
Do tax cuts for the rich lead to horrible economic times?

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I also favor a society that believes in personal responsibility. That's why I typically vote liberal over conservative.

that's the part I don't get. So you're either saying that social programs such as welfare don't reward people for staying unemployed, or you're saying that these social programs are conservative agenda items.

I'm saying that personal responsibility consists of more than just individuals looking out for number one. Personal responsibilities are responsibilities that I, personally, have. My personal responsibilities extend further than just myself and my family. I have personal responsibilities to society, as well.


As far as I can see, the only political party with a line anywhere near personal responsibility is the libertarian party.

I don't see the Libertarian party being in favor of personal responsibility. They seem to be in favor of looking out for number one, everyone else be damned. That isn't a philosophy consistent with belief in personal responsibility.
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As one friend put it, "There are no tax shelters for under $100k liquid, so who do you think wrote the tax code?"

My accountant says with current tax rate it doesn't make sense to use (legal) tax avoidance schemes if your combined income is less than 400K. Once you're over it, it starts making sense to use them.

However when the taxes are up, it makes sense on much lower amounts. In Europe, for example, if your income is over 75K EUR a year, it definitely makes sense because of much higher taxes. This is one of the reasons they have ~20% VAT.
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Much of it may have otherwise been saved, which reduces the amount of money being spent in the economy. Money flows from poor to rich. For maximum economic benefit, money should be given to the poor, who will spend all of it, as opposed to given to the rich, who may spend part of it.

Why does money flow from poor to rich? If the poor spend all the money they are given in what ways will it help them? In what form do rich people "save" their money, and why does this result in a negative impact on the economy as a whole?

When money is saved, it is subject to reserve requirements. That means that part of it is removed from the economy. When money is spent, it is all returned to the economy.

It's why trickle down economics doesn't work.

I don't think rich people sink substantial amounts of money into savings accounts. Sensible investment vehicles don't have reserve requirements. I suppose you could get some affect from this, but I don't know how significant it would be.

Any thoughts on the other questions? They are actually the more interesting ones im-ever-ho. (to borrow a phrase from Marg)

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Any thoughts on the other questions? They are actually the more interesting ones

I've answered them previously, but …

>If the poor spend all the money they are given in what ways will it >help them?

It helps them specifically by allowing them such things as food and shelter. It also keeps money moving in the economy, which benefits everyone.

>In what form do rich people "save" their money, and why does this
>result in a negative impact on the economy as a whole?

Cash savings and some other investments (e.g. insurance companies) have reserve requirements. The money tied up in those requirements doesn't grow the economy.
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I don't know about where you come from - though you have mentioned your background in the past. Compared to me, you grew up wealthy.

LOL I'm pretty sure you have me confused with someone else!

Nope. Were you jumped by a gang in an apartment complex when you were six? That's where I grew up.

I saw my parents work their asses off to get out. Hence, my ideals were likely shaped by that.



Is efficiency something that is produced?

Yes. That's why we have professions like engineers - people whose job it is to MAKE something more efficient.

Correct word use seems to be a problem for you this evening.

Inference and examination of ideas seems to be a persistent issue with you historically.

By the way, when commenting on my "word use" you would be wise to refer to "word usage.". "Word use?" Mr. English police - issue thine self a citation. Of course, such would require you to admit you were wrong - an idea likely foreign.


Sure. Google poverty rate in the United States. Go historical on it. See whether the raw numbers have increased. If the War on Poverty worked we'd have no horror stories about the need for health finance reform.

That would not be sufficient evidence to support your assertion.

Sure. Not enough for you. You asked me for evidence. I supply it. It's not enough. I did not expect objectivity from you. A burning bush could be telling you facts and you'd say, "I don't believe in burning bushes."

P.s. - does your mom have a job yet? Or are businesses not hiring right now? Sure, relieving some tax weight might free up some cash to hire anew, but thanks to the government I'm sure you are as happy as clams at high tide.


I'm saying poverty is still there.

That's a much watered down version of your previous assertion. I agree; there is still poverty in the US.

Hasn't the roughly 10 trillion dollars spent on it eliminated it? You cannot eliminate poverty with cash from the government.


What the Progressives did has not worked. Period. I can prove that poverty still exists on a large scale.

Can you prove that it wasn't a result of what the conservatives have done?

Yep. Conservatives didn't do shit. This argumentis also, "10 trillion isn't enough to solve poverty issues. We needed at least 50 trillion, but conservatives would not allow it."

Face it. It didn't work. Period. It didn't. More and more money got thrown at it and it is stil there. Even conservative administrations showed budget growth.

Blame conservatives. Yeah. That's the ticket. Why not just be intellectually honest; "if nobody had any money and there were no wealthy then we'd have no problems."

You need the rich as much as you hate them. You need them around to blame. Interestingly, this is the sort of arbitrary and subjective hatred that the Left so accuses the Right of doing. In psychology it is called "tranference."


Under whose budgets has the economic divide widened the most?

Probably the conservatives. They tend not to seize as much money from those with it. Funny - you don't say shit about whether incomes for the poor have risen. No. You talk about gaps.

If the rich lose money at a faster rate than the poor you consider that success. I consider widespread misery to be failure. But hey - you can blame the rich for it.

What a wonderful world you forsee. Everyone poor. Nobody can ever get ahead. Shall we feast on Soyleny
T Green while we're at it?


And I can show you that where the welfare money went in the 1970's is the same place it went in the 80's and 90's.

But, can you show that it went to the same people?

Nope. To their offspring, however. Perhaps you grew up in a place where people moved in and out. I'd like to introduce you to life in the hood but your ass would get fucking capped so quickly thatyou would have no time to be shocked.

I'll tell you where I came from. Nobody moves there. People are born there and they either leave or stay there and replenish the population.

[Reply]That's what you have to be able to show to prove your assertion.

Bullshit. "Oh. It's their kids. Not the same people."


I hate to be the one to break this to you, but only the poor do not put their money in banks. You won't find a million dollars under a ricj guy's mattress.

Exactly my point.

Really? So the poor should have their money seized, thus putting it into circulation. Do you know what a jerk that sounds like?

I prefer seizing NOBODY's money. Now it sounds like you are saying we could grow the economy by taxing the poor isntead of the rich. A commie would like that idea. I personally think that the poor, like everybody, should be able to keep their money.


The wealthy put their money in banks.

Which have reserve requirements. The money that fulfills those reserve requirements is effectively removed from the economy.

So, tell the government to scrap that. Oh! Wait! FDR put those in place! Bank reserves are a Progressive idea.

Welcome to the libertarian party.


That money is then circulated through the economy.

Yes, at a slower rate than if it were spent instead of saved.

True. Good luck buying a house.


Put ten grand into a CD? Yep. You are loaning money to the bank. It then loans to others.

Again, think reserve requirements government regulation