
Tim D'Annunzio for Congress?

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And nothing for calling people On here infantile? Nothing about one poster telling another to FUCK OFF 3 times till someone called you out on doing nothing?


- The usual gang of right-wing sycophants is using the tried-and-true method of personally attacking Tim's critics to distract people off the message. The infantile attempts to put TK on trial in a thread about Tim's candidacy are beneath contempt.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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no postcard, but i have seen his ad at the top of dz.com. it usually appears when i'm in bonfire. someone should tell him the forum rules.

I imagine the forum rules are "flexible" for those who pay enough for their advertising space. Realistically, dropzone has already been cut loose from its corporate owners due to the current economic situation. Somebody has to pay the bills.

I have gone to Tim's website and having determined he's an arch conservative Republican, I simply cannot support his candidacy. I am an Obama Democrat who believes we cannot bring enough "socialist legislation" down the pipeline quickly enough.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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post 105, not only did you change the title of the thread (a personal attack) you also made DIRECT personal attacks in your post. therefor earning the F--- O-- outta here snce I am arguing with unarmed people.....

Let's review my post #105:
Skydive City Policies

<< we're not employees, we're contractors.

> Right. That's very convenient for TK, isn't it. No tax withholding bookkeeping. No
> unemployment taxes. No worker's comp taxes. No health insurance requirements.

> If his contractors get hurt, it's their problem. If they are out of work, they get no
> unemployment benefits.

> Liberals like to criticize businesses that make their employees independent
> contractors, because then the business isn't responsible for providing any benefits
> for them, and it's cheaper!

> Oh, he professes to care about wanting good things for his people, as long as
> someone else pays for it. Just like a good little liberal.

> So here we have the liberal Skydive City's TK running his business exactly the
> way that liberals don't like. He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.

> And he's also all for more restrictive gun laws, as long as they don't affect the
> guns that he owns.
I changed the thread title because the subject under discussion no longer fit the original thread title. So I changed it to accurately reflect the content of the message. That's just good forum management. And it's called "thread drift", which is something that happens in online discussions. None of this in any way, shape or form constitutes a personal attack as you claim. If you really think that a simple title change in accordance with the subject matter is a "personal attack", then you're skin is way too thin,

Of the remainder of that post, I asked you to specify what it was that you believed was a personal attack. And you have failed to provide any such specificity. Until you come up with that, there's nothing more to discuss - you've failed to meet the challenge. Perhaps you're afraid that I'll dig up your prior posts in other discussions here, to support my assertions?

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A polite person would know how to respond without vulgarity.

But that's not you, is it Johnny? Or doesn't it count when you hide it away where no-one can see?


If you want people to think of you as a rude, vulgar person, then by all means continue as is.

So is that why you only abuse people in PM's? You want to be able to be vulgar, but not have people think of you as vulgar?

I had no idea you were so sensitive. Or such an outrageous hypocrite. No, I take it back, I knew that one already.

Ah yes, the person who makes personal insults about me in third-party form behind my back, now complaining about my so-called "hypocrisy" for telling you what I think face-to-face. The irony of this is just so thick!

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I changed the thread title because the subject under discussion no longer fit the original thread title. So I changed it to accurately reflect the content of the message. That's just good forum management. And it's called "thread drift", which is something that happens in online discussions.

The thread only "drifted" when some people tried the dirtball tactic of trying to kill TK's message by attacking TK personally and slandering his business. Did I mention that that was beneath contempt? Yeah, I think I did.

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The thread only "drifted" when some people tried the dirtball tactic of trying to kill TK's message by attacking TK personally and slandering his business. Did I mention that that was beneath contempt? Yeah, I think I did.

Funny how it only seems to be a 'dirtbag tactic' when it's TK not living up the standards he wants to force on everyone else.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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you know John, when I read your posts, sometimes all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher.....

one man's 'forum management' is another man's 'personal attack'

nice of you to take over forum management, did not know that was your role. If it is OK then, I (we) will take over health care in this country.....

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The thread only "drifted" when some people tried the dirtball tactic of trying to kill TK's message by attacking TK personally and slandering his business. Did I mention that that was beneath contempt? Yeah, I think I did.

Funny how it only seems to be a 'dirtbag tactic' when it's TK not living up the standards he wants to force on everyone else.

It would make sense if we understood the connection between the two posters. However, one remains incognito and therefore insulated from evidence discovery. We can only guess, based on the profession declaration "attorney."
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Ah yes, the person who makes personal insults about me in third-party form behind my back, now complaining about my so-called "hypocrisy" for telling you what I think face-to-face.

OK, lets get this one straight - you think a comment in an open forum where you or anyone else can see it is behind your back, but sending a secret message that no-one else can see and blocking any reply is face to face?

You also think that berating someone for using swear words in public while hiding your own use of them by swearing just as badly at people in private is not hypocritical?

Let's apply your own argument, John: do you not know how to respond without swearing? Should we think of you as a rude and vulgar person? The manner in which you conduct yourself shows that you are.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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See how they do it, TK? To you; to anyone who disagrees with them; to anyone who calls them out on their beneath-contempt tactics... The message is clear: "We will come after YOU."

