
Which Obama do you (choose to) believe

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At least Bush got ONE thing right.


Indeed, and having got him there I wonder why he let Cheney out again from that "undisclosed location".


You, how ever many of YOU there are, are so in the past to make today ok

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


Actually, he never says that private insurance will end over time, he says that employer coverage of health insurance will end over time. In fact, some Republicans are also offering a plan based on tax incentives that would also tend to undermine employer-based insurance. And when it came up for debate, the Democratic chair of the finance committee, Max Baucus rejected that plan for just that reason:


Where I part ways with this proposal is in eliminating the tax incentives for employer-provided health care benefits, which would destroy the employer-based health care system we have today,” he says. “I want Americans to be able to keep the plan they have if they choose to do so, and eliminating those incentives could erode that choice.

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But even a plastic replica can detect a double standard - that you hold Obama to a different standard than you held Bush.

You hold Ensign, Sanford, etc to different standards than you held Clinton, so your opinion on the matter is rather tainted.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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McCain may know Congress, but he didn't know economics.

The President can't (and doesn't need to) know everything. He just needs to pick the right advisers.

McCain, for example, knew almost zero about healthcare (as was shown in the debates--he couldn't even articulate his own platform). But his platform on healthcare was very good, and had been written, at least partially, by a Nobel prize winning economist who had spent years studying the American healthcare system.


A better candidate might have been able to escape the Bush drag.

I very much doubt that.

Remember how bitter the 2000 nomination battle between Bush and McCain was? I find it hard to believe there could be two candidates further apart in the same party.

Politics in the USA just doesn't work that way. A sitting President casts a very long shadow. The Republicans could have nominated Jesus Christ himself and Obama would still be in the white house today.
-- Tom Aiello


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...he says that employer coverage of health insurance will end over time.

Interestingly, ending the employment based health coverage system was a central plank of John McCain's health plan in the last presidential election.

I believe that, at the time, Obama called it a "trillion dollar tax increase." Which is quite ironic, given that McCain's (actually, it was more Friedman's) proposal was tax-neutral. And the current plans coming out of Congress all pretty much require tax increases.
-- Tom Aiello


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The Republicans could have nominated Jesus Christ himself and Obama would still be in the white house today.

He might've had trouble on the "freedom of religion" platform. Either that, or all those "we have the only answer" guys would have voted against him if he did say other religions were ok. :)

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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A better candidate might have been able to escape the Bush drag.

I very much doubt that.
Politics in the USA just doesn't work that way. A sitting President casts a very long shadow. The Republicans could have nominated Jesus Christ himself and Obama would still be in the white house today.

It would be difficult to win. But Obama was a pretty weak candidate given his minority status and his dearth of political experience. In most elections, that would have killed his chances. But McCain/Palin was basically a throwaway - it was dead at the door. As different as Bush and McCain were in 2000, 8 years later they were looking identical in all the ways that the voters cared about.

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But even a plastic replica can detect a double standard - that you hold Obama to a different standard than you held Bush.

You hold Ensign, Sanford, etc to different standards than you held Clinton, so your opinion on the matter is rather tainted.


You will NOT find a single post where I've defended Clinton's infidelities.

Ensign and Sanford, of course, had HYPOCRISY in addition to infidelity.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Where do I find some of those Obama Joker Posters? I LIKE IT....also would like to post a few around town.

Also need to get the Tee Shirt version so I can wear it to the DZ for a Photo op.

The turmoil over that poster is funny. Seeing how News Week (Ithink) had a Joker picture of Bush in the magazine. It was considered art then. not some much today?

I really wonder how that is/was different.[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The Republicans could have nominated Jesus Christ himself and Obama would still be in the white house today.

He might've had trouble on the "freedom of religion" platform. Either that, or all those "we have the only answer" guys would have voted against him if he did say other religions were ok. :)

Wendy P.

would the Republicans nominate a long-haired Jewish guy who went around saying things like "love your enemies" and "forgive others their sins?"
Speed Racer

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... 8 years later they were looking identical in all the ways that the voters cared about.

Not so. They were painted as identical by a very effective PR machine (the Obama campaign).

In reality, a casual review of the McCain platform reveals huge differences.

For example, McCain had a (tax neutral) plan to provide quality healthcare to all Americans. Bush certainly did not.

