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I like what you posted. You are quite correct in your analysis. Scripture seems to indicate that only the few will find the straight and narrow path. Broad is the way that leads to destruction of the soul and many will choose that direction.

This Easter season as been a period of reflection and reconsideration for me. What I have concluded is that I am more concerned about the degradation of my country, the USA, than I am about the souls of the lost. They go hand in hand but I am more sorrowful for the American society. My grandparents did not feel this way. My parents shared only minor concern but, I feel a heavy burden.

The bottom line, as Christians we have nothing to fear. Ephesians 2:1-10 clearly explains what we are dealing with in the skydiving community and elsewhere.

These are indeed interesting times and as such opportunities will present themselves at the appropriate times.

I do not need to push the river. Neither do you and apparently you discovered that truth before I did.

PTL, He lives.


It is sad when anyone misses out on the spiritual opportunities God has given them, but I don't see the changes occurring in America or the world as any big deal. As Christians we all know the story of how this cycle of creation is going to end, and we all know what must happen before it does. Contrary to the Chinese proverb,
" May you not live in interesting times"... I thrive on interesting times.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I believe the point the author was making in the OP is, the anger and fear you and others are experiencing is winning out.


What a load of bullshit.

I don't give a fuck what god you worship, what church you go to, and how much faith you place in an ancient superstitious belief system. Just don't push that crap on ME!

This country is not like it was 50 years ago. The population on coasts is FAR more diverse than it was 50 years ago. There are many things that were acceptable at that time, but are no longer. Society evolves. Things change.

The fact that this secular nation is becoming MORE secular is a very good thing. The last thing we should EVER accept is for ANY religion to have more influence over our citizens. The goal should be LESS AND LESS religious influence, as not everyone is "christian", and the fact that the "christian" set of beliefs is not superior to any other set of beliefs. We do NOT need a christain taliban to push their view of right and wrong onto the rest of us.

I put up with a lot of crap from so called "christians" when I was growing up. My family did not attend church. Most of the people in our neighborhood were catholic. I was TOTALLY creeped out when I was about 8 years old when I figured out that the biggest deal in the catholic church was RITUAL CANNIBALISM, where they consumed the flesh and blood of Christ. I found that to be totally disgusting then, and I still do to this day. All the creepy mumbo jumbo, weird rituals, and the idea that a never married adult celibate man is in a position to give good advice to normal people is just plain NUTS. The kids in my neighborhood would NOT become altar boys, as the pervert child molestors were known to active, even that long ago.

More damage has been done in the name of religion than any other root cause.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I like what you posted. You are quite correct in your analysis. Scripture seems to indicate that only the few will find the straight and narrow path. Broad is the way that leads to destruction of the soul and many will choose that direction.

Sing along time:

"We belong to a mu-tu-al
Ad-mir-ation society
My baby and me..."

Ethel Merman and Virginia Gibson, 1956

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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For Europeans, God is dead.

And the problem with that is?

Gods come and go - always have done, always will. What's so special about your flavour of God anyway?

You can keep your Christian heritage (all of it Crusades, Inquisition and all) - just dont push it at me, I'm not interested.

Call your holidays what ever you like (so will I) - most were hijacked from earlier ones anyway.

If your religion is not strong enough to stand up on it's own 'merits' and so few of it's claims prooven, then too bad. A lot of people are not so easily taken in by mythology anymore. Put up or shut up, I think applies here.

Good luck - you may need it.

Exactly. The more people have access to information, knowledge, freedom of thought, etc; the less likely they are to buy into the oogie-boogie parts of organized religion.

Individual spirituality continues to flourish, but more and more people are seeing organized religion for what it is - just another political power structure.

Literal adherence to talking snakes, virgin births, Jewish zombies and all that other hoo-hah can be easily cast aside without taking anything away from the desire or the ability to live a fulfilling life, respect others, be kind, etc.

The oogie-boogie parts of organized religion are severely outdated and serve no purpose; other than to motivate those that need a dark ages flavor of motivation.

Feeling a kindred spirit to all living things is way cool - and does not in any way require religion as it exists today.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I believe the point the author was making in the OP is, the anger and fear you and others are experiencing is winning out.


I believe that the point that the author was making is that HIS particular set of ancient superstitious beliefs is superior to all others and that ALL citizens should be subject ONLY to that set of beliefs.

Freedom OF religion also includes freedom FROM religion. What part of this do you not understand?

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This Easter season as been a period of reflection and reconsideration for me. What I have concluded is that I am more concerned about the degradation of my country, the USA, than I am about the souls of the lost. They go hand in hand but I am more sorrowful for the American society. My grandparents did not feel this way. My parents shared only minor concern but, I feel a heavy burden.

These are indeed interesting times and as such opportunities will present themselves at the appropriate times.

Yes I know what you mean, these times, they are a changing.

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I believe the point the author was making in the OP is, the anger and fear you and others are experiencing is winning out.

Moving away from Christianity does not equal "anger and fear." There are many people who are happy and content and living good lives without the need for Christianity.

And really, the Canadian author could go back to his own country if he doesn't like the way things are going here. Personally, I don't mind seeing my country moving away from Christianity. But, as others have mentioned, I think the vast majority of the U.S. is still Christian, so I don't think you have much to worry about. I don't think we're on the road to abolishing your religion. The author is trying to make it sound that way, but if you really think about what he wrote, most of it is sensational and insulting to the reader's intelligence.

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You'd better start building catacombs; don't delay.

