
Tiger woods injured in car accident

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You forfeit the benefit of the doubt when you drive two tons of metal into a fire hydrant and tree. Someone could easily have been killed.

Wait, what? I don't think I've seen that DWI case law. Although it would be an excellent violation of your rights.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm sure you would consider them to be so. Some of them aren't even engineers, and just produce paper.

It just depends, but I'm not splitting hairs here, we know if someone is just floating carbon, being insanely rewarded for meaningless things.


No, you're not. He saw something on TV once that shows how all skydivers pull at the last second. You're a skydiver, therefore you are part of that (as far as an ignorant person knows.)

I get your point; stereotype.


What do you produce?

Acft maintenace. People travel, I assure their safety on my end; the pilot ensures the rest.


So you just fix things that rich people break? Sounds about as worthless (to someone who can't afford to fly) as putting a little ball in a hole.

Aviation safety is obviously not close to sports as far as level of importance (aviation obviously being higher). I've worked military acft, alert acft, so is that important? I've worked 4 years on the Longbow Helicopter, is that important? And rewards; I get barely rewarded vs the worthless sector getting highly rewarded.

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When I was young I used to think the same thing about so c alled' Personalities' getting paid stupid money for doing next to nothing, thinking, as you do that they produce nothing ... BUT I WAS WRONG... they do, they create enjoyment for people and employment (lots of it behind the scenes) and many millions of Pounds/Euros/Dollars/Yen etc..

The wealth is created by the lynch pin of our Economic System - Supply & Demand. It serves a purpose and feeds a lot of people and busenesses - so don't knock it.

What they do 'may' be shallow' but the effect felt by what they do is not.

Sure, but the byproduct employment could go somewhere else and get produced that way. Hey, go for it, guys like John Mayer who mumble ignorant BS get all the ass and millions too, so more power, but if I hear dorks like that making his so-called music get into hot water, I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

Same with Tiger, OJ, Brittny, Paris and the rest. I don't hate them, I just don't sympathize when they get their stupid asses in trouble.

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He gets paid way too much for doing nothing important,

Since the market has set the value, it looks like your opinion mean pretty much fuck-all in this case. Why the chip on your shoulder about other people's success? Find something you're good add-put in the effort to excel at it, and celebrate your own achievements instead of spending so much energy toward belittling others.

I'm not hating on him, I'm just laughing at the other end of his success. I just don't have sympathy for people who get millions producing nothing, using the media to their advantage and then getting their dick caught in the door. I don't hope his game falls off, I just love watching him squirm. Like with Kobe, I laughed my ass off watching him try to suck his old lady's ass after he (did or didn't) rape that chick.

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>According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving
>and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

Not enough! Lucky will not be content until he is either bankrupted, is injured in another crash, has his wife leave him or is diagnosed with cancer. We can only hope.

Show me where I wish any doom upon these celebs. Just not there, I just enjoy it when they get in trouble.

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But even if we take away the moral argument, TW has millions of endorsement dollars based on his public image. If he truly has nothing to hide, it's in his interest to release whatever evidence he has to support that fact.



Then again that's not even the main point here anyway. The main point is that anyone who is that reckless should be held accountable. And by accountable, I mean alcohol tested. You forfeit the benefit of the doubt when you drive two tons of metal into a fire hydrant and tree. Someone could easily have been killed.

Yep. Is celeb priv at work here once again?

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You forfeit the benefit of the doubt when you drive two tons of metal into a fire hydrant and tree. Someone could easily have been killed.

Wait, what? I don't think I've seen that DWI case law. Although it would be an excellent violation of your rights.

Perhaps you're right. I'm not a lawyer. But I do know if someone were that reckless in my neighborhood on the same streets my family and friends spent their time, I wouldn't be very reassured if the police simply took the guy's word for it. I take it your view would be somewhat more "libertarian" in that case.

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I can't attest to what was done or not done on scene with Woods, but I know many officers would at least attempt to complete HGN on a driver in this type of situation. Maybe some more tests or a complete SFST series. Most officers wouldn't simply "take his word for it" either.

