
Tiger woods injured in car accident

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Because it's such a classist nation, it breeds this kind of emotion, at least from poor fuckers like me.

Have you noticed that you are one of the most profoundly classist posters in this forum? But at least you can blame it on everyone else, "because it's such a classist nation." :S


Yea you're right, everyone has the same opportunity here as the next guy :S

W/o researching, I would say the distribution of wealth is about the same here as in some Communist countries.

What does that have to do with you blaming the country for your classist attitude? And as I just posted, I think the opportunities here are fine for those who want to take them.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>Are they worthless do-nothings who don't produce and just collect
>millions, give to charities based upon what their tax accontant says?

I'm sure you would consider them to be so. Some of them aren't even engineers, and just produce paper.

>Actually I'm a higher puller.

No, you're not. He saw something on TV once that shows how all skydivers pull at the last second. You're a skydiver, therefore you are part of that (as far as an ignorant person knows.)

>But the thing is, I produce in life

What do you produce?

> See, all I do is maintain aircraft, so who am I?

So you just fix things that rich people break? Sounds about as worthless (to someone who can't afford to fly) as putting a little ball in a hole.

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When I was young I used to think the same thing about so c alled' Personalities' getting paid stupid money for doing next to nothing, thinking, as you do that they produce nothing ... BUT I WAS WRONG... they do, they create enjoyment for people and employment (lots of it behind the scenes) and many millions of Pounds/Euros/Dollars/Yen etc..

The wealth is created by the lynch pin of our Economic System - Supply & Demand. It serves a purpose and feeds a lot of people and busenesses - so don't knock it.

What they do 'may' be shallow' but the effect felt by what they do is not.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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He gets paid way too much for doing nothing important,

Since the market has set the value, it looks like your opinion mean pretty much fuck-all in this case. Why the chip on your shoulder about other people's success? Find something you're good add-put in the effort to excel at it, and celebrate your own achievements instead of spending so much energy toward belittling others.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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Well, now Tiger is in deep, deep shit.
According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

See? You play with fire, sooner or later, you'll get burned.

Ohh!! Urgent edit!! Now CNN is doing an "expert interview" of a "former prosecutor!!"
I'm gonna pee myself.

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>According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving
>and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

Not enough! Lucky will not be content until he is either bankrupted, is injured in another crash, has his wife leave him or is diagnosed with cancer. We can only hope.

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What is this talk of assigning value?

Does music have a value? Art? Painting? Singing?
Running? Jumping? Playing?

What would the world be like without song?

If someone writes a song, or paints a painting, that people enjoy
for centuries - what value does it have ?

I may not watch golf on tv or listen to rap "music", that is only my choice. I wish I could get $10 million for throwing a ball.

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What is this talk of assigning value?

Does music have a value? Art? Painting? Singing?
Running? Jumping? Playing?

What would the world be like without song?

If someone writes a song, or paints a painting, that people enjoy
for centuries - what value does it have ?

I may not watch golf on tv or listen to rap "music", that is only my choice. I wish I could get $10 million for throwing a ball.

It is only when we celebrate the achievements of others with them that we are happy and content as a group. If people only celebrated their own achievements the world would be a very, very lonely place.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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What is this talk of assigning value?

Does music have a value? Art? Painting? Singing?
Running? Jumping? Playing?

To me it does, that's why I'm willing to part with the results of my labor (money) in order to see/hear people that can do these things much better than I ever could.


What would the world be like without song?

If someone writes a song, or paints a painting, that people enjoy
for centuries - what value does it have ?

I think that the singer, the artist, the writer deserve to be rewarded for their endeavors. The more people that feel that way, the more they make-that is how market sets value.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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Ohh!! Urgent edit!! Now CNN is doing an "expert interview" of a "former prosecutor!!"
I'm gonna pee myself.

Must be a slow news day. Damm. If only there was a major announcement just hours away that could affect the lives of thousands of young people, maybe the talking heads would have something more useful to do.

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According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

Correction: It's careless driving, not reckless.

No investigation of domestic violence. No processing of blood to see if he was DUI.

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> If only there was a major announcement just hours away that
>could affect the lives of thousands of young people . . . .

WHAT? You mean there's about to be an announcement about American Idol?

Yes. Apparently, Paula has substance abuse problems. Its a shocker.

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And that's the only thing I have an issue with. Let him keep his domestic secrets. If he was DUI, it's not just about him anymore. He should take responsibility and release the blood tests voluntarily.

