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Amazon 7
I guess the"conservatives" on the far right really do support DEATH PANELS after all. So many claim to be pro life... yet really do support death on so many levels. I guess that is the definition of a good christian in this country.... support war... support death penalty... support the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
Please tell me who is dying because they don't have access to HC? I know the death panels aren't real...I don't support the death penalty ONLY because it is not a deterrent. It does not serve the intended purpose. War? Like your glorious leader says...that's above my pay grade.
Sorry its not from an approved Teabagging Parth of NO source like FaUX News or Lush Rimjobs EIB but there are lots of other sources out there if you are willing to look...
airdvr 210
My car doesn't have all of the safety devices of say, a Mercedes. If I die in a car accident one could say I died because I didn't have a Mercedes. Same logic.
Destinations by Roxanne
Lucky... 0
QuoteInteresting article. On the surface it would appear that people died because they had no coverage. In reality they died because they got sick or injured badly.
My car doesn't have all of the safety devices of say, a Mercedes. If I die in a car accident one could say I died because I didn't have a Mercedes. Same logic.
First, let me say . This is more futility in arguments. I think the AMA would laugh at this for days. Firstly, preventative medicine is neccessary and your plan doesn't provide for that.
Secondly, you can't go have a pain checked out if you have no insurance, you have to wait until it becomes debilitating, which by then it may be too late. Say with a weakening appendix, cancer onset, etc. And by then, it may have aggravated so much they can't save a person.
As for your safety analogy to the Mercedes. That would be logical if the compassionate party (not the R's for clarity) wanted everyone to have top-notch HC. But we don't, we want everyone to have Chevy Chevette coverage, so your analogy is busted.
To think basic HC is a luxury or not neccessary is just bizzare on a world standard.
Amazon 7
QuoteInteresting article. On the surface it would appear that people died because they had no coverage. In reality they died because they got sick or injured badly.
My car doesn't have all of the safety devices of say, a Mercedes. If I die in a car accident one could say I died because I didn't have a Mercedes. Same logic.
Basicly I guess its ok with you and the rest of the Orwellian named compassionate conservatives... capatilism at its finest. Do you have ANY clue what so ever how many FAMILIES ( since the Teabagging Party of NO are supposed to be all about family values) have to file for bankruptcy every year because of an injury or illness in their family runs up medical bills that insurance will not cover???
I guess in your world its THEIR problem.... trouble is... so many of THEIR problems turn into a very personal problem for so many in this country. For those who are sitting back all fat dumb and happy... just wait till it happens to you... and it does happen all too frequently and all of a sudden you find yourself in THEIR shoes and you have lost everything because you or yours had the misfortune of getting sick.
Most of us already have ACCESS to HC. Getting in my pocket to subsidize 13% of the population doesn't work for me.
Paying my share for the job of securing our nation's interests...not a problem.
Personally I found it hilarious when people consider sending the soldiers to die overseas for some bogus reasons (where's the WMDs?) "securing nation interests", but consider providing healthcare to all citizens against nation interests. This is kinda very weird logic to me.
I guess the"conservatives" on the far right really do support DEATH PANELS after all. So many claim to be pro life... yet really do support death on so many levels. I guess that is the definition of a good christian in this country.... support war... support death penalty... support the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
You left out supporting the killing of illegal aliens by denying them health care or setting up land mines along the border
Amazon 7
Most of us already have ACCESS to HC. Getting in my pocket to subsidize 13% of the population doesn't work for me.
Paying my share for the job of securing our nation's interests...not a problem.
Personally I found it hilarious when people consider sending the soldiers to die overseas for some bogus reasons (where's the WMDs?) "securing nation interests", but consider providing healthcare to all citizens against nation interests. This is kinda very weird logic to me.
I guess the"conservatives" on the far right really do support DEATH PANELS after all. So many claim to be pro life... yet really do support death on so many levels. I guess that is the definition of a good christian in this country.... support war... support death penalty... support the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
You left out supporting the killing of illegal aliens by denying them health care or setting up land mines along the border
Yeah I read that shit and couldnt believe it.... but refrained from commenting on the fact that USUALLY it was only the totalitarian countries trying to keep their citizens inside did that kind of crap along their borders.
As far as the illegals.. its a simple problem to solve. Put the people that hire them in jail with HUGE fines for hiring undocumented workers for economic gain. I think all these good patriotic americans need to support their fellow americans with the jobs not hiring an illegal to further enrich themselves. They will next try to say that Americans will not do those kinds of jobs.. BULLSHIT... if you remove all the people getting public assitance who can work... you solve that problem really fast.
THe paying of stupid women generation after generation to have children is idiotic.. You take a group of them.. give them rotating jobs that they can be retrained for.. and have them do rotating day care for all of their fellow indigent mothers who are working.
