
Should US television show this PSA on texting while driving?

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I just sent the link to my brother (he has a teenaged driver)

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Sure, on late evening/nighttime programming and channels that cater to a relevant audience. It's not just teenagers that need to think about that either. On the other hand, 8-yr olds probably don't need the trauma. My teenage daughter knows 4 kids from school who have been killed in car accidents in the last 2 years. We can do without this waste of lives.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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I watched it on CNN yesterday, and the message was VERY clear to me. I always text and drive. Stupid, I know, but I will definitely think twice about doing that after watching that PSA. If it can do that for even a few more teens and adult drivers who text and drive, then I think it's served it purpose.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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I realize not all states have drivers education, but I don't think its any worse than what I had to watch in drivers ed.

Why do people want to pussy foot around this? Do they not want to keep their kids alive? I hate to scare people straight but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Personally I think that it should be viewed by everyone before they get their drivers license. Granted the state I live in made texting while driving illegal...it hasn't stopped.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I watched it on CNN yesterday, and the message was VERY clear to me. I always text and drive. INCREDIBLY Stupid, I know>:(>:(>:(, but I will definitely think twice about doing that after watching that PSA. If it can do that for even a few more teens and adult drivers who text and drive, then I think it's served it purpose.

NO!!Don't just think twice. don't fucking do it EVER!!!>:(>:(

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Show everywhere but the cartoon and disney networks and after school cartoons for 12 and younger. Adults need it as much as teens.

While not usually an offense that initiates a traffic stop, I plan on seeing if I have support of the rest of the city council for banning texting and non hands free talking in our city.

I know when I'm talking (don't text anyway) my attention is directed inward to the conversation. Not outward to the traffic.
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I honestly cannot understand why someone would text while driving.
Isn't the point of text messaging that the message will sit there quietly in your phone until it is convenient for you to read it?

So why is there this sense of immediacy that would make people text while driving?
Speed Racer

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I always text and drive.

Please let me know what your car looks like. I don't think I live too far from you, and I want to stay away from your car.

Don't text and drive. Do you serve the telephone, or does it serve you? Watch the video of the bus(?) driver, too. He was doing it the "right" way (i.e. had it low, eyes somewhat on the traffic, traffic not going too fast). There is no right way. Just turn the text message warning tone off when you're in the car.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Agreed and I can't see how anyone could be so criminally irresponsible. A driver is in charge of deadly power and should be 100% concetrating on the job at hand... It just beggars belief.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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BTW, I wouldn't trust the "yes" vs "no" votes, because the vote questions are actually the opposite of the headline.

Headline: Do you think the new public service announcement showing teens the perils of texting while driving is too graphic?

Option 1 (Yes): Texting while driving endangers not only the drivers, but other people on the road, and it is fully appropriate to show teens the consequences of their actions.
375 votes

Option 2 (No): Grisly, explicit footage is inappropriate for general viewing and will do nothing to dissuade teens from risky behavior.
23 votes

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Sure, on late evening/nighttime programming and channels that cater to a relevant audience.

Agree. I am not sure how much of an impact it would have, however, in-between scenes from 90210 and Gossip Girl where teens are involved in all sorts of illegal and risque activities.
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I have no problem showing it, but I'm skeptical of the power PSAs have to actually change behavior. I made a PSA earlier this year that just about everyone I know has watched and I still come back into the team room after a jump halfway through the day to find four people eating in-n-out and an empty bag on the table. >:(

Back on topic... I don't text or talk without a handsfree while driving. I avoid browsing for music on my ipod/phone as well because that's a similar distraction to texting. That's why I like Genius Playlists and Pandora so much, set it up when getting ready to go and you don't have to touch it.

I rarely use the phone at all while driving because I'm told it's impossible to carry on a conversation with me. I guess driving is too distracting. "What was that again? Sorry, I was changing lanes and wasn't paying attention to you." "What were you saying? Sorry, someone was tailgating the guy next to me and I was trying to make room so he wouldn't cut me off."

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Based on the text description, it reminds me a bit about the PSAs showing fried eggs as our brains on drugs. IOW - too heavy handed to take so seriously.

Keep it simple - the 16yo girl is texting and runs over a 7 year old crossing the street at a stop sign. I think teenagers feel more guilt than fear of dying.

And Lycra, clean up your shit! I hope you mean to say you look/send while sitting at a light, rather than the unbelievably stupid notion of doing it while in motion.

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Keep it simple - the 16yo girl is texting and runs over a 7 year old crossing the street at a stop sign. I think teenagers feel more guilt than fear of dying.

I watched it earlier on MSNBC and the driver actually kills the two girls in the car plus two others in the other vehicles involved. It does try to play with the guilt factor. Two friends plus two strangers, quite the tally I say[:/]

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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The people that are opposed need to watch television in New Zealand - their PSAs for drunk driving look like Rob Zombie movies.

On a personal note, I was driving my two young daughters on the highway. Going around one bend, a huge pickup nearly careened directly into the passenger door of my mini-van, right where my 15-month old sits (it was only inches, and I swerved to avoid). I looked up and saw him blatantly texting, and he hadn't seen the curve in the road. He passed me, and I watched him nearly cause two more accidents within the next 100 yards.

Anytime you see a minivan on the road, please just assume that young children are in it [:/]

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Based on the text description, it reminds me a bit about the PSAs showing fried eggs as our brains on drugs

I remember that commercial from back in the '80s!

It always gave me the munchies back then.

> "Dudes, we've GOT to go to IHOP!"
Speed Racer

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definitely, should be required viewing for all drivers

told my kids that passing the driver school class and drivers test was only the start, they also had to pass my test

which included a time wandering the junkyard looking at bloody wrecks: face impressions in windsheilds, hair stuck in the glass, teeth in the steering wheel, bloody clothes in the car

any driver that gets a ticket should get the "junk yard tour" and they should have to pay for it

what is so hard about slowing down a little, stopping on red and get the damn phone out of your ear
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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I made a PSA earlier this year ...

That was REALLY funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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