
I mean not really..,

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[replyI'm very uncomfortable being put in the spotlight for doing what I do. The shit-talking is because we love our jobs. Kind of reminds me of my years in college. There were these anti fraternity groups that hated everything that represented a social organization. I back then in my naievity, called them out as jealous anti-social underachievers, but now I realize it's about how they really think of themselves and thier inner confidence or something to that effect.


Uhm.., nanook..,
fraternities, the military, your very deep over-analyzing .., you seem to join organizations where you will spend a lot of time with large groups of men. Why do you think that may be?
No ,No., forget I asked!
Don't tell!!!;)



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Never mind, trying to get a straight answer out of you is like talking to a brick wall.

I can't make it any straighter for you.

I believe that Cassius Clay is one of the greatest heroes of the Vietnam war.

Oh!!! I see now ! You were hoping to trip me up so that you could make some witty reply?

Never mind then as I am firm in my beliefs!
I believe that Cassius Clay is one of the greatest heroes of the Vietnam War.


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cliff is trolling again. yeah soldiers are all psycho murderers... yawn... got anything else to say cliff? >:(

Yes,birdshit ..,
Now , I don't think the majority are "psycho" going in to the military. I may be wrong(I'm not a clinical phsycologist but call me if you have any sceptic tank troubles), .., but coming out of combat I do belive a large portion of military are "psycho". Especially after long , extended, and multiple tours of duty.


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cliff is trolling again. yeah soldiers are all psycho murderers... yawn... got anything else to say cliff? >:(

Yes,birdshit ..,
Now , I don't think the majority are "psycho" going in to the military. I may be wrong(I'm not a clinical phsycologist but call me if you have any sceptic tank troubles), .., but coming out of combat I do belive a large portion of military are "psycho". Especially after long , extended, and multiple tours of duty.


You can't argue with facts and data like that! :S

Also, did you know that 82% of facts are made up? ;)

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Still side stepping and not very effective this time.

So, Casious Clay used religion to avoid serving and that makes him a "hero" to you?

I find it ironic that the peace loving Casious Clay used a religion to hide from his call to serve, stating he didn't belive in the killing and violence, and then went in to the ring and knocked people out for money.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Still side stepping and not very effective this time.

So, Casious Clay used religion to avoid serving and that makes him a "hero" to you?


No , matthewcline,it wasn't about religion. Why do you bring that up?
Cassius Clay said" I have no quarrel with the Viet Cong".

He had no reason to kill them so he opted for a jail cell in lieu of killing people .

Now I don't know .
Maybe you'ld be comfortable in a jail cell. Maybe not.

I guess what makes Cassius Clay such a heroe in my book is that he did the research.
He didn't just blindly accept the government propaganda.
There was no good reason to kill innocent North Vietnamese.
They weren't a threat to the US population.

It was all about the price and accesability of "rubber".

Natural resources.
Hmm! Seems like why we fight every war!

Oh wait! I'm wrong!!!

The invasion of Panama was so that Herbert Walker(Poppy) Bush wouldn't be found out.



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I agree Mohammed Ali was a hero. He did the hard thing. Its easy to do what people expect you to do or what people think will make others look at them with respect. It takes more courage to stand and be looked at with disgust and be called names but stand for what you believe in. I get what you mean.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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like., who would really expect you to fulfill your oath?

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Listen soldiers, I don't know if you realize how badly the Constitution was beat up since 9-11.
Maybe you might ought to look at that,.. being as you swore an oath and all.

Unless of course your word isn't worth diddly squat.

Blues ,

You raise a good point...our fighting forces should be home defending us from our government.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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[reply It takes more courage to stand and be looked at with disgust and be called names but stand for what you believe in.

I've watched as you've been in that same situation right here in Speakers Corner ,Darius11.

I respect you for that, independant of whether or not I agreed with your thoughts and ideas.


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