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Only about 1/3 what were spending in Iraq, which is totally, completely unnecessary.

The Taliban was harboring bin laden when we went in. they have now emerged as a terrorist organization so they need to be dealt with. Set up a puppet government that we can control, give the people the impression that they really matter, bribe the presidents brother with CIA seed money, you get the idea, etc, etc, and so on and so forth.

Iraq is one big cluster fuck that we will never win and we need to bail out of that mess and let em kill each other by themselves before it turns into another Vietnam.

I can accept the idea of losing American soldiers as long as there is a valid reason, but some trumped up bullshit lies GWB and Dickface Cheney told us is not a good reason to sacrifice 4,500 soldiers and maiming another 20,000.

I don't agree with the DEA attacking the opium/heroin production in Afghanistan. If they don't make it, some other hell hole in the world will. The only way we will ever fix that problem is to fix it on the demand side (cure the addicts).

So in short, I do know there is a good mission. I know we can accomplish it if we put enough resources to it. And I think that the political climate doesn't prevent that.

my $0.02

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The Taliban was harboring bin laden when we went in.


Hey birdshit, is it possible that bin laden has been a CIA asset since before the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and was working with the CIA just before 9-11 to train Chineese rebels , in "al-queida" camps in Afghanistan, to start some stuff in western China?

Could it be that Afghanistan has been our own little"terrorist training ground" ever since Russia pulled out?


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I think only the powers that be really know what the hell is going on in the Middle East.

I do know that there is power in numbers and if we're going to stay there Obama should listen to the people he put in charge and give them the troops they are asking for. If not, it may be too hostile for the current stand and we should just get out. All or nothing... but quit dilly dallying and half-assing it.

I fully understand taking time to make the right decision, but the Generals over there do nothing but analyze their situation and already know what is needed for them to best accomplish their mission.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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I think only the powers that be really know what the hell is going on in the Middle East.

I do know that there is power in numbers and if we're going to stay there Obama should listen to the people he put in charge and give them the troops they are asking for. If not, it may be too hostile for the current stand and we should just get out. All or nothing... but quit dilly dallying and half-assing it.

I fully understand taking time to make the right decision, but the Generals over there do nothing but analyze their situation and already know what is needed for them to best accomplish their mission.

Very good ,ridestrong.
Do you know what "the mission" in Afghanistan is?


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we need to bail out of that mess and let em kill each other by themselves before it turns into another Vietnam.

The problem is that they don't just want to kill each other. They've sworn death to any infidel and the west in general.


I can accept the idea of losing American soldiers as long as there is a valid reason, but some trumped up bullshit lies GWB and Dickface Cheney told us is not a good reason to sacrifice 4,500 soldiers and maiming another 20,000.

What lies led us into Afghanistan?

So in short, I do know there is a good mission. I know we can accomplish it if we put enough resources to it. And I think that the political climate doesn't prevent that. ***

Waiting months to make a decision, any decision, isn't preventing it? If you think it was Bush's lies that took us there then what good mission do you think there is to accomplish?

Stay positive and love your life.

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I thought it was to prevent Afghanistan from becoming completely unstable and becoming a terrorist state.

but one of my votes was 'I'm not sure what the mission is anymore'.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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[replyWhat lies led us into Afghanistan?


Uhmm, could it be something about 19 hijackers of arab decent comandeering 4 aircraft and taking out 4 buildings and leaving a crater and a terrorist issue bandana in a field in Pennsylvania?


That was a lie? No one attacked those buildings?

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***I don't agree with the DEA attacking the opium/heroin production in Afghanistan. If they don't make it, some other hell hole in the world will. The only way we will ever fix that problem is to fix it on the demand side (cure the addicts).


Opium is a cash crop for the Taliban, and one of their best customers is right across the border in Russia. The Russians probably have the most heroin addicts in the world, and they would love to see NATO shut down the opium crop. The Taliban also use opium as a weapon against NATO troops. Getting young soldiers addicted without firing a shot is one of their main objectives, as is infecting Europe and the rest of us infidels. The opium crop needs to go. Sure, it grows in other places, but shutting it down in their own back yard will be a major victory.

Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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>The last President said he didn't care about Ben-Laden.

True. Although we're still really pissed at Ben's brother Bin.

Hahahahaha. That made me laugh.... "Ben's brother" hahaha. No offense to the OP, it was just funny.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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When we first went into Afghanistan, even with the reduced capacity due to the Iraq campaign, the Taliban simply re-located their strength into Pakistan. No that Pakistan is fighting them head on, it would be foolhardy to allow them to just move back into Afghanistan.
We can beat these people back, but it must be done in both Afghanistan and Pakistan at the same time.

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they have now emerged as a terrorist organization so they need to be dealt with.

Yeah as if by magic they are a terrorist group now! No.


The problem is that they don't just want to kill each other. They've sworn death to any infidel and the west in general.

Also false.

Go test that theory yourself.

Get a plane ticket to Islamabad, then go over the border and tell them you are on their side.

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they have now emerged as a terrorist organization so they need to be dealt with.

Yeah as if by magic they are a terrorist group now! No.


The problem is that they don't just want to kill each other. They've sworn death to any infidel and the west in general.

Also false.

Why don't you go visit and fact find for yourself.. see if you survive in the kind of world you want to live in:S:S:S

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>The last President said he didn't care about Ben-Laden.

True. Although we're still really pissed at Ben's brother Bin.

Funny stuff ,Bill!

I wonder if you find it as funny that all those kids are being killed and wounded in Afghanistan while the FBI says they don't want Bin Laden for 9-11?

The fact is they don't have enough, never had enough prosecutable evidence to even *indict* Usama Ben Laden for the attacks of 9-11.

Somehow they convinced the American people that they had enough evidence to send American kids to die in a war.

Funny shit.., Ain't it ?



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That was a lie? No one attacked those buildings?

Oh no, timmyfitz, someone definatley took those buildings down.
The question is who.

There is no prosecutable evidence linking the attacks to Usama Ben Laden, thus no legitimate reason to attack Afghanistan in order to overthrow the Taliban.


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That was a lie? No one attacked those buildings?

Oh no, timmyfitz, someone definatley took those buildings down.
The question is who.

There is no prosecutable evidence linking the attacks to Usama Ben Laden, thus no legitimate reason to attack Afghanistan in order to overthrow the Taliban.


So, he did not admit doing it on that tape?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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That was a lie? No one attacked those buildings?

Oh no, timmyfitz, someone definatley took those buildings down.
The question is who.

There is no prosecutable evidence linking the attacks to Usama Ben Laden, thus no legitimate reason to attack Afghanistan in order to overthrow the Taliban.


So, he did not admit doing it on that tape?

Well there was a tape.

Was it Usama on the tape?

Being as *he* was wearing a gold ring ,and signing documents with his right hand ,and had a much broader nose.., I'm not believing it was Usama.

But the tape is interesting in that it had to be vetted by the CIA.
They say it's the real Mc'Coy!

But Muslims don't wear Jew lery and Usama was left handed.

This is a dilema!

Is the CIA lying to us about who is on that tape and why(did they produce it) ,or are they still just as incompetent as they were on 9-10-01?


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That was a lie? No one attacked those buildings?

Oh no, timmyfitz, someone definatley took those buildings down.
The question is who.

There is no prosecutable evidence linking the attacks to Usama Ben Laden, thus no legitimate reason to attack Afghanistan in order to overthrow the Taliban.


So, he did not admit doing it on that tape?

Well there was a tape.

Was it Usama on the tape?

Being as *he* was wearing a gold ring ,and signing documents with his right hand ,and had a much broader nose.., I'm not believing it was Usama.

But the tape is interesting in that it had to be vetted by the CIA.
They say it's the real Mc'Coy!

But Muslims don't wear Jew lery and Usama was left handed.

This is a dilema!

Is the CIA lying to us and why ,or are they still just as incompetent as they were on 9-10-01?



You must own a tin foil hat factory as many as you must go through
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I wonder if you find it as funny that all those kids are being killed and
>wounded in Afghanistan while the FBI says they don't want Bin Laden for 9-11?

Only if you throw some dead puppies in for good measure. Then it would be really funny.

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