
The Economic Fallout Has Decimated the Black Middle Class

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Agree with your statements thus far, but to play devil's advocate:


But if you can explain another reason why black men are 7x more likely to be in jail than white men, have at it.

Because a lot of white crime is less visible. I.e. not literally being carried out in the streets but in the privacy of their own homes and offices without witnesses or loud disturbances.

Well, even if we accept that as true, and the crime rates were equal, the crimes are not the same. People are much more concerned about murder and assault, robbery, and rape.

I suspect that when it comes to speeding and running red lights, those of wealth may be more likely to commit offenses as the penalties are less painful, and certainly some (see Escalades or beemers) have a sense of entitlement.

It would be interested to see if legalizing drugs would dramatically lower the level of black crime, as the drug/gang world owns a considerable amount of violent crime, and much of it would be pointless with the profit potential removed.

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It would be interested to see if legalizing drugs would dramatically lower the level of black crime, as the drug/gang world owns a considerable amount of violent crime, and much of it would be pointless with the profit potential removed

I think it would definitely drop dramatically, then it would level off for a while. Afterwards, I believe crime will shoot back up as some new fast-track to ghetto-richness scheme comes up. Also, maybe the poor areas will expand and have more blight with the cheaper and more plentiful drugs everywhere.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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So black people carry out obvious crimes and are therefore more easily caught, whilst white people carry out more covert crimes so are less likely to be caught, with the underlying insinuation that both white and black people carry out equal amounts of crime - only that the criminal acts differ a little; such as blacks carry out numerous street robberies, whilst whites carry out numerous office type robberies. . . .oh fucking hell

Assuming that is true, it becomes a matter of which type of crime is a bigger issue/more affecting me? Would I rather be an investor of Madoff's or former employee of Kenneth Lay, or have a broken car window and a missing GPS system. I'll take the broken window and the pissed-off stomp to Costco to buy another GPS. Of course, there is the murder thing Jason mentioned...but serial killers are most often white and I would prefer to be shot in cold blood at point blank for my wallet than someone who will do a bunch of funny, torturous things to me before putting my mutilated body on display somewhere for all to see.

You missed: 'maybe you're on to something after all' when you quoted me - I meant it. It's an interesting point. Would I rather lose my entire savings and investments or my wallet? But ultimately it misses the main point being that the majority of crime commited in the UK and USA is still by black men.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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It would be interested to see if legalizing drugs would dramatically lower the level of black crime, as the drug/gang world owns a considerable amount of violent crime, and much of it would be pointless with the profit potential removed.

whites commit just as many murders, rapes and assaults as blacks.

and you'll find the vast majority of drug users are white.
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and the crime rates were equal, the crimes are not the same.

I do not know they are equal, but I find truth in the answer I gave to your question (even though it was not to me).


People are much more concerned about murder and assault, robbery, and rape.

See this is where it gets foggy. I believe a lot more people are concerned about their pocketbooks if the crime is not personal (i.e. not their spouse who was murdered or their child who was raped). And if poverty equates a reason for crime as vortex mentioned, then would there not be less crime if some of the more fortunate were not "stealing" from the less fortunate. It trickles down.

(Also, I would never included "rape" as a mostly black crime--unless I misunderstood you.)
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You missed: 'maybe you're on to something after all' when you quoted me - I meant it. It's an interesting point.

Thank you. :)

But ultimately it misses the main point being that the majority of crime commited in the UK and USA is still by black men.

Then you must define "majority" by the crime itself vs. how many people the crime was commited against. Someone steals your wallet. Madoff stole funds from...I don't even know how many.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Ok dokey. But in your example, how many people were arrested for the white crime? How many are arrested for coloured crime such as muggings? Hence the majority.

If we look at the main reasons that the majority of crimes are carried out by coloured people, can we put that down to the fact they're more likely to be economically deprived? So is that therefore social injustice, or prejudice? Or is it through migrants starting off fairly low on the social ladder employment wise and the existance of a culture of anti-intellectualism and gangs? But then, what of Asian cultures in the UK and USA that proportionately commit less crimes??

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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and you'll find the vast majority of drug users are white.

As you'll find that the majority of street dealers and pushers are coloured.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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And as long as people think that racial divides and racial statistics are exclusively about skin color there will always be misconceptions.

Remember, it is about sex also.

A woman fits into a statistical category.
A black woman fits into two.

That is one reason why black women are hired instead
of black men (according to an HR admin that I know).
And also why black men are fired before black women.

They catch it going both ways.

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Assuming that is true, it becomes a matter of which type of crime is a bigger issue/more affecting me? Would I rather be an investor of Madoff's or former employee of Kenneth Lay, or have a broken car window and a missing GPS system. I'll take the broken window and the pissed-off stomp to Costco to buy another GPS.

I feel badly for the second hand Madoff investors - those who trusted someone else who trusted Madoff. There were clear signs of trouble there.

I don't feel so badly for the employees of Enron who did not diversify their interests.

Car burglary is about the most minor of the more direct 'violent' crime. But when you get mugged, or worse, assaulted in some way, it affects your behavior and your comfort of being for a long time. Perhaps forever. My girlfriend doesn't want me to drive to her house along certain routes at certain times of day. When crime or the fear of crime affects you like that, it's pretty disruptive. I have an advantage - at 6', 200lb, I'm rarely an attractive victim.

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Blacks in the US do commit more crimes than whites.

prove this drivel with some facts rather than your biased opinion.

You first.

just read the opening article then for the facts :)
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Blacks in the US do commit more crimes than whites.

prove this drivel with some facts rather than your biased opinion.

You first.

just read the opening article then for the facts :)

An opinion piece doesn't equal "fact" - something ELSE you're consistently mistaken on.
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Blacks in the US do commit more crimes than whites.

prove this drivel with some facts rather than your biased opinion.

You first.

just read the opening article then for the facts :)

An opinion piece doesn't equal "fact" - something ELSE you're consistently mistaken on.

it's an oppinion piece giving several statistical facts - none of which you've refuted.
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
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it's an oppinion piece giving several statistical facts - none of which you've refuted.

He'll refute slavery ever happened until the cows come home, I wouldn't bother with him, he is just getting his daily quota of posts.

What I don't understand is the terms 'Black' and 'White' seem to be perfectly acceptable in america to describe negos and caucasions.

Skin colour does not necessarily describe ones origin.

is it acceptable to call asians yellow?

You can be negro and lighter skinned than a caucasion ans vice versa.

Negros are not black and caucasians are not white.

Accepting this will likely be a good start to changing the inter racial problems you have in america.

Having a negro presedent would help too, oh wait a minute!:D
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What I don't understand is the terms 'Black' and 'White' seem to be perfectly acceptable in america to describe negos and caucasions.

Why not? It's more accurate than "African American," as not all blacks are from Africa unless you want to go back to the beginning of man, and then we'd all be African American.

Being hung up on labels is a bit part of the race problems we have in America.

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could it be that instead of investing in their own future and working hard they spent the money on new rims instead of school

the black middle class are spending their money on 'rims' - and this is why they are discriminated against?


no they are discriminated against because they didn't spend the $10k on an education therefore they can't properly do the job they didn't get.

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