government awards payments to specific industries or companies in the form of subsidies, grants, contracts, and other aid. Due to the wide range of interests, the system is not monitored or controlled by a single Congressional committee. In addition, since many Americans have mixed views on corporate welfare, this practice is sometimes an area of great debate."

So, in the end, corps do not pay taxes. We do. My point is on target.

Example, wind farms. There is one reason they are being built. Corp welfare (to steal your term) If not for that and the green political world we are in, no corp would build them.

Thanks for helping me with my point
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>>What YOU dont understand is corps do not pay taxes. They just send the bill on. To corps, taxes are a cost of doing business and the products they sell..You and I pay those "taxes".

>So, in the end, corps do not pay taxes. We do. My point is on target.

What I am asking you to do is demonstrate either: my economic ignorance, as you saw it
where I said that your statement above is false. Supply and demand curves include the changes in production that occur to both labor and the product produced when taxes are added. We can chart this. I understand this. Maybe you do too? I don't see where you have negated what I said, nor where I even tried to negate what you said (which is quoted with >> at the top of this post.)

>Thanks for helping me with my point

I'm speechless. Really... It looks like you are attacking something that wasn't in my post, but you have covered it up very well.

The problem being discussed in my line of posts is that there are corporations that receive billions and billions of dollars, which is actually a form of "welfare." As a conservative, you are (supposed to be) opposed to this welfare, as it completely violates the free-market economics that conservativism is (was) founded on. Believe it or not, there are "lefties," were I to be one, not that I am saying that I am one, who understand this and the economic philosophy that conservativism is (was).

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isn't CEO pay just a method to keep score?

at some point money is almost meaningless, most of us enjoy the pleasure that money brings becuse we can buy fun stuff and jumps

a CEO has enough money to buy anything they really want so the next dollar they receive really has no meaning except that they are competing with their peer group and the only way to be viewed as Top Dog is to score more points, money = points
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Yep. Its like those psychology experiments where they put monkeys in a cage full of bananas and one monkey puts all effort possible into taking the bananas when the other monkey only gets a couple of them. At some point, the competition is fruitless. (Hah!)

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