Or, another example: McCain was leading the charge to close Guantanamo Bay immediately. Bush sure wasn't doing that.

Or, are you saying that healthcare and Gitmo weren't important issues to the voters?
-- Tom Aiello


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Or, are you saying that healthcare and Gitmo weren't important issues to the voters?

They were well behind Iraq, the war on terror, and the current tax and spending policies. Gitmo is a tiny subset of two of them, and health care reform is like SS reform - just a lot of talk.

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The Republicans could have nominated Jesus Christ himself and Obama would still be in the white house today

More to the point, the Democrats could have nominated (and the electorate elected) Jesus Christ Himself and the Republicans would still call Him a slick, dangerous socialist whose birth certificate is suspect.

P.S. - I have it on good authority that Jesus H. Christ's middle name is Hussein.

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They hope they can change your mind with lies.

***The White House on Tuesday posted a three-minute video punching back at an old clip of President Barack Obama that was featured on the Drudge Report with the headline “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will 'Eliminate' Private Insurance.”

The White House response features Linda Douglass, formerly an ABC News correspondent and now a White House official, showing Drudge’s homepage on the screen of her office computer.

Dan Pfeiffer, the White House deputy communications director, said: “We intend to use a lot of the grassroots viral Internet techniques from the campaign to beat back the campaign of misstatements and outright falsehoods about the president’s efforts to reform health insurance.”

The video begins: “Hi. I’m Linda Douglass. I’m the communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform, and one of my jobs is to keep track of all the disinformation that’s out there about health-insurance reform. And there are a lot of very deceiving headlines out there right now, such as this one — take a look at this one. This one says, ‘Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will Eliminate PRIVATE Insurance.’

“Well, nothing can be farther from the truth. You know the people who always try to SCARE people whenever you try to bring them health-insurance reform are at it again. And they’re taking sentences and phrases out of context, and they’re cobbling them together to leave a VERY false impression. The truth is that the president has been talking to the American people a LOT about health-insurance reform and what is at stake for them.

“So what happens is that because he’s talking to the American people so much, there are people out there with a computer and a lot of free time, and they take a phrase here and there — they simply cherry-pick and put it together, and make it sound like he’s saying something that he didn’t really say.”

The video the White House seeks to rebut, labeled “SHOCK UNCOVERED,” was linked by Andrew Breitbart on his video site, Breitbart.tv, after a site called Naked Emperor News brought it to his attention.

The clip is labeled, “SEIU Health Care Forum 3/24/07,” and shows Obama saying: “I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There’s going to be, potentially, some transition process: I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out.”

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Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/25779.html#ixzz0NK52iZQO***

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Did you see or hear the ad calling those going to town hall meeting extreem right wing angry mobs financed by special interets and the insurance comanies?


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


It's amazing how quiet this thread is. And not a word from billvon. Hmmmm.;)
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Did you see or hear the ad calling those going to town hall meeting extreem right wing angry mobs financed by special interets and the insurance comanies?


I find it interesting that when people show up at tea parties and town hall meetings with hand-made signs, the libs accuse them of being from some sort of formal effort funded by big whatever.

I guess they've never heard of ACORN, whose members show up at events in a fleet of rental vans with matching t-shirts and pre-printed protest signs, much of which comes from taxpayer money.

The left is scared - very scared. They're beginning to realize they've pushed the average American - of both parties - too far.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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The one that says that Public Gov Run Health Care will not take away your private insurance?

Or this one?


It's amazing how quiet this thread is. And not a word from billvon. Hmmmm.;)

Oooh, good point. He has an obligation to rebut this thread - or else, what's he hiding? He must be afraid.

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Nice to see that the libs are afraid of real americans.
I have heard they are trying to hire Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf to help with the the informing the voters. :P

Now obama has his snitch web site, has (done what his office is called manufacturing) asked his supportes to go and "engage" those against his health care obamanation and the AFL has promised on the Huffington post to go and intimidate those against the health care bill?

More to come......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You couldn't be saying that left is trying to intimidate those the have different opinions because we all know that they wouldn't go against their preachings. :P:P:P

Everyone uses propaganda to influence people, the difference being is that the left wants the hard working good citizens to pay for the lazy and system sucking asshats and the right wants everyone to take care of themselves and be a productive member of this country. This is what we need to focus on, our rights or government control and I choose our rights.

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