
ACORN has had a good week

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As a similarly minded, non parenthetical voter, I fail to see the disservice. I do think there are two major sides, and I do think many of the major news outlets, including those mentioned here, are biased. How does that insult or discredit you or me?

It assumes there are two major sides.

I've honestly concluded that the two "sides" we see in DC (and in the media) aren't actually representative of where the majority of Americans really fall. I bet that if you could accurately survey every American (not just voters) you'd discover that there are a lot more people outside the party system than there are who fall fully within the party viewpoints.
-- Tom Aiello


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As a similarly minded, non parenthetical voter, I fail to see the disservice. I do think there are two major sides, and I do think many of the major news outlets, including those mentioned here, are biased. How does that insult or discredit you or me?

It assumes there are two major sides.

I've honestly concluded that the two "sides" we see in DC (and in the media) aren't actually representative of where the majority of Americans really fall. I bet that if you could accurately survey every American (not just voters) you'd discover that there are a lot more people outside the party system than there are who fall fully within the party viewpoints.

It seems to me you've acknowledged (bolded) the same perception I have, and in any case I agree with your post above. In my mind, the two "sides" comprise around 20-25% each. Of the 50-60% in the middle, many align with the same side all or most of the time, but not necessarily on any particular issue. Of course this is still far to simple, as it assumes a linear distribution, when the reality isn't nearly so neat. It is still my opinion, however, that for all practical purposes, every popular issue has been divvied up between the extremes, with the moderates in the middle left only details to haggle over...quite vigorously in many cases.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Wait! You're arguing that ACORN was/is guilty of the GOOD fraud, not the BAD fraud?

That's fuckin' hilarious

Too stupid to understand a clear explanation of the differences? That seems to be the case for the last few posters here.

What part of what I wrote said anything about any fraud being good?

Some kinds of fraud are much worse than others.

On a sliding scale of 1 to 10, I put registration fraud at about a 0.5, and voter fraud at about a 10.
One messes up statistics as far as how many voters are registered to what party. The other has been shown to change the outcome of Presidential elections.

If you folks could actually comprehend the facts surrounding the registration fraud issues with ACORN, you might be in a position to have an informed opinion on the matter. By the content of the posts, comprehension is completely absent. Faux Spews is an entertainment channel at best. It is not a reliable source for accurate information. Neither is Lush Rimjob.

ACORN got fucked for following federal law. Fucked by right wing LE and the dirtbags that KNOWINGLY filled out false registration forms. It isn't ACORN's job to vet the data on the forms. That is up to the registrar of voters. The LEs managed to get bullshit convictions.

When you are part of the Village Idiots, facts don't make any sense. Even when put in terms most eighth graders understand.

With regard to the videos going around, when I watch them, it sure seems to me like the ACORN employees are playing along with some very untalented actors. In hindsight, I'll bet the joke isn't quite so funny to the former ACORN employees.

How about the ACORN lady that murdered her husband? She said it, and Faux Spews reported it as fact. One minor detail escaped the Faux Spews folks - the woman was lying, and the gullible cretins bought it hook, line, and sinker. Village Idiots? Ayuh.

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Too stupid to understand a clear explanation of the differences?

My breakdown
When Fraud=Misleading my wife so that I can surprise her with a weekend getaway....not so bad

When Fraud=Circumventing the electoral process.....yep bad.

Resorting to name calling and personal attacks=Desperation to justify an unsupportable position.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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GOP: ACORN Misusing Contributions, Public Funds

Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:58 PM

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WASHINGTON – The embattled community activist group ACORN appears to be collecting charitable contributions through affiliate organizations that it then uses for impermissible lobbying and political activity, says the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee.

The assessment, in a memo to Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, further fuels the controversy surrounding ACORN, formally known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

The GOP staff memo says ACORN-affiliated charities are being used to raise money which is then funneled to other charities or other organizations for purposes other than what a donor may have intended.

ACORN, the parent entity, is not tax-exempt, but dozens of ACORN affiliates around the country are tax-exempt.

On Thursday, Grassley asked Internal Revenue Service commissioner Douglas Shulman to explain how the agency audits organizations like ACORN "where the movement of money appears to be a shell game."

