
Arizona Idiocy embarrasses the USA

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"Birther" Bill Clears Arizona House Committee

As Arizona remains in the throes of a budget crisis, Skull Valley Representative Judy Burges spends much of her time getting down to the important stuff.

Her solution to fix the budget crisis is a legislative gem known as the "I didn't pay enough fund," where Burges expects taxpayers to voluntarily donate money to the state government.

Fat chance, lady.

Burges also proposed a bill this session that would require the Arizona secretary of state to verify a presidential candidate's birth certificate before the candidate's name is allowed on a ballot in Arizona. That bill passed the House government committee yesterday.

As we noted in a previous post about the bill, we're not saying that wanting to prove a candidate is a naturally born American citizen -- as required by law to run for President of the United States -- is a bad thing. The problem, however, is that the move seems to be in direct response to the controversy over Obama's citizenship and the right-wing-conspiracy-theorist "birther" movement.

"Birthers" claim that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore is not eligible to be president, despite several investigations into the legitimacy of his Hawaiian birth certificate.

In past interviews, Burges also told Capitol Media Services that she "has suspicions about Obama's loyalties, including bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia and a quote from his book (taken out of context) that when it came down to it, Obama would be on the side of Muslims.

Sounds like someone's seen The Manchurian Candidate too many times.

The bill now heads to the full House.

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How embarrassing for the good people of Arizona, and the good people of the USA, to have such a moron as an elected official.

The stupid bitch does not know the difference between state and federal government responsibilities. It is not in any state's purview to investigate or judge the citizenship status of Presidential candidates. That is the responsibility of the federal government.

For the usual ignorant right wing nitwits that I expect to leap to her defense, save it. Don't repeat your memorized talking points bullshit. No one needs to read that crap again. She is 100% wrong in trying to usurp federal responsibilities. The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

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It is not in any state's purview to investigate or judge the citizenship status of Presidential candidates. That is the responsibility of the federal government.

Uhhh...yeah, it is. :S
It is the right of each state to determine who will be on that state's ballot. They can deny a candidate a spot on the ballot for many reasons, the most common one being lack of sufficient signatures on a petition. If they decide they want each candidate to provide proof they meet the federal requirements for the office they seek, that also is well within their right.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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You are not have a good day are you.........

Racist assholes really piss me off.
So do right wing idiots who can't be bothered to do basic fact checking.

The race card???

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Try living here. Idiots galore, all the McSame/Palin stickers on cars. You just have to read about it, I have to live with it. At least it's not as bad as Texas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

Wow! I didn't know Washington DC was in Texas!

Wait... I'm confused... how does a tea bag party in DC reflect poorly on Texas? I haven't seen anything like this in the year and a half since moving here at all :|
108 way head down world record!!!
Hit me up on Facebook

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Try living here. Idiots galore, all the McSame/Palin stickers on cars. You just have to read about it, I have to live with it. At least it's not as bad as Texas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

LMAO What a bunch of moron sheeple
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS an unashamedly dishonest effort to circumvent the will of the people and hijack the presidency of the United States.

Fixed it for you.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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You are not have a good day are you.........

Racist assholes really piss me off.
So do right wing idiots who can't be bothered to do basic fact checking.

Are you similarly bothered by left wing idiots who can't be bothered to do basic fact checking? For example:
(1) Birthers - founded by Democrats who were unhappy at the thought of a black man being their candidate?
(2) Truthers - a left-wing tilt to that.

Are they just right-wing bigots you don't like? Or do you also have problemss with lefty loonies?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?


No, I am not. It is a game for the lawyers.

BTW, when you resort to profanity in your posts you damage your credibility. You might try subscribing to one of the "word a day" services on the internet. Just a suggestion.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The Issue is with the people whose loyalty to there party or side is more then their loyalty to their country, brain, or logic that’s the issue.

That’s the BIG issue-no discussion and an absolute lack dignity and integrity. If you cant come up with a logical argument why you stand for what you do, or if your reasons change only depending on who is saying what and not actually listening to what they are saying then well you have what we have here.

