
how government runs things

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After reading an email I received I thought how true. why is goverment even running anything? the government increases the cost for everything they put their fingers in. why cant government just over see and regulate?

I don't know how true the actual numbers are but I don't think that is important. this is the email,

Government and how the Government works!
Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.

Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people, one to do the studies and one to write the reports.

Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they created the following positions, a time keeper, and a payroll officer, then hired two people.

Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation
for one Year and we are $18,000 over budget, we must cutback overall
So they laid off the night watchman.

NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter.
Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY.... during the Carter Administration?




Didn't think so!

Bottom line: We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency...the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember!


It was very simple...and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate.

The Department of Energy was instituted on 8-04-1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL.

Hey, pretty efficient, huh???


Ah, yes -- good ole bureaucracy.


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>NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter.
>Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the
>DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY.... during the Carter Administration?

To consolidate the Federal Energy Administration, the Energy Research and Development Administration and the Federal Power Commission. The ERDA was created when the Atomic Energy Commission was split into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the ERDA, which was in charge of the nuclear weapon, naval reactor, and energy development programs of the time.

>Bottom line: We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an
>agency...the reason for which not one person who reads this can

And apparently not the author of this email either.

Gotta check this stuff before you post it.

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Not a partisan argument at all. Since it is partisan, good thing the R's don't grow the gov:S - oh wait, they've grown it more than the Dems could ever dream to.

As for the necessity of gov, could you imagine the Libertarian dream; Mad Maxville? And when gov does its job, they keep corporatiosn from getting too big, so they really have fallen down - corps are the evil, not gov.

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Hands off, thats mine! I've already sent off my bank details, just waiting for the deposit now. How did you know about it anyway??? >:(

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Hands off, thats mine! I've already sent off my bank details, just waiting for the deposit now. How did you know about it anyway??? >:(

They told me I won the UK lottery and I never bought a ticket. I'm confiding in you guys so keep my secret till I get the cash, then I'll hook ya up.

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I had to fix your subject line for you. To be fair though all the bastards there do it. Reid is the one that is getting caught this time>:(


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I had to fix your subject line for you. To be fair though all the bastards there do it. Reid is the one that is getting caught this time>:(



Isn't it very dissapointing when you have all the left making fun of something that is really happening that has cost the americans billions. Instead of using the thread to have a serious discussion of what is wrong and maybe offering ideas on how to fix the overspending in washington they ridicule the entire thread. that is how I am seeing the left more and more. When the dem's were in the minority they used every avenue at their disposal to try and further their agenda, but now at every possible time they ridicule every oposing idea.

I guess since the ideas they want to impose on us have no ability to stand on their own merrits they only have ridicule left to try to influence others. those that actually have desire, ambition, and the will to take care of themselves and not let the government take what they worked hard for and give it to the lazy are called selfish. The left is all about taking from those that work hard and giving to those that don't. ridicule that you see in the above posts is just another way the left shows that they are weak minded and their agenda is even weaker.

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this is a very good argument against the health care bill, facts that are undeniable and the left continues to lie about them. we became the greatest nation on earth because or=f our way of doing things and Obama is doing everything in his power to kill the american dream and way of life.

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Google "How Corporations Run Things" and find tons of articles about how poorly corporations are run, how the shareholders have no clue what is going on even though they 'own it', and they never get heard, how the executives first priority is paying themselves

and even when they do poorly, they all make sure their contracts have huge bonuses for leaving......

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Google "How Corporations Run Things" and find tons of articles about how poorly corporations are run, how the shareholders have no clue what is going on even though they 'own it', and they never get heard, how the executives first priority is paying themselves

and even when they do poorly, they all make sure their contracts have huge bonuses for leaving......


It use to be that when a company failed the owner(or coe) failed with it. But because of the liberal run court system several layers of protection have been developed to protect the owner(or ceo) from being taken down with his company. It is not capitalism that is the problem, it is the liberals that worked in the protections is the problem. If an owner (or ceo) had his wealth taken to cover the bad choices they made while running a company they would make better choices and fear making bad ones. this alone would reduce the risk taking, high roller types from putting their companies one the line with high risk adventures and cause a slower (less risky) aproach to descision making.

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If an owner (or ceo) had his wealth taken to cover the bad choices they made while running a company they would make better choices and fear making bad ones.

That's pretty funny logic. So if you own any stock - which makes you an owner of the part of the company - you think it's fine to have your wealth taken to cover the bad choice the company made? Or it's ok just to take someone else's wealth, but not yours?
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If an owner (or ceo) had his wealth taken to cover the bad choices they made while running a company they would make better choices and fear making bad ones.

That's pretty funny logic. So if you own any stock - which makes you an owner of the part of the company - you think it's fine to have your wealth taken to cover the bad choice the company made? Or it's ok just to take someone else's wealth, but not yours?


that would be correct, wether you are a board member or a stock holder you have the right to vote on what or how the company is run, if you vote and the company fails you loose, if you don't vote and the company fails you loose, if you don't like the way things are going you can sell then if the company fails you won.

This is called personal responsibility, something the left knows nothing about. they feel that if the company fails they can hide behind the corporate vail and walk away with their money and screw the rest. this is the problem with the big coperations, they fail and the ceo walks away a winner. they need to be stipped of their money and property to pay for their poor choices.

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liberal run court system

I'll let you in on a secret - corporations have been around for a very long time - through both conservative AND liberal court systems.

they were invented for the very reason of protecting and isolating the owners, CEOs and pretty much everyone else.from that 'personal responsibility' that you advocate.

You cannot make the corporations more personally responsible without removing the function of the 'corporation'

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they were invented for the very reason of protecting and isolating the owners, CEOs and pretty much everyone else.from that 'personal responsibility' that you advocate.

You cannot make the corporations more personally responsible without removing the function of the 'corporation'


That is the problem, the corperate shield was developed to protect the board members from lawsuites from ambulance chasing lawyers but that also protected them from the the issue of bankrupcy. they courts have caused this problem not capitalism. we need to get back to holding those that screw up accountable for their actions. Until congress removes these protections we will continue to have colapses like enron and aig.

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>that would be correct, wether you are a board member or a stock holder
>you have the right to vote on what or how the company is run . . .

So other people should be able to tell CEO's how to run their company? Interesting.

>This is called personal responsibility, something the left knows nothing
>about. they feel that if the company fails they can hide behind the
>corporate vail and walk away with their money and screw the rest.

So you think Ken Lay and company were liberals?

>they need to be stipped of their money and property to pay for their
>poor choices.

So you want the government to strip people of their money if they become "too rich" without doing something you consider deserving? I see you're well on your way to becoming a socialist.

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>that would be correct, wether you are a board member or a stock holder
>you have the right to vote on what or how the company is run . . .

So other people should be able to tell CEO's how to run their company? Interesting.


if they sell stock , then yes they open themselves up to that. If they don't want others to vote on those descisions they should put their company on the stock exchange.


So you want the government to strip people of their money if they become "too rich" without doing something you consider deserving? I see you're well on your way to becoming a socialist.


Are you getting dizzy from the spin you have? I could have sworn I said that if you bankrupt a company then you should have your money and assets taken to pay for your fuckup. But then again I don't speak liberal so mybe the translation from english to liberal could have said that.

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> I could have sworn I said that if you bankrupt a company then you
> should have your money and assets taken to pay for your fuckup.

Exactly. You don't think they "deserve" to keep their money so you think that the government should take away the bad rich man's money and give it to someone else. You seem to be agreeing with Lucky; some people just don't deserve to have that much money.

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> I could have sworn I said that if you bankrupt a company then you
> should have your money and assets taken to pay for your fuckup.

Exactly. You don't think they "deserve" to keep their money so you think that the government should take away the bad rich man's money and give it to someone else. You seem to be agreeing with Lucky; some people just don't deserve to have that much money.

nobody should keep the money they robbed from a company that should be paying that companies bills. It is not the government taking the money and giving it to someone else because they don't deserve to have that much money.

Anyone that earns the money without defrauding others deserves to have as much as they can make, but everyone is responsible to pay the bills they created and not leave others holding the debt that was caused by a carelees individual.

What the left wants is to take the honest peoples money and redistribute as they see fit and that is wrong. Those that don't earn shouldn't receive handouts, they should be given a task and then paid for that task so they can pay their own bills. Even those on welfare should be given something to do and then when the task is done then they receive the pay for the job.

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>Anyone that earns the money without defrauding others . . .

You're changing your tune now! Bankrupting a company is not the same as defrauding someone. One is a business approach (or failure thereof) - the other is a crime.

>What the left wants is to take the honest peoples money and
>redistribute as they see fit and that is wrong.

That is exactly what you want to do. You just want to do it to different people than Lucky does. I'll let you two fight it out as to who is the more evil rich person, and whose money should be redistributed to who.

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that would be correct, wether you are a board member or a stock holder you have the right to vote on what or how the company is run, if you vote and the company fails you loose, if you don't vote and the company fails you loose, if you don't like the way things are going you can sell then if the company fails you won.

Sp what if you vote for the right thing, but the company still loses because your vote is overturned by majority, or just because someone in the company middle management did some major fuck-up? You supposed to still lose, as the company loses, correct? So much for personal responsibility.


This is called personal responsibility, something the left knows nothing about. they feel that if the company fails they can hide behind the corporate vail and walk away with their money and screw the rest.

Isn't it exactly what GWB started?
I'll be even more specific: wasn't it GWB administration which gave $85B to AIG (whose executives also got some nice bonuses around the time)?
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Isn't it exactly what GWB started?
I'll be even more specific: wasn't it GWB administration which gave $85B to AIG (whose executives also got some nice bonuses around the time)?

Yep, and he was a nincompoop when he did it too:|
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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