If some one is disabled... even many of them can certainly do jobs in service industries that provide value to their families in increased self worth by feeling they are actually a useful member of society. All the companies who outsource jobs overseas need a wakup call in HUGE tax increases. If you expect to do business here.. you can damn well hire americans... that is how other countries treat companies.
For those who will not work in any way and prey on others... well we do have one of the largest prison systems in the world... the perfect place for predators. And just to make sure they keep from getting bored.. I am a firm believer in good old chain gangs... there is plenty of civic work that needs to be done and they are the perfect ones to give something back to this society.. nothing worse than bored assholes sitting around.. gangbanging instead of doing something usefull while we have to pay to feed and house them.
You left out supporting the killing of illegal aliens by denying them health care or setting up land mines along the border
I thought the plan was to skip the landmines and just put piranhas in the river.
mnealtx 0
Quotesupport the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that once they pull the half TRILLION dollars out of Medicare.
But hey, no biggie... Grannie doesn't REALLY need that pacemaker...jut a pain pill.
Sing it with me!!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No mammograms for Momma!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No medicare for Gramma!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
Amazon 7
QuoteQuotesupport the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that once they pull the half TRILLION dollars out of Medicare.
But hey, no biggie... Grannie doesn't REALLY need that pacemaker...jut a pain pill.
Sing it with me!!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No mammograms for Momma!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No medicare for Gramma!
Here Stuff this up you know where Mikee
Added this.... since it has some interestingreading for those who work for companies who send Americans overseas.
Over the last month President Obama's attempts to live up to his election promise to extend healthcare to all Americans has stalled in the face of a sustained rightwing guerrilla attack. Opponents of Obama's reforms have succeeded in distracting attention from Manley and the 46 million other medically uninsured, swinging the focus instead on to the "evils" of publicly funded healthcare. The fear tactics were epitomised by Sarah Palin's wholly inaccurate claim that the reforms would set up "death panels" that would force euthanasia on to older people.
Such scaremongering has dismayed and infuriated Sharon Lee, the doctor who now treats Manley in Kansas City. "I'm very angry, very angry," she says. "Many of the people I treat have already been in front of a death panel and have lost – a death panel controlled by insurance companies. I see people dying at least monthly because we have been unable to get them what they needed."
mnealtx 0
QuoteQuoteQuotesupport the death of fellow americans who cant afford to live.
I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that once they pull the half TRILLION dollars out of Medicare.
But hey, no biggie... Grannie doesn't REALLY need that pacemaker...jut a pain pill.
Sing it with me!!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No mammograms for Momma!
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama!
MMM MMM MMM No medicare for Gramma!
Here Stuff this up you know where Mikee
Over the last month President Obama's attempts to live up to his election promise to extend healthcare to all Americans has stalled in the face of a sustained rightwing guerrilla attack. Opponents of Obama's reforms have succeeded in distracting attention from Manley and the 46 million other medically uninsured, swinging the focus instead on to the "evils" of publicly funded healthcare. The fear tactics were epitomised by Sarah Palin's wholly inaccurate claim that the reforms would set up "death panels" that would force euthanasia on to older people.
Such scaremongering has dismayed and infuriated Sharon Lee, the doctor who now treats Manley in Kansas City. "I'm very angry, very angry," she says. "Many of the people I treat have already been in front of a death panel and have lost – a death panel controlled by insurance companies. I see people dying at least monthly because we have been unable to get them what they needed."
Nice PA.
Let me counter with:
Canadians visit U.S. to get health care
70 deaths on ward of shame
Maybe you can explain how, since insurance companies are SO bad, how the gov't mandating everyone buy INSURANCE is such a great solution?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
Amazon 7
Hey you are the guys that make it personal everyday.. I just really really hope YOU and others here get to experience the reality of our healthcare system in all its glory at some point in your life when you might need it. The you will see just how personal it gets.
And lets not forget the VA Hospitals during the Bush Administration.. talk about WARDS OF SHAME.
You guys talk the talk.. but so many of the right are never going to be willing to walk the walk.
Luckily... the Democrats are going to fix this shit.. and horror stories like that will be a thing of the past.. and you can have decent health care in your golden years...
Personally I think all of you who disagree with real honest to god change in our system of health care should be able to opt out.. but you go on a very special list so you can be turned away when you need it after your personal plan for life does not work out for you.. I would call that karma baby
QuotePersonally I think all of you who disagree with real honest to god change in our system of health care should be able to opt out.. but you go on a very special list so you can be turned away when you need it after your personal plan for life does not work out for you.. I would call that karma baby
The ideal solution would be to send them all to Texas ... you know, the state with the best health care in the U.S. Then when they secede from the union we can surround them with land mines and give the whole mess back to Mexico.