If you want some crazy reading, start looking up and reading your state's statutes on operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Then start reading up on the surrounding case law. I promise you you'll either learn more then you ever wanted or you'll quickly want to eat glass and drink varnish!:D

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

Correction: It's careless driving, not reckless.

No investigation of domestic violence. No processing of blood to see if he was DUI.

He's not much of a golfer, if he can't drive more that 100 metres:D:D:D

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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According to CNN, he's getting a citation for reckless driving and - upon conviction - could face a fine of up to $164.

Correction: It's careless driving, not reckless.

No investigation of domestic violence. No processing of blood to see if he was DUI.

He's not much of a golfer, if he can't drive more that 100 metres:D:D:D

Not knowing all that much about golf anymore.. its been many years since I played.. but I would think most of the idiots who chase the little white balls around would be REALLLLY happy to ever see a 100 meter drive at any time in their lives.:ph34r:

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I wonder if she'll make more money accepting his transgressions or finding a competent divorce attorney?
hmmm...and which publishing house his mistress is in negotiations with as well.

So... the revised "car accident" story is probably...

Tiger admits affair to wife. Wife assumes that righteous indignation
allows spouse to beat Tiger with metal object.
Tiger runs to car. Wife breaks windows of car.

Tiger decides that car is not drivable.
(where can you drive with multiple windows broken?)

Really, when was the last time that you heard of anyone being
rescued by breaking more than one window of a car ?
(except blonde jokes)
Sometimes breaking one is required.

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Wifey finds out and meets Tiger in the driveway with a 9-iron when he arrives home in the wee hours of the morning. Starts smashing windows before he even gets out. Tiger turns car around and speeds down the drive., loses control as he attempts to turn and hits objects setting off airbags resulting in facial injuries.

Only Tiger and wifey know the whole story and it's ok with me if it stays that way.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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except the airbags didn't deploy because he wasn't going fast enough ;)

I'd go more along the lines of Domestic IN the house, she sets about Tiger collecting DNA from his face under her fingers, he high tails it, but cant see shit because half his eyeball is still in wifey's hand, she pursues him with a club, and smashes the windows as he tries to drive off, he reverses into said hydrant, whilst the scorned wife is closing in, he puts the boot down, right into the tree.

By the sound of it, she connects with his head when smashing the windows, not to help him escape, as the doors were fine, he staggers out, gets a dunt on the napper, and goes down, unconcious, and by then the cops arrive, there's no fcuking way she was trying to pull him free from the truck, he would have been ripped to shreds getting dragged through the windows, and I challenge any wife out there to try and get in, through the window, and then extract her hubby, without suffering glass related injuries!!!
Ask any Fireman how difficult it is to extract a person alone from a vehicle through a window, even a door.....

The whole thing smells like a Chinese Tuna Farm!!!

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Tiger is so screwed. Ho #1 has retained Gloria Allred.


When will these high profile, ultra rich celebs, or any guy really, learn; when the poo-poo is in the fan, the Ho will sell you out in a heartbeat.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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i could never figure out... why someone who is Famous, Attractive, RICH, and talented EVER needs to get MArried..!!:S

What sounds better to you???

" famous , rich, world reknowned Bachelor"???


Famous rich world reknowed Family Man...?

The "happy home, 2.5 children, 2 cars in the garage lifestyle...CAN work for the working Joes, of the country,, BUT a guy, who is IN Demand, travels allll over the world , PLAYING,,,,, is the focus of just about EVERY camera lens, ( AND Gold digger) within miles,,,,, and
can have his EVERY wish.......
certainly "limits his options" once he ties the Knot...

and unless he spells out his 'ways and procedures' Well BEFORE
getting married..... he should know , that he's gonna be answering to the woman, AND will be having his "social agenda" severely limited .... by 'settling down'.....

i wonder what Earl Woods might think of these recent developments...

... and it's not just Tiger.... these sort of tawdry incidents seem to go hand in hand with wealth and success... look at the "histories" of Professional athletes, musicians, movie and TV Stars.....
Type A personalities, most of them,,, Always on the lookout,, for "something exciting"... or something new & different...

I guess fame and wealth does not always bring with it,,,,, common sense and good judgement...


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