"Do IRS audit procedures require auditors to follow the money trail to or from a charitable organization to determine whether that money is being used for impermissible activities, including electioneering and promoting illegal acts?" asked Grassley.

The Republican staff said 42 tax-exempt organizations have some affiliation with ACORN and that 52 other affiliated entities are taxable.

"You cannot move money from a charity and to another entity for a purpose that the charity could not do," Dean Zerbe, a former counsel to the Senate Finance Committee, said in an interview. Zerbe is now national managing director of Alliantgroup LP, a provider of specialized tax services for businesses.

ACORN has been under fire over videotapes of ACORN employees offering advice about how to establish a brothel with underage prostitutes.

Separately, ACORN employees and volunteers have been involved in a number of voter registration fraud cases. Many of the group's offices are in heavily Democratic inner city neighborhoods.

© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Rep. Alan Grayson (D of Florida) has already asked the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to find out which other contractors might be caught in the ACORN net.

Abuse of federal funds -- Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are top of the list, with 20 fraud cases between them. And where those military contractors go, the cash for killers -- Blackwater can't be far behind. And then there's Halliburton and the magically disappeared federal cash for troop services and Iraq reconstruction.

Recipients of the $750 billion financial bailout program known as TARP are bound to show up. Earlier this year, federal investigators said they had opened 20 criminal probes into possible securities fraud, tax violations, insider trading and other crimes.

If the GOP can get this hot and bothered over the $50 million ACORN's supposed to have received from the federal government -- over the past 15 years -- I can hardly wait to see how outraged they'll be about the BILLIONS received by banks in the blink of a brokers' eyelid.

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Rep. Alan Grayson (D of Florida) has already asked the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to find out which other contractors might be caught in the ACORN net.

Abuse of federal funds -- Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are top of the list, with 20 fraud cases between them. And where those military contractors go, the cash for killers -- Blackwater can't be far behind. And then there's Halliburton and the magically disappeared federal cash for troop services and Iraq reconstruction.

Recipients of the $750 billion financial bailout program known as TARP are bound to show up. Earlier this year, federal investigators said they had opened 20 criminal probes into possible securities fraud, tax violations, insider trading and other crimes.

If the GOP can get this hot and bothered over the $50 million ACORN's supposed to have received from the federal government -- over the past 15 years -- I can hardly wait to see how outraged they'll be about the BILLIONS received by banks in the blink of a brokers' eyelid.



All of it should be stopped and those involved sent to jail.

But this stupid point made here is only meant to distract the pure shit that this ACORN org generaly is.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Arent you ACORN supporters proud


ACORN Funded Political, For-Profit Efforts, Data Show
Actions Were Before Leadership Change

Friday, September 25, 2009

Documents released by a Senate Republican on Thursday show that leaders of the ACORN community organizing network transferred several million dollars in charitable and government money meant for the poor to arms of the group that have political and sometimes profit-making missions.

ACORN's tax-exempt groups and allied organizations, long a target of conservative ire, used more than half their charitable and public money in 2006 to pay other ACORN affiliates, according to an analysis by the tax staff of Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa).

On Thursday, Grassley called the transactions a "big shell game" and said ACORN donors may be surprised by how the liberal group known for helping the poor obtain housing and health care was spending their money. He urged the Internal Revenue Service to take a closer look.

According to the Grassley report, charities "are being used to raise monies which are then funneled to other charities or to other organizations for purposes other than what the donor may have intended. . . . Dollars raised for charitable [purposes] appear to be used for impermissible lobbing and political activity."

ACORN officials, recently embarrassed by a video sting that showed counselors providing assistance to people posing as a pimp and a prostitute, said Grassley's accusations are based on financial transactions that occurred before a leadership shakeup last year. Bertha Lewis took over after co-founder and longtime director Wade Rathke was pushed to resign over his role in concealing from the full board his brother's embezzlement of ACORN money. Lewis said she has shut down dozens of affiliates.

"Senator Grassley made up his mind, and he didn't bother about the facts," Lewis said in an interview. "He's dealing with a lot of outdated information and decided to frame it with a predetermined conclusion. Yes, we had problems under Wade Rathke. . . . And we have been overhauling how we do things ever since."

Also on Thursday, Grassley requested that ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, be taken off a list of approved charities for federal employees to donate to in an annual giving campaign.

