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Health Negotiators Look at Malpractice Changes

Friday, September 11, 2009 4:55 AM

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WASHINGTON -- Following President Barack Obama's offer of compromise on an issue that has long divided Washington, congressional health care negotiators are considering proposals to foster alternatives to medical malpractice lawsuits.

The possibility that malpractice changes could be part of health care legislation that suddenly seems to have better chances of passing has sent doctors and trial lawyers scrambling.

Senators on the Finance Committee are looking at the possibility of special courts in which a judge with medical expertise would hear malpractice cases, says Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D. The theory is that medical judges wouldn't be as easily swayed by emotion as are lay juries. Other possibilities include the option of arbitration, as well as some liability protection for doctors who follow "best practice" clinical standards in treating their patients.

Many economists are skeptical that malpractice insurance premiums paid by doctors _ or even the practice of defensive medicine to avoid litigation _ are major reasons for soaring health care costs. But the issue looms large politically because many conservatives in both parties are convinced that doctors routinely order up tests their patients don't need because they're afraid of getting sued.

Obama's overture in his Wednesday night speech could give him a way to peel off some Republican votes, as well as shore up support from moderates in his own party. The president said that while he doesn't see malpractice changes as a "silver bullet," he's talked to enough doctors to suspect that fear of litigation contributes to unnecessary costs. He's directing the Health and Human Services Department to provide funding for pilot programs to test some alternatives to litigation.

"The door is open now to discussion of any kind of legitimate alternative," said Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tenn., a longtime supporter of malpractice curbs. Two ideas that Gordon has promoted will be part of the administration's pilot programs.

Doctors' groups, which lost the battle for national limits on jury awards for pain and suffering, now see a possibility for other ways to reduce malpractice lawsuits.

"I think there's been significant movement," said Dr. James Rohack, president of the American Medical Association. "The physician community has said it's a problem. The Republicans have said it's a problem. And now you have a Democratic president who says it's time to deal with this."

Trial lawyers say no further action is needed from lawmakers.

"It shouldn't be part of the health reform debate in Congress because the president is already doing something today," said Linda Lipsen, the top lobbyist for the American Association for Justice, which represents lawyers. "I think it should close the door because the president has taken control over the issue."

Administration officials said Obama's order will encourage states to experiment with programs that reduce litigation and promote patient safety. Preventable medical errors are estimated to cause 44,000 to 98,000 deaths a year. HHS officials pointed to two types of programs in particular.

One kind, known as "early disclosure" or "Sorry Works," encourages doctors and hospitals to own up to their mistakes, apologize to patients and their families, and offer restitution as well as a pledge of corrective action to prevent other patients from being harmed by the same mistake.

The second type of program requires would-be malpractice plaintiffs to go before an expert before they proceed to court. The expert _ it can also be a panel _ acts like a grand jury to weed out frivolous cases. Gordon said that since his state of Tennessee adopted such a requirement last year, the number of malpractice cases filed has dropped by 69 percent. And malpractice insurance premiums are expected to decline by 2.5 percent this year.

Lipsen said trial lawyers are concerned that rules for these alternatives to malpractice litigation are written so that people aren't coerced into giving up their right to their day in court.

© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Wilson didn't lie???? Damn.....



Healthcare Officials Scramble to Exclude illegals

Friday, September 11, 2009 1:16 PM

By: Erica Werner Article Font Size

Healthcare negotiators in the Senate are hammering out language to ensure that illegal immigrants can't get access to government funded insurance.

The issue is being revisited by a small group of negotiators on the Senate Finance Committee who met Friday morning. They are searching for an elusive bipartisan deal on President Barack Obama's health overhaul.

Members of the group said they thought they'd settled the matter, but it came to the fore this week when Republican Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie" at Obama during his speech Wednesday. Obama had said illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered under his health plan.

Senators said that's forced the committee to work on a provision to verify legal status before an individual can get coverage.

© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Dont yall hate this AP shit on newsmax:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Wilson Wins: Senate Closing Healthcare Loophole for Illegals

Friday, September 11, 2009 1:06 PM

By: Dan Weil Article Font Size

Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., took a lot of heat for yelling out “liar” during President Obama’s speech Wednesday night, but Wilson’s policy argument appears to be carrying the day.

Senators in the so called "Gang of Six," a group of bipartisan lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee working to formulate a passable healthcare plan, are moving quickly to close the loophole that concerned Wilson, Fox News reports.

"We absolutely assure that those who are here illegally would not get the benefit of any of these initiatives," said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D.

Wilson’s outburst came after Obama claimed that his healthcare plan wouldn’t provide benefits to illegal immigrants. Wilson apologized for his interruption shortly after the speech, and Obama accepted.

Wilson is still concerned that Congress will pass a bill with no requirement to prove citizenship for healthcare coverage.

Of the three House committees that have passed reform bills, only one specifically prohibits federal funding for health coverage for illegal immigrants.

"The Congressional Research Service has indicated that indeed the bills that are before Congress would include illegal aliens," Wilson told Fox. "And I think this is wrong."

House Minority Leader John Boehner puts the blame on Democrats.