Why, because he's famous? I bet you wouldn't voluntarily release your blood test results, regardless of the results. Also, Family Violence is a big deal. Many people are effected by Family Violence every single day. Men, women and children are all effected. Family Violence is the thing that I would be concerned about. The DWI, if it occurred, is over. The wreck has happened and been cleaned up. Family Violence is something that continues forever.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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He should take responsibility and release the blood tests voluntarily.

I agree with Dave's reply to your post, but I'll respond to this particular point. I'm uncertain whether or not there were blood tests done. If there were not, then there's no other reliable evidence that would establish a DUI. If there were - and they were sufficiently timely relative to the occurence of the accident - then I presume they did not turn up evidence of DUI; because if they did, the police would have charged him iwth DUI by now. Woods does not have to voluntarily release the blood test results to the police; the police have the right to subpoena those results for the limited purpose of determining whether there is evidence of DUI.

To support what Dave said, if either Woods or his wife assaulted the other, neither of them have the right to decide whether or not to "press charges"; that decision is the exclusive purview of LE authorities, in the name of the People of the State of Florida.

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Well, the cops are done with it. ESPN had the FHP spokes-officer making a statement that the investigation was over.

Woods got a "Careless Driving" citation. $164 fine.

I don't believe he was OWI. I think the cops are good enough to recognize if a driver has been drinking.

I do think it was a domestic dispute. And she apparently got away with it>:(

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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To support what Dave said, if either Woods or his wife assaulted the other, neither of them have the right to decide whether or not to "press charges"; that decision is the exclusive purview of LE authorities, in the name of the People of the State of Florida.

But neither can be compelled to testify against the other, making it very hard to make a case.

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And that's the only thing I have an issue with. Let him keep his domestic secrets. If he was DUI, it's not just about him anymore. He should take responsibility and release the blood tests voluntarily.

Why, because he's famous? I bet you wouldn't voluntarily release your blood test results, regardless of the results. Also, Family Violence is a big deal. Many people are effected by Family Violence every single day. Men, women and children are all effected. Family Violence is the thing that I would be concerned about. The DWI, if it occurred, is over. The wreck has happened and been cleaned up. Family Violence is something that continues forever.

If your car is so out of control that it hits both a fire hydrant and a tree, it's just sheer luck you didn't hit a person. And if it had happened in my neighborhood, you better believe I'd demand to know whether alcohol were involved or not. Anyone in that circumstance should not have the option to just leave without validating their sobriety. And I'm quite sure if any of us had been in that position, we would have had to do just that.

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Actually, people can refuse SFSTs and chemical tests; however, there are consequences to those choices. The point is, if the investigators believes that an intoxicant may have been present in the driver's system, then the lab results from the ER visit will be retrieved by a court order.

The point is that if it was you, you wouldn't volunteer those results. So why hold that person to some sort of higher moral standard then you are willing to hold yourself to? That's an interesting duality in your beliefs.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>And if it had happened in my neighborhood, you better believe I'd demand
>to know whether alcohol were involved or not.

If you blew a tire while driving in my neighborhood, lost control and hit a tree, and I demanded that you go to a hospital to get a blood test to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not you were drunk - would you get one? If I pulled a gun on you and forced you to get one, would you be fine with that?

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Anyone in that circumstance should not have the option to just leave without validating their sobriety

There were enough officers and medical persons involved that if he were even wearing a t-shirt with "Bud" on the back we would have known about it. Just too many people involved to keep any sign of alcohol a secret.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Actually, people can refuse SFSTs and chemical tests; however, there are consequences to those choices. The point is, if the investigators believes that an intoxicant may have been present in the driver's system, then the lab results from the ER visit will be retrieved by a court order.

The point is that if it was you, you wouldn't volunteer those results. So why hold that person to some sort of higher moral standard then you are willing to hold yourself to? That's an interesting duality in your beliefs.

First of all, you have no idea what I would do so please don't claim you do.

But even if we take away the moral argument, TW has millions of endorsement dollars based on his public image. If he truly has nothing to hide, it's in his interest to release whatever evidence he has to support that fact.

Then again that's not even the main point here anyway. The main point is that anyone who is that reckless should be held accountable. And by accountable, I mean alcohol tested. You forfeit the benefit of the doubt when you drive two tons of metal into a fire hydrant and tree. Someone could easily have been killed.

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