You do the exact same thing.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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nice of you to take over forum management, did not know that was your role. If it is OK then, I (we) will take over health care in this country.....

Might want to start in your own backyard.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It would make sense if we understood the connection between the two posters. However, one remains incognito and therefore insulated from evidence discovery. We can only guess, based on the profession declaration "attorney."

What was your intent in posting this?

Maybe I'm missing something.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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My personal comment to you was largely in regard to your anonymous personae here, something which tends to make people more brave with their words than they really are in person. That manner of posting also bears no consequences to any personal reputation.

I, on the other hand, am who I say I am. I don't hide behind a false name. I say what I mean, and I'm not afraid to be known personally for what I say. Anyone who has something to say to me in response, knows where to find me in person. I don't shirk from that.

I won't repeat here in public the word I used to describe you in that message, but you know what it is. It still applies.

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It would make sense if we understood the connection between the two posters. However, one remains incognito and therefore insulated from evidence discovery. We can only guess, based on the profession declaration "attorney."

What was your intent in posting this?

Maybe I'm missing something.


I was responding to the mnealtx post on dirtbag tactics only when those tactics are aimed at TK. Similar tactics used elsewhere by different co-respondents are generally considered SC norm. It was just a comment. Some people would call that making conversation.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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My personal comment to you was largely in regard to your anonymous personae here, something which tends to make people more brave with their words than they really are in person. That manner of posting also bears no consequences to any personal reputation.

I, on the other hand, am who I say I am. I don't hide behind a false name. I say what I mean, and I'm not afraid to be known personally for what I say.

My name is in my profile. People who actually know me and use this site, know who I am here. You wouldn't know me from Adam if I included my mothers maiden name and NI number, so that's all pretty much irrelevant, isn't it?


I won't repeat here in public the word I used to describe you in that message, but you know what it is. It still applies.

Of course you won't repeat it. Because you're far too much of one yourself to actually speak your mind where other people might be able to see it and judge you for it. You want to be able to get up on your high horse about vulgarity and character, and it's difficult for you to do that with any credibility if people know that you're just the same.

You probably can't even see the hypocrisy in the fact that, in successive paragraphs, you say that you're happy to be known for what you say, but still refuse to say in public the thing you wanted to say in secret in case people judged you for it. Pathetic.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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My name is in my profile. People who actually know me and use this site, know who I am here. You wouldn't know me from Adam if I included my mothers maiden name and NI number, so that's all pretty much irrelevant, isn't it?

Yeah, your name is "Jack" and you live somewhere in England. Gosh, that really narrows your identity down for everybody, doesn't it! How many "Jack's" are there in England? And of course people who already know you don't need to know your full name. Duh! Thanks for making my point about how you prefer to remain anonymous here to the general public.

I've said my piece on you, and I'm willing to let it stand as is. I'm not going to keep repeating it. You've said your piece three times now. I suggest you learn to let it stand at that too.

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Yeah, your name is "Jack" and you live somewhere in England. Gosh, that really narrows your identity down for everybody, doesn't it!

For people that know me, yeah it does, 'cos like I said, they know who I am. And also, like I said, you could have my full details, photo's of my family and a history of my childhood pets and you still wouldn't have a clue who I am, because you don't know me.


I've said my piece on you, and I'm willing to let it stand as is. I'm not going to keep repeating it.

Actually, you haven't. Not where anyone could see it, because you're too scared to let people see what you're actually like. Couldn't poosibly risk coming across as vulgar, now, could you Johnny?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It would make sense if we understood the connection between the two posters. However, one remains incognito and therefore insulated from evidence discovery. We can only guess, based on the profession declaration "attorney."

What was your intent in posting this?

Maybe I'm missing something.

I was responding to the mnealtx post on dirtbag tactics only when those tactics are aimed at TK. Similar tactics used elsewhere by different co-respondents are generally considered SC norm. It was just a comment. Some people would call that making conversation.

Thanks for the reply. As I read your comment – & perhaps I read it incorrectly, hence why I asked – your comment did not read like “making conversation.”

Norms of behavior are often fluid. For me, ‘playing the player rather than playing the ball,’ i.e., addressing the topic and writing about ideas rather than focusing on the person is the SC norm.

I try to practice that norm. Would you be willing to practice that norm too? Set an example for others?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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Norms of behavior are often fluid. For me, ‘playing the player rather than playing the ball,’ i.e., addressing the topic and writing about ideas rather than focusing on the person is the SC norm.

Unfortunately, you seem to be confusing the word 'norm' and the word 'ideal'.

- Dan G

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Thanks for the reply. As I read your comment – & perhaps I read it incorrectly, hence why I asked – your comment did not read like “making conversation.”

Norms of behavior are often fluid. For me, ‘playing the player rather than playing the ball,’ i.e., addressing the topic and writing about ideas rather than focusing on the person is the SC norm.

I try to practice that norm. Would you be willing to practice that norm too? Set an example for others?


You seem like an intelligent, good-hearted person and I respect your opinion. Much of what I read is categorized in my mind as collective adolescence or intellect without wisdom.

I am 67YO, retired and retreat here in my spare time when I am bored. I tried to provide a positive example months ago and was rebuked. So, at this stage SC is largely cyber therapy.

Now see how many people tell me to f*** off.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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