
Union Faces Threats as Mob Mentality Deepens on Right

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get those brown shirts on...


The raucous event in Tampa last night was hosted by two Democratic policymakers and the Service Employees International Union. The event in St. Louis, which led to six arrests, also had SEIU members in attendance to support reform.

Given the toxic environment, I suppose this was a predictable reaction from the far-right.

An official with SEIU, which has been sending members to town halls to counterbalance the Tea Party brigade, sends over this audio of a phone call the union received on its central voicemail system, threatening to teach union officials a thing or two about "the Second Amendment."

The call seems to refer to reports today to scuffles in St. Louis between SEIU members and town hall rowdies.

"I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens, and stop trying to repress people's First Amendment rights," the caller says. "That, or y'all are gonna come up against the Second Amendment."

You stay classy, conservative activists.

In fact, SEIU seems to have quickly become the new focus of far-right activists.

A reform opponent in New Mexico, for example, has been using Twitter to encourage conservatives to consider violence. In one message, he wrote, "If ACORN/SEIU attends these townhalls for disruption, stop being peaceful, and hurt them. Badly." What's more, there's at least one right-wing protest scheduled for an SEIU headquarters -- and Rush Limbaugh has been reading the address of the headquarters on the air.

It's part of a growing effort to encourage physical, if not outright violent, confrontations. When a caller to Lou Dobbs' radio show threatened to "brawl" with reform supporters, Dobbs stuck up for him. Glenn Beck suggested today that a caller should show up at policymakers' homes. Michael Savage said he'd like to see anti-reform protests include "violent motorcycle groups."

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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WHat a bunch of bullshit! It's funny that it was SEIU union Goons who got arrested yesterday after they beat up a few people outside so who has the mob mentality. I love this stuff! Left wingers charge stages, and distrupt speaking events and they are "Performing there 1st amen rights" but someone on the right does it and it's a mob mentality. :D:D:DGet your tin. You gonna be in for a long ride.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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What a bunch of immature children, the scary thing is the amount of guns that all these people have.

I'm glad I have never been in such an environment.

I realyl feel sorry for the passive, middle ground people caught in the middle.


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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so we "the mob" are being run by the drug and insurance industy, Explain this


Drug Industry Helping Obama Overhaul Health Care
Efforts by nation's drugmakers could dwarf attempts to derail Obama's top domestic priority.


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Been reported dude that the union thugs came early and then had their own side door used to keep the non thugs out.

Desperation on your part as well as the media to support their chosen party and president who ass they kiss.

The brown shirts were there are right. You just put them on the wrong group>:(

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The brown shirts were there are right. You just put them on the wrong group

If anybpdy had a brown shirt it was the union goons! This coming from a guy who is in a union.

Damn straight, and they know it. Luckily a local papere covered the meeting without the Obama union slant and protection >:(
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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So far in this trhead, we´ve bashed those that thinking to "the right"and pulled out the "they´ve got guns" scare and made this "event" into a "mob mentality."

"Free thought"? Who needs it? Just ask the government what you´re supposed to think.

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So far in this trhead, we´ve bashed those that thinking to "the right"and pulled out the "they´ve got guns" scare and made this "event" into a "mob mentality."

"Free thought"? Who needs it? Just ask the government what you´re supposed to think.

They got to twist it. The truth hangs em.....[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The rescums and their allies have mastered marketing 101.

They sell the sheeple on the idea that goverment involvement in health care would be evil. They have convinced ignorant old people that agreeing to pay for end of life counseling is the same as requiring it. They have sold the idea that a government employeee making decisons about what health care will be paid for is EVIL, while a private employee making the EXACT SAME DECISIONS is perfect. Anyone with a shred of common sense would figure out that the private employee is much more likely to deny treatment than a government employee. One gets paid no matter what happens and reports (indirectly) to the voters. The objective is to deliver quality health care at low cost. The other reports to a company/corporation that has no public accountabiulity in any way. The objective is to make as much money (profit) as possible. This is done by charging as much premium as the market will bear, investing that money, and paying out AS LITTLE AS LEGALLY POSSIBLE in claims. The amount of money extracted out of the "health care system" in profits is staggering. Cover only healthy people, deny as many claims as possible, (post claim underwriting), etc, etc. If it wasn't for government regulation and enforcement, many more claims would be denied and profits would be higher. The assholes at the town hall meetings with their "What is wrong with profit" signs have no clue at all as to what they are defending.

The rescums and their minions sell this bullshit like Proctor and Gamble sells shampoo. And the sheeple lap it up like gospel.

Health insurance companies need to revert back to the pre-Reagan days and be forced back into being NON-PROFIT organizations. That worked quite well until the Reagan Rescumlican war on the middle class ended that successful run. Once they became for-profit organizations, the consumers have been fucked.
It is shameful that anyone in the USA would be forced into poverty by medical bills. Why do you righties act as though that is acceptable in any way?

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"The rescums and their allies have mastered marketing 101."

I read this line and stopped. Are you Amazon??/

Funny shit

Your pres is looking pretty silly, angry and stupid lately. Makes posting here fun:)

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You think that's bad, you should see the fights that SEIU is having with other unions! Here in Cali, the battles between SEIU and UHW have been epic!

SEIU talks about how bad and nasty the other unions are. The other unions talk about how nasty and corrupt SEIU is.

It's frickin amazing how much unions hate each other. Mainly because there is so much money to be made.

On top of that, the irony of mentioning "mob" mentality against a union is not lost upon this observer.

Now, I am not defending all tactics of any side. But I will say I'd like to have a gun when under threat of attack with lead pipes.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Your pres is looking pretty silly, angry and stupid lately. Makes posting here fun:)

he's your president too. Don't be one of those "not my pres" idiots.

Point taken, but I did not vote for him so dont blame me
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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