"There were two opportunities for House Democrats to make clear that illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered by putting in requirements to show citizenships," he said. "Both of those amendments were, in fact, rejected."

As for Wilson, he may have put his congressional career at risk for his principled stand.

National Public Radio reports that Rob Miller, the Iraq War veteran who held Wilson to 54 percent of the vote in 2008 and is running again, claims to have garnered more than $750,000 from 20,000 individual contributors since the speech.

That total already exceeds the $631,960 he raised for last year's campaign.

© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't care who you are, left or right, black or white, etc, if your only come back in a debate or discussion is a spelling mistake, you lose.

What? Three different headlines, each one including a clerical error!

What does that tell about the poster? How attractive is that?

(Remark: This is an international web site, you may not only find your fellow countrymen here - a bit awkward, right?)


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I don't care who you are, left or right, black or white, etc, if your only come back in a debate or discussion is a spelling mistake, you lose.

What? Three different headlines, each one including a clerical error!


What does that tell about the poster? How attractive is that?

>>It tells me that spelling is not his best attribute.

(Remark: This is an international web site, you may not only find your fellow countrymen here - a bit awkward, right?)

>>Awkward how?


If you can, try debating the subject instead of attacking someones spelling.

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getting back to the actual topic, I agree that implementing a plan to reduce these lawsuits is a good way forward.

Speaking of getting back on topic, Complaints in complex med mal cases often run dozens of pages. They usually don't have a single spelling mistake.

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I don't care who you are, left or right, black or white, etc, if your only come back in a debate or discussion is a spelling mistake, you lose.

Spelling is a very good indicator of how much attention to detail a person pays. A repeated pattern of poor spelling is a good indicator of sloppy thinking and carelessness.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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it only takes one bad federal judge (there are lots of them !!!) to GIVE ILLEGAL ALIENS the same rights/benefits as U.S. citizens, sadly. And that will happen.
Whenever I have travelled abroad, they wanted to know who I was, and what I was doing there. I was NOT offended. I would expect nothing less.
But here in the U.S., you are a racist pig if you even ask those things. Hence, the 9/11 hijackers were stopped by cops before the attack... and nothing was done regarding their permission to be in our country.

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Speaking of getting back on topic, Complaints in complex med mal cases often run dozens of pages. They usually don't have a single spelling mistake.

Well, that proves it then. Lawyers really are better people.
-- Tom Aiello


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getting back to the actual topic, I agree that implementing a plan to reduce these lawsuits is a good way forward.

It is a start and it is simple. With the trial lawyers lobby is strong as it it is and, many in congress being lawyers, it will be a tough row to hoe.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't care who you are, left or right, black or white, etc, if your only come back in a debate or discussion is a spelling mistake, you lose.

Spelling is a very good indicator of how much attention to detail a person pays. A repeated pattern of poor spelling is a good indicator of sloppy thinking and carelessness.

If I did not pay attention to detail I would be dead by now. 12500 volts phase to phase can do that to you.

Too bad everyone has to be good at what YOU think is important for you to give a fuck!!!>:(

Says volumes of your attitude toward blue collar labor my friend.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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it only takes one bad federal judge (there are lots of them !!!) to GIVE ILLEGAL ALIENS the same rights/benefits as U.S. citizens, sadly. And that will happen.
Whenever I have travelled abroad, they wanted to know who I was, and what I was doing there. I was NOT offended. I would expect nothing less.
But here in the U.S., you are a racist pig if you even ask those things. Hence, the 9/11 hijackers were stopped by cops before the attack... and nothing was done regarding their permission to be in our country.

+1 my friend. Hope they all know how to spell or kallend will think them less that useful.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If I did not pay attention to detail I would be dead by now. 12500 volts phase to phase can do that to you.


How Wimpy! My X-Ray machine does 200,000V and the electron microscope even more:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If I did not pay attention to detail I would be dead by now. 12500 volts phase to phase can do that to you.


How Wimpy! My X-Ray machine does 200,000V and the electron microscope even more:P

Nice dodge weave and fucking cop out dude.

Once again your arrogance has screwed you
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Speaking of getting back on topic, Complaints in complex med mal cases often run dozens of pages. They usually don't have a single spelling mistake.

Well, that proves it then. Lawyers really are better people.

Nah, we just hog all the best secretaries.

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Speaking of getting back on topic, Complaints in complex med mal cases often run dozens of pages. They usually don't have a single spelling mistake.

Well, that proves it then. Lawyers really are better people.

Nah, we just hog all the best secretaries.

or something with them[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Spelling is a very good indicator of how much free time someone has to entertain themselves with this masturbatory exercise. People with lives and careers dash off a quick line or tow and then get back to their real day.

Again, a thanks for the support.

Two things related to my spelling.
First, whole language training from the liberal world of we don't want to hurt anybody and they will figure it out bull shit set me up to where I am today.

Second, I am lazy. Some of it falls to me. But not to the level our esteemed kallend would have us fuck ourselves under>:(

So, thank you and then, call me on it too. When done honestly, it only servers to make me better:$
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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