JohnDeere 0 #26 October 22, 2009 Quote You might want to read up on the public option, then. You are misunderstanding how it works Bill get real!!@!!!!!!! I know all about the public option Me and other company's will pay for the (majority of the lazyt fuck's) people that dont want to work to get a paycheck and insurance. Quote (Not your fault - there are a lot of GOP commentators trying their very best to make people misunderstand.) Maybe you should at least watch them before you spew your "opinion" as fact. I always love it how you libs act as if the people that are smart/ bright enough to start company's, (produce jobs) are not smart enough to understand politicsGet real bill! You have to much knowledge to waste it on such liberal BS!Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #27 October 22, 2009 Quote I understand your sentiments, but isn't healthcare already costing you more today than last year and predicted to rise even if a healthcare bill isn't passed? I'm at a loss as to why businesses, especially small shop owners, would be opposed to a public option that would unburden them specifically from the direct cost of providing health insurance and time, money and labor associated with administering it. I realize taxes would increase, but why are you so certain that the tax increase would be more than the savings? What specific numbers are you looking at? the newest bill does nothing to reduce medical costs, they have not opened the state boarders for compitition, nor touched tort reform. The bill increases the financial responsibility of the insurance companies by removing caps and making them insure the high risk people. This will cause the premiums to increase. Then we get the tax increase from the government to cover the rest. the currant rates are bad enough. This anual renewall I had to reduce coverage of my group policy due to increases in the premiums, if the increases go up even more, I receive a tax increase to cover the 40 million, and they put up to a 40% tax on the policy, my choices will be limited to eliminating the benifit and let the employee fend for himself. I understand that the currant situation is not great, but is definately better then what would happen if the senate finance bill passes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #28 October 22, 2009 Quote>The govt doesnt have to compete with the insurance company's. They >can print $ the insurance company's cant. We've heard endless diatribes about how bad the public version of healthcare would be. If you really believe that, why are you worried that people will flock to it? They will have no choice but to go to the gov plan. If they make the ins co's pay out more they will need to raise the rates, if tort reform isnot adressed the cost of medical care will increase and the rates will increase, if they tax the plans the people will pay more, and the list goes on. the only affordable option will be the gov plan and that will reduce the ins co's income and cause their rates to go even higher until they are out of buisiness. Anyone that has run a buisiness understands this. I guess that is why Obama doesn't understand, he has never actually done anything that would cause him to understand basic economics. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites