
86 yr old WWII veteran speaks about gay marriage

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Jakee just likes to provoke people, in this case he has chosen unwisely and should stop.

But he has no point, he just goes on and on....

I know, And I have NO desire to fuck him as he asked:P

I have read nearly all of this thread. Vortex has made very good points. jakee just cant handle it,.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Jakee just likes to provoke people, in this case he has chosen unwisely and should stop.

Does Vortex know that you think he's a danger to others?


But he has no point, he just goes on and on....

There's something the way Vortex writes his arguments that makes it a whole lot of fun to completely destroy them. So, generally seaking, as long as he goes on, I go on. Unless I get bored with it when he inevitably breaks down into completely incoherent, self-contradictory outbursts.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Jakee just likes to provoke people, in this case he has chosen unwisely and should stop.

Does Vortex know that you think he's a danger to others?


But he has no point, he just goes on and on....

There's something the way Vortex writes his arguments that makes it a whole lot of fun to completely destroy them. So, generally seaking, as long as he goes on, I go on. Unless I get bored with it when he inevitably breaks down into completely incoherent, self-contradictory outbursts.

HIS "outbursts"?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well, isn't that a shame? I'm still against gay marriage. Further to that, I've identified a point where, through excessive wine consumption, I have felt it necessary to make a more coherent viewpoint.
You, of all people, should appreciate that. This is my honest viewpoint.

So that means... what? You accept that all of your previous arguments were wrong, since this new one is completely different?

I've been against gay marriage from the start.


Why does a person with a different point of view make you so angry? It sometimes cracks me up with laughter, but that isn't my intention.

"Get fucked." If there's anyone here who gets angry over the internet, that'd be you, sonny boy. I just have knocking over such an easy target.

So I told Kallend to get fucked? And? Was I angry? I didn't tell him to get fucked because of his view point on gay marriage if that's what you're insinuating. You're last sentence doesn't make sense. What's an easy target got to do with anything? My beliefs are against gay marriage; I've made an effort to explain to people why. There is no debate; there is no competition.

This is further reinforcement of your continual lack of tolerance for other peoples beliefs, and how they make you angry.


Through the simple reason marriage has always been for a husband and wife. If they chose, and traditionally most would, that they'd have children, there now existed a solid foundation for the rearing of the children. By allowing gay marriage, the reasoning for doing so equally applies to incestuous couples, and polygamists. This is undermining.

Why is it undermining? How does it affect anyone elses marriage?

It effects marriage as a whole.


It's not in regards to an individual straight couples marriage; it's in regards to marriage itself, with future social implications.

But you must believe that it does affect some straight people's marriages, otherwise you wouldn't think it a problem!


I tried that on some ants but have yet to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion . . .

Who knows?

Who knows? So you don't know. evidence that your original argument was a steaming pile of shit, and your new, sober, coherent argument that gay marriage is bad and civil unions ok is also a steaming pile of shit since you have no idea if there's any difference between the two in how they would affect a society.

Nice editing, to reinforce your PA. If you feel inclined to believe my argument against gay marriage is a steaming pile of shit, that's fine. It doesn't anger, or even bother me in the slightest. Do you feel the same towards anyone who argues against gay marriage or is it all directed at me? It seems the former, as many other people are against gay marriage for similiar beliefs.


Now, could you now take the effort to explain why you're so for gay marriage?

I've told you already - and I have, so very much unlike you, given the same reason each time. Because my reason is a good one.

Remind me; must be getting forgetful in my old age . . .

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Well, isn't that a shame? I'm still against gay marriage. Further to that, I've identified a point where, through excessive wine consumption, I have felt it necessary to make a more coherent viewpoint.
You, of all people, should appreciate that. This is my honest viewpoint. Why does it always make you so angry and wasp-ish? Why does a person with a different point of view make you so angry? It sometimes cracks me up with laughter, but that isn't my intention.

Despite the fact that I disagree intently with your POV, I am impressed with your patience throughout this thread. The problem is, your viewpoint is not coherent. To speak for myself, your 'honest viewpoint' makes me angry because it's blatantly homophobic.

Thanks. Although I take offence at being called homophobic. Is everyone against gay marriage homophobic? I've genuinely took time and effort to delve into the reasoning of why I'm against gay marriage. Would a homophobe do such a thing?

I'd imagine they'd have their beliefs and have no reason to question or consider them to any extent.

So, enough of the name calling.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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