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jclalor 12
Quotebut in the mean time he just enjoys watching us suffer and die from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, cancer, starvation, lifetime depression, suicides, murdering one’s whole family, burning alive, suffocation, throat cancer, liver transplant rejections, child rape….did I miss anything?
Early male pattern balding.
philh 0
Ethics is a by product. Ok so if god commanded you to commit genocide would you put your ethical by product a side and do it ? or would you refuse his command and separate yourself from god?
Not to deflect your question, but in the evolution of spiritual consciousness, protocols that enabled mans relationship with God have changed over time. God's essence of Love and Truth remain the same and never changes. Dispensations is how it is depicted theologicaly. Whole sale military conquest was in play during the age of the Law when the tribes of Judah were taking the land allocated to them by God. In this current age of Grace, land and nation building is not an issue. The Kingdom of Heaven ,described by Christ, is not of this earth. Therefore any such command would not be from God. So no, I would not comply or ever condone genocide. We are all sinners and on equal footing before God. Our only hope is to find salvation through the Grace of Jesus Christ.
Land and nation building is an issue right now, it may have escaped your notice but there's a bit of a quarrel over the very land you say was allocated by god to the tribes of Judah. The problem is some of the people who are of those tribes don't think they've currently got all the land that was promised to them. The other side of course think the same land is holy to them and there plenty of Christians who are looking for a big battle so they hurry along the end times.
t seems to me you can't deny that god has commanded genocide in the past yet this was ok because it was a "time of law"? That seems a bizarre defence of genocide. God commanded in the past , how arrogant is it of you to know his mind and his will and be sure he wont command it in the future?
Was god displaying his " essence of Love and Truth (which)remain the same and never changes. " when he was with Joshua who massacred the people of Jericho. What would you have done if you were there, would you have killed the little children?
Not of all of gods sadistic commands are about military conquest. What about Abraham, god commanded him to kill his son, if you got the same order would you do the same? You might say it would not be consistent with gods plan or his character. But who are you to question his mysterious ways? I suspect the real reason you wouldn't do it as most people you pick and chose the its of the bible you like, in which case why do we need the bible in the first place?
kallend 2,027
Ethics is a by product. Ok so if god commanded you to commit genocide would you put your ethical by product a side and do it ? or would you refuse his command and separate yourself from god?
Not to deflect your question, but in the evolution of spiritual consciousness, protocols that enabled mans relaltionship with God have changed over time. God's essence of Love and Truth remain the same and never changes. Dispensations is how it is depicted theologicaly. Whole sale military conquest was in play during the age of the Law when the tribes of Judah were taking the land allocated to them by God. In this current age of Grace, land and nation building is not an issue. The Kingdom of Heaven ,described by Christ, is not of this earth. Therefore any such command would not be from God. So no, I would not comply or ever condone genocide. We are all sinners and on equal footing before God. Our only hope is to find salvation through the Grace of Jesus Christ.
Why would an OMNIPOTENT god need to resort to genocide in order to give land to the tribes of Judah? I mean, he is supposed to have created the entire universe, stopped the Earth in its orbit, and parted the Red Sea.
The entire concept is nonsense.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
maadmax 0
--Now there's a great idea!
I agree, it will make way for the new heavens and earth He has in store for us. Rev 21:1-5
P.S. No more tears or suffering because the old things will have passed away.
--but in the mean time he just enjoys watching us suffer and die from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, cancer, starvation, lifetime depression, suicides, murdering one’s whole family, burning alive, suffocation, throat cancer, liver transplant rejections, child rape….did I miss anything?
just a brilliant, well thought out, intelligent design! i don't see any room for improvements! If I was going to create a universe those would be at the top of my list…NOT. Why would anyone worship or preach to a creator of such a horrible non-loving design? i'd be the last one to admit my "god" was responable for creating all this pain and suffering!
Ever stop long enough to wonder, just for a millisecond, that you might be missing the big picture?
tell that to the dinosaurs
Your "loving god" has a plan for you! In his little creation book he plans to turn the sun into a red giant and vaporize planet earth!
Now there's a great idea!
but in the mean time he just enjoys watching us suffer and die from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, cancer, starvation, lifetime depression, suicides, murdering one’s whole family, burning alive, suffocation, throat cancer, liver transplant rejections, child rape….did I miss anything? Oh…torture….yeah I knew there was another one.
The caltholic church learned in the middle ages that a human being could live until all the skin was peeled down!
just a brilliant, well thought out, intelligent design! i don't see any room for improvements! If I was going to create a universe those would be at the top of my list…NOT. Why would anyone worship or preach to a creator of such a horrible non-loving design? i'd be the last one to admit my "god" was responable for creating all this pain and suffering!
That’s just the way it is!
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