Amazon 7
QuoteQuotePersonally I think all of you who disagree with real honest to god change in our system of health care should be able to opt out.. but you go on a very special list so you can be turned away when you need it after your personal plan for life does not work out for you.. I would call that karma baby
The ideal solution would be to send them all to Texas ... you know, the state with the best health care in the U.S. Then when they secede from the union we can surround them with land mines and give the whole mess back to Mexico.
Nah I would rather have them around.. so I could drop a quarter in their bowls at the freeway offramps, after the insurance they are banking so heavily on comes thru for them in EXACTLY the same way it has for so many other Americans.
mnealtx 0
Quoteafter the insurance they are banking so heavily on comes thru for them in EXACTLY the same way it has for so many other Americans.
That would be the insurance that has roughly *60%* the denied claims as that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that is solvent instead of on the verge of bankruptcy like that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that ISN'T going to cost American taxpayers 2.5 TRILLION dollars?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
Amazon 7
QuoteQuoteafter the insurance they are banking so heavily on comes thru for them in EXACTLY the same way it has for so many other Americans.
That would be the insurance that has roughly *60%* the denied claims as that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that is solvent instead of on the verge of bankruptcy like that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that ISN'T going to cost American taxpayers 2.5 TRILLION dollars?
You really need to do some research for yourself instead of allowing Glenn Beck and Lush Rimjob to lead you around by the short hairs.
Medicare is there to help the elderly... you know ... the people who have pre-existing conditions that your insurance company will not pay for.
mnealtx 0
QuoteYou really need to do some research for yourself instead of allowing Glenn Beck and Lush Rimjob to lead you around by the short hairs.
I did - I don't listen to Beck or Limbaugh. Maybe you should get your info from someplace besides dkos and du.
QuoteMedicare is there to help the elderly... you know ... the people who have pre-existing conditions that your insurance company will not pay for.
Good luck with that, once Obamacare strips even MORE money out of it. I'm sure it won't cause them to deny twice as many claims as the other insurance companies combined, like they do now.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
QuoteQuoteafter the insurance they are banking so heavily on comes thru for them in EXACTLY the same way it has for so many other Americans.
That would be the insurance that has roughly *60%* the denied claims as that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that is solvent instead of on the verge of bankruptcy like that OTHER gov't run insurance, Medicare?
The insurance that ISN'T going to cost American taxpayers 2.5 TRILLION dollars?
Ohh, believe me --- Denied claims are not the only issue... I work in a hospital and I see people get turned away all the time because they have Medicare and the hospital actually LOOSES money if they accept the rates that medicare will pay for many procedures... As in, it costs the hospital MORE MONEY to do the procedure than they will recieve from this fine gov't run healthcare plan. Those on Medicare do have the option to recieve lesser procedures though.
FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.
mnealtx 0
QuoteOhh, believe me --- Denied claims are not the only issue... I work in a hospital and I see people get turned away all the time because they have Medicare and the hospital actually LOOSES money if they accept the rates that medicare will pay for many procedures... As in, it costs the hospital MORE MONEY to do the procedure than they will recieve from this fine gov't run healthcare plan. Those on Medicare do have the option to recieve lesser procedures though.
That's only going to get worse once they pull the half-trillion or so out of it and freeze the doctor's payments, I think.
I'd like to see them scrap both bills and allow interstate sales of insurance. I'd like to see them make that one change and nothing else, then evaluate it once they have a couple years of data to go on.
The upside is, more competition should hopefully drive prices down. The downside is that whole 'interstate commerce' crap that Congress has abused for decades, now.
From either side of the issue, it's a big fucked up mess.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
QuoteQuoteOhh, believe me --- Denied claims are not the only issue... I work in a hospital and I see people get turned away all the time because they have Medicare and the hospital actually LOOSES money if they accept the rates that medicare will pay for many procedures... As in, it costs the hospital MORE MONEY to do the procedure than they will recieve from this fine gov't run healthcare plan. Those on Medicare do have the option to recieve lesser procedures though.
there is more problems with medicare now than with regular insurance, why putr everyone on the mess that government already runs?
That's only going to get worse once they pull the half-trillion or so out of it and freeze the doctor's payments, I think.
I'd like to see them scrap both bills and allow interstate sales of insurance. I'd like to see them make that one change and nothing else, then evaluate it once they have a couple years of data to go on.
The upside is, more competition should hopefully drive prices down. The downside is that whole 'interstate commerce' crap that Congress has abused for decades, now.
From either side of the issue, it's a big fucked up mess.
Defending the US does not require matching the entire rest of the world dollar for dollar in defense spending.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
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