We have had people call BO the worst president ever- Stupid irrational comment.
We have people say he was a secret Muslim- Stupid irrational comment.
We have people blaming him for the current economy and the state of the country- see above
We have the people on the right constantly calling him a socialist- I think the way the right propaganda machine works is say anything say it often enough and it becomes true. Now I understand we have retards everywhere, but when people on the right even the smart ones jump on the same bandwagon we have issue.

Once we deny the facts and only remember the ones that support our side then we are no longer loyal to the country but to your party.

Right now to me it looks like the republicans have decided to stop whatever the democratic president wants to do with whatever means necessary no matter what. The president has tried to compromise and even in the discussion that we have seen the republican leadership can not even form a coherent argument other then NO.
I wish the president would stop trying to have a rational discussion with the right and always attempting to compromise. That’s not what they want they simply are in support of NO to what ever he wants to do. That’s not good for ANY American.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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the move seems to be in direct response to the controversy over Obama's citizenship and the right-wing-conspiracy-theorist "birther" movement.

"Birthers" claim that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore is not eligible to be president, despite several investigations into the legitimacy of his Hawaiian birth certificate.
The birther movement was started by a democrat, sorry to rain on your parade..;)

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>The birther movement was started by a democrat

Right. And it was republicans who called on people to teabag the White House - but now they're all bent out of shape that they're called teabaggers. There's stupidity on both sides of the aisle.

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I wonder what this is all about?

Posted and discussed in another thread today.
Barack Obama was born in Kenya. His son is the President of the United States.

But suppose - just suppose - the people who made and posted that sign were referring to the President. And they think he was born in Kenya. Well - hold on to your hat now - they'd be wrong. And any halfway educated American adult who would think that such a sign, posted on the Kenyan frontier, is "evidence" that the President was born in Kenya would be a fu... er... gosh darn fool. Because everybody knows he was born in Indonesia. Where he went to Junior Terrorist school.


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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?


You need to use effective tactics to get elected, and in this post literate age people don't have the attention span to deal with facts.

This will not get you elected in a presidential debate:


Under the governor's plan, if you kept the same fee for service that you have now under Medicare, your premiums would go up by between 18% and 47%, and that is the study of the Congressional plan that he's modelled his proposal on by the Medicare actuaries.

This will:


Look, this is a man who has great numbers. He talks about numbers. I'm beginning to think not only did he invent the internet, but he invented the calculator. It's fuzzy math. It's trying to scare people in the voting booth.

Throw in a few lies and exagerations for good measure and you too can hold high office.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?


No, I am not. It is a game for the lawyers.

BTW, when you resort to profanity in your posts you damage your credibility. You might try subscribing to one of the "word a day" services on the internet. Just a suggestion.

When you resort to theatrics, semantics, spell-checking, etc you illustrate you have no credibility.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?


No, I am not. It is a game for the lawyers.

BTW, when you resort to profanity in your posts you damage your credibility. You might try subscribing to one of the "word a day" services on the internet. Just a suggestion.

When you resort to theatrics, semantics, spell-checking, etc you illustrate you have no credibility.

Invoking invisible omniscient supernatural beings with omnipotent powers doesn't do much for his credibility either.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The whole 'birther" movement is nothing but a racist load of bullshit that is disgusting to anyone who is a real patriot.

No, the "birther movement" is a tactic, albeit a poor one, to get a socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS.

So, you're saying that it's ok because it's viable tactic even if it's a fuckin' stupid one? That it's ok for people to lie to mouth breathing idiot followers as long as they're trying to get "socialist, communist sympathizer, out of the office of POTUS"?


No, I am not. It is a game for the lawyers.

BTW, when you resort to profanity in your posts you damage your credibility. You might try subscribing to one of the "word a day" services on the internet. Just a suggestion.

When you resort to theatrics, semantics, spell-checking, etc you illustrate you have no credibility.

Invoking invisible omniscient supernatural beings with omnipotent powers doesn't do much for his credibility either.

kind of like an alternate ID huh
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Try living here. Idiots galore, all the McSame/Palin stickers on cars. You just have to read about it, I have to live with it. At least it's not as bad as Texas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

That was spectacular.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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