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QuoteI'm not much on this psychoanalytical BS
Then what are you doing in SC??

This is where skydivers get deep, where else can you go for coversations like these? But your right, what will be, will be.
"We didn't start the fire"
QuoteI know you mean well; and no offense, but: gobblety-gook. I stand by the post to which you responded.
No offense here at all. But whats up with the gobbley-gook?? Thats gotta be the strangest word of expression I have heard in a while... and its funny. But, seriously, find me anything you can that teaches about goodness, that is not found in the gospel. Its a challenge. Search all the religions/proverbs/sayings, whatever, and we'll just see if its in the Gospel or not. If it is, then one can only assume that type of wisdom is found anywhere/anytime/by anyone. But it also means that wisdom was here before the revelation of it. I have come to enjoy many bhuddists and chinese proverbs, but the fundamental nature of their meaning has all been expressed in the Gospel. Thats a pretty incredible revelation of wisdom for just one poor, humble, man who lived 2000 yrs ago, and inspired an entire philosophical belief that rivals (in my opinion) any philosophy out there. And, changes lives in absolutely miraculous ways, whether it is agreed to or not.
"We didn't start the fire"
QuoteFirst they decide they don't respect us, then they don't trust us, then they don't feel the need to treat us fairly. At least the Muslims are upfront about it.
Religion is evil at its core.
Religion is man made, and man is evil at its core. Jesus gave us the spirit of truth to discern what is of man and what is of God. I agree with your statement, but its not complete without the knowledge of the truth. However, religion did find the spirit, so, it would seem that even the core of evil serves the purpose of good.
If the "us" you speak of is "everyone else" (I am everyone else as well), then you are mistaken as far as Christ sees it. No soul that knows Christ is going to beat the ignorant, lost, hateful, the weak, the blind, (from the perception of Christianity)... did Jesus not from his heart forgive those who crucified him? Jesus is the spirit of understanding and grace, just because man singles you out, doesnt mean that God does.
"We didn't start the fire"
First of all, Let me be clear that the "they" I speak of is always me. There is nothing different in me except I believe I have found grace, and my hope is that I grow closer to it. I spoke about bitterness because I have seen it growing in me, and during that time was given the revelation of what the apostles were talking about in the New Testament. I have read over those parts about bitterness several times and had no revelation of what they were talking about, until, like I said, it started to grow in me. So, for me, the warning is pure... and I try to examine my thoughts to gain some more understanding as I persevere in this spirit.
The reason I said I believe it is possible to come back to Christ is becuase Jesus tells us that nothing is impossible with God. But, it is true that some will never desire to come back to the faith, and Im sure there are all sorts of reasons for that, but the one I was focusing on at the time of my post was the "bitter root". I am sorry if I offended you, I dont think that was my intention.
For me, it is revealled that my heart desires to live a sin free life, just dont want the temptation there at all... but, that of course does not mean that i am innocent. I struggle just like all have from the beginning of time, to keep my conscious clear, but I dont do it alone, as you know. The truth is that I didnt know how little "sin" meant to me until I found grace... and let me tell you, I am a sinful man... at the time, it seemed to be the only pleasure i had. But I can testify with all my heart that one touch of the presence of God will change your mind about the pleasure found in sin forever. The world sees it as "we're missing out"... but those who believe that, dont know the Jesus we know. This all gets very deep
Let me first just say that you are asking me, and I am giving you my perception of what I believe, you of course have a mind of your own... that being said...
Who said God has made a mistake? Im sure the grass would say the same about the lava that flows over it during an eruption because it doesnt know it will bring the grass back even more lush than before, and in nature, we are no different than grass, we just think (awareness) we are. If you have read my previous posts on hell, judgement, and fear you may get what I believe in regards to them. But it is always interesting to me how many people cannot get past the concept of hell. It is your own concept, it is the judgement you carry in the conscience you dont believe you have. I said earlier that i believe those concepts are based in an instinctive fear, and were designed into our being. And its also very interesting that the concept of hell is a very powerful enticement to find God at all... Without Jesus, without anything to influence your mind, I still believe the concept of being tormented by the revelation of death would still be amplified by the human conscience. The one that brings us closer or takes us further away from the spirit of God. So, as you can see, I dont believe that hell is a mistake at all, in fact, I believe quite the opposite.
The logical means of reasoning is to inspire in his creation a very peice of his nature... Faith. Faith is a very very very powerful thing, but humans are so weak in it, as Jesus says. I mean, im really not even sure when it really started to take root with me. I started with trust, hope, and a love I did not know, and now, years later, with as much humbleness I have in me, I say I believe I found faith, however small it is. The logic is that God is faith and therefore in order to commune with him, you must have faith, and what better place to be born of faith, than this world? God speaks and it is so. Faith is his nature, and he is creating creations of his very being to be with him eternally... and that includes right now. Is it so hard to believe that we are a type of spiritual soil that it used to plant seeds of faith in? This is a revelation of many of the parables of Jesus.
Think of anything that you grow. You sort the stuff you can use/eat/enjoy/ect... with the stuff you cant. And what do you do with the stuff you cant use? Who cares, its gone. But you had to have it there so you would know which fruit/vegitiable/herbs to keep. Since I look at us as simple creations with complex awareness of existance, I see us as nature sees us, as very similar to anything else that nature grows, and for a purpose as well. The logic is in there somewhere. Its just very hard to explain to those who have the perception of being seperate of nature (not saying you do).
The reason God came to flesh was to give us his life. He humbly came into his own creation to fulfill his purpose for the soul of mankind. He gave us everything that was his. His pride (as a man), his love, his body, his blood, his truth, and his life. He layed it all out so that we would know the truth about his good nature, which is grace. He did it for us, thats the key. Why would he have to? He didnt, but that makes it so much more powerful.. but as you know it gets much deeper stiil.
This is assuming you know the end conclusion. All we know is that Jesus saves, and God will appear again, and before that the world will turn to shit... apart from that, we are left to wonder like a child wonders. Even as we grow older and the world attempts to harden us, we will grow in wonder and revelation, and soon (as in inevitably), there will be a revelation given to all inhabitants that will fasciante and awe inspire even the deadest of souls. You would agree that a mind evolves in its thinking, as scientific minds evolve, so do faithful minds... we seem to inspire one another.
I dont know why you left your faith, but I know faith is really important for the ushering in of this revolutionary revelation that is inevitable. I believe that what Jesus says is true, he is coming back, maybe not in any way any of us can imagine, and yes its seems very slowly (in human years) but surely.
Remember, I believe in destiny, but I dont believe it is my destiny, I believe we can choose our destiny, and what becomes of it, already exists in eternity, just hasnt become aware to us.
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