The senator's staff members began looking into the organization's tax status in late 2006 as part of his interest in more oversight of charitable groups. They finished much of their analysis in fall 2008, and it is based largely on 2006 financial transactions. The most recent data available cover transactions in 2007.

Project Vote, one of the most recognized organizations in the ACORN family, took in $8.6 million in 2006 but paid more than 60 percent of that -- $5.4 million -- to two groups then controlled by Rathke. About $4.6 million went to ACORN for "contractual and campaign services" and $779,000 went to Citizens Consulting Inc., which charged ACORN affiliates on a percentage basis for bookkeeping services.

Lewis said the organization lacked transparency under Rathke's leadership, and the board has been working to open up its operations and make sure that money transfers between its groups are well documented.

"What you will see since I took over is a complete overhaul of how everything is coded . . . to make sure that if monies are meant for one thing, they are documented and used for that purpose," she said.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Rep. Alan Grayson (D of Florida) has already asked the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to find out which other contractors might be caught in the ACORN net.

Abuse of federal funds -- Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are top of the list, with 20 fraud cases between them. And where those military contractors go, the cash for killers -- Blackwater can't be far behind. And then there's Halliburton and the magically disappeared federal cash for troop services and Iraq reconstruction.

Recipients of the $750 billion financial bailout program known as TARP are bound to show up. Earlier this year, federal investigators said they had opened 20 criminal probes into possible securities fraud, tax violations, insider trading and other crimes.

If the GOP can get this hot and bothered over the $50 million ACORN's supposed to have received from the federal government -- over the past 15 years -- I can hardly wait to see how outraged they'll be about the BILLIONS received by banks in the blink of a brokers' eyelid.



All of it should be stopped and those involved sent to jail.

But this stupid point made here is only meant to distract the pure shit that this ACORN org generaly is.

your opening post talks about 'billions' - when this article talks about 50 million over 15 years...
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Rep. Alan Grayson (D of Florida) has already asked the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to find out which other contractors might be caught in the ACORN net.

Abuse of federal funds -- Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are top of the list, with 20 fraud cases between them. And where those military contractors go, the cash for killers -- Blackwater can't be far behind. And then there's Halliburton and the magically disappeared federal cash for troop services and Iraq reconstruction.

Recipients of the $750 billion financial bailout program known as TARP are bound to show up. Earlier this year, federal investigators said they had opened 20 criminal probes into possible securities fraud, tax violations, insider trading and other crimes.

If the GOP can get this hot and bothered over the $50 million ACORN's supposed to have received from the federal government -- over the past 15 years -- I can hardly wait to see how outraged they'll be about the BILLIONS received by banks in the blink of a brokers' eyelid.



All of it should be stopped and those involved sent to jail.

But this stupid point made here is only meant to distract the pure shit that this ACORN org generaly is.

your opening post talks about 'billions' - when this article talks about 50 million over 15 years...

Judgement by degree then?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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your opening post talks about 'billions' - when this article talks about 50 million over 15 years...

only $750B?

well then, that's ok. Much better to go after small businessment and shut them down - they're much more corrupt

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Rep. Alan Grayson (D of Florida) has already asked the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) to find out which other contractors might be caught in the ACORN net.

Abuse of federal funds -- Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are top of the list, with 20 fraud cases between them. And where those military contractors go, the cash for killers -- Blackwater can't be far behind. And then there's Halliburton and the magically disappeared federal cash for troop services and Iraq reconstruction.

Recipients of the $750 billion financial bailout program known as TARP are bound to show up. Earlier this year, federal investigators said they had opened 20 criminal probes into possible securities fraud, tax violations, insider trading and other crimes.

If the GOP can get this hot and bothered over the $50 million ACORN's supposed to have received from the federal government -- over the past 15 years -- I can hardly wait to see how outraged they'll be about the BILLIONS received by banks in the blink of a brokers' eyelid.



All of it should be stopped and those involved sent to jail.

But this stupid point made here is only meant to distract the pure shit that this ACORN org generaly is.

your opening post talks about 'billions' - when this article talks about 50 million over 15 years...

Judgement by degree then?

acorn do a very good job (they got obama elected and will help do so again) so my judgement is that you are needlessly worrying over millions when you could be worrying over billions...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
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acorn do a very good job



sure do - especially if you're poor and/or from a minority...

(can't have them voting you say)


It has been a long week:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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your opening post talks about 'billions' - when this article talks about 50 million over 15 years...

only $750B?

well then, that's ok. Much better to go after small businessment and shut them down - they're much more corrupt

You mean Blackwater? Our Prince among thieves? But they're so cute when they put on those Crusader crosses. Really snappy. Worth every taxpayer penny I'd say.

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Perhaps one of the most jarring comparisons here is the fact that ACORN is now being attacked while the Obama administration continues to contract with Blackwater, the favorite mercenary company of the Bush administration, which is headed by Erik Prince, who was a major donor to Republican causes and campaigns, including those of some of the Defund ACORN bill's sponsors, including Indiana Republican Mike Pence, one of the key figures in hunting down Van Jones. Prince, of course, was recently described by a former employee as a man who "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life."

At present Blackwater has a $217 million security contract through the State Department in Iraq which was just extended by the Obama administration indefinitely. It holds a $210 million State Department "security" contract in Afghanistan that runs through 2011 and another multi-million dollar contract with the Defense Department for "training" in Kabul. All of this is on top of Blackwater's clandestine work for the CIA, including continued work on the drone bombing campaign in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This also does not take into account Blackwater's lucrative domestic work training law enforcement and military forces inside the U.S. at the company’s compounds in North Carolina, California and Illinois, nor the private "security" work it does for entities like the International Republican Institute, nor the work it does in training "Faith Based Organizations." It also does not include the contracts doled out to Erik Prince’s private CIA called Total Intelligence Solutions, which works for foreign governments and Fortune 500 corporations.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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Perhaps one of the most jarring comparisons here is the fact that ACORN is now being attacked while the Obama administration continues to contract with Blackwater, the favorite mercenary company of the Bush administration, which is headed by Erik Prince, who was a major donor to Republican causes and campaigns, including those of some of the Defund ACORN bill's sponsors, including Indiana Republican Mike Pence, one of the key figures in hunting down Van Jones. Prince, of course, was recently described by a former employee as a man who "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life."

At present Blackwater has a $217 million security contract through the State Department in Iraq which was just extended by the Obama administration indefinitely. It holds a $210 million State Department "security" contract in Afghanistan that runs through 2011 and another multi-million dollar contract with the Defense Department for "training" in Kabul. All of this is on top of Blackwater's clandestine work for the CIA, including continued work on the drone bombing campaign in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This also does not take into account Blackwater's lucrative domestic work training law enforcement and military forces inside the U.S. at the company’s compounds in North Carolina, California and Illinois, nor the private "security" work it does for entities like the International Republican Institute, nor the work it does in training "Faith Based Organizations." It also does not include the contracts doled out to Erik Prince’s private CIA called Total Intelligence Solutions, which works for foreign governments and Fortune 500 corporations.


And your point is??:D:D
I love this hallucinogenic site your refer to often

It fits with your ID
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Perhaps one of the most jarring comparisons here is the fact that ACORN is now being attacked while the Obama administration continues to contract with Blackwater, the favorite mercenary company of the Bush administration, which is headed by Erik Prince, who was a major donor to Republican causes and campaigns, including those of some of the Defund ACORN bill's sponsors, including Indiana Republican Mike Pence, one of the key figures in hunting down Van Jones. Prince, of course, was recently described by a former employee as a man who "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life."

At present Blackwater has a $217 million security contract through the State Department in Iraq which was just extended by the Obama administration indefinitely. It holds a $210 million State Department "security" contract in Afghanistan that runs through 2011 and another multi-million dollar contract with the Defense Department for "training" in Kabul. All of this is on top of Blackwater's clandestine work for the CIA, including continued work on the drone bombing campaign in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This also does not take into account Blackwater's lucrative domestic work training law enforcement and military forces inside the U.S. at the company’s compounds in North Carolina, California and Illinois, nor the private "security" work it does for entities like the International Republican Institute, nor the work it does in training "Faith Based Organizations." It also does not include the contracts doled out to Erik Prince’s private CIA called Total Intelligence Solutions, which works for foreign governments and Fortune 500 corporations.


And your point is??:D:D
I love this hallucinogenic site your refer to often

It fits with your ID

are you still trying to get my telephone number...
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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