A bit of a sidetrack, but, what do you have to offer those folks who suffer from unresolved issues of anger, anxiety, depression and guilt?

Some good pot and a good bourbon w/?
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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>As they say, if religion didn't exist, humans would invent it...

Religion didn't exist and man did invent it. Whether you believe in an omniscient God or not, religion is man's reaction to the belief that God does exist.

>It's in our DNA, which should tell you something.

We prefer simple explanations for complex problems.

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A bit of a sidetrack, but, what do you have to offer those folks who suffer from unresolved issues of anger, anxiety, depression and guilt?

Some good pot and a good bourbon w/?

Yeah, give alcohol to someone who is having an anger issue. That always solves the problem. :|

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A bit of a sidetrack, but, what do you have to offer those folks who suffer from unresolved issues of anger, anxiety, depression and guilt?

Some good pot and a good bourbon w/?

Yeah, give alcohol to someone who is having an anger issue. That always solves the problem. :|

It helps if they're also carrying a concealed handgun.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Freedom OF religion also includes freedom FROM religion. What part of this do you not understand?

The part where you keep butting in. If you want freedom from religion, don't enter the discussions. Capish?

However, you cannot choose Jesus unless He first chooses you. Obviously, that interaction hasn't blossomed to full glory, yet.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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[continues to flourish,
.Feeling a kindred spirit to all living things is way cool

frankly, I find that stuff to be just as much a pile of crap as organized religion

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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[continues to flourish,
.Feeling a kindred spirit to all living things is way cool

frankly, I find that stuff to be just as much a pile of crap as organized religion

All humans have "beliefs" that help to keep them sane. There are posters here who rabidly defend Christianity and just as many who will blindly defend their "beliefs" with exactly the same religious fervor. VERY few people are honestly prepared to step back and review their views with a critical eye and be prepared to change/modify them according to new facts. On the other hand I am not sure that all people are emotionally strong enough to withstand the consequences of changing their beliefs, and people should bear this in mind.
The best example that comes to mind is a very religious person who I knew, who upon coming to their own realization that God did not exist and operate in the manner he had believed for 30+ years, became very emotionally unstable and committed suicide within 2 or 3 years of changing his belief. His story haunts me and no matter how strongly I believe someone is wrong in their views I won't try and change them. I would rather a friend with a "crutch" than no friend at all.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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It's in our DNA

Which gene would that be?

Same gene that causes knee problems that can be cured by doing the Hokey Pokey. The "stupid" gene.

VMAT2 then? A Gene That Accounts for Less Than One Percent of the variance Found in Scores on Psychological Questionnaires Designed to Measure a Factor Called Self-Transcendence, Which Can Signify Everything from Belonging to the Green Party to Believing in ESP, According to One Unpublished, Unreplicated Study. :ph34r:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=faith-boosting-genes

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I notice your avatar picture is an emblem reading "christian skydivers association"
as a sagan agnostic and seeing this whenever you post, this does not offend me at all, and believe it is your right to put that up. do you feel offended when another persons avatar is of something less christian or moral? I have seen one of a cartoon devil bumping uglies with an angel. would you consider that an attack?

you mentioned you feel oppressed and attacked by christophobes at the dropzone. is there a separate bathroom for you and christian friends? do you attend the same schools? are the drinking fountains for "atheists only"?

I find it very hard to believe that you and other christians are victims of bigotry or anything close to it.


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>I find it very hard to believe that you and other christians are victims of
>bigotry or anything close to it.

Some religious fundamentalists feel that unless their religion is imposed by force on others that they are being discriminated against. Prayer in school would be one example - if children are not told by a school official to pray in the morning, they feel that somehow they have been "deprived" of the right to pray. Teaching creationism is another. Unless their religion is taught in a science class, they feel that "evil liberal secular humanists" (or insert your own pejorative) are oppressing them.

It's nothing new; many groups like to be seen as victims of an evil whatever, rather than an autonomous organization responsible for their own actions.

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No, I am not offended by any sacrilegious pictures, avatars or prose. I expect offensive sinners to behave offensively. As to whether such a depiction would be an attack must be decided on a case by case basis.

One on my shortcomings is that when attacked I tend to strike back, much the same a the disciple Peter. I am going to work on that. Sometimes it takes prayer, the passage of time and the knowledge the billvon will banish me from the forum before I can tender an appropriate response.

I am not oppressed or attacked by Christophobes at the DZ, or anywhere else for that matter. That is a term used by the author in the OP to describe the spirit of the age, or zeitgeist.

The DZ is an eclectic gathering point for all types, the same as bars, malls and flea markets. Each type has a way of recognizing its own like interest. The CSA provides a visual sign, the CSA emblem, for Christian parachutists to use for recognition, if they choose to use it. The organization exists for no other purpose.

The accusations made in this forum for other activities or beliefs that I or the CSA perform or stand for are merely the products of the mind of the accuser.

There, I guess that is what offends me. That is, when I am accused of something false and I explain otherwise and then I am called a liar. Yeah, that pisses me off.

I hope I have answered to questions.


I notice your avatar picture is an emblem reading "christian skydivers association"
as a sagan agnostic and seeing this whenever you post, this does not offend me at all, and believe it is your right to put that up. do you feel offended when another persons avatar is of something less christian or moral? I have seen one of a cartoon devil bumping uglies with an angel. would you consider that an attack?

you mentioned you feel oppressed and attacked by christophobes at the dropzone. is there a separate bathroom for you and christian friends? do you attend the same schools? are the drinking fountains for "atheists only"?

I find it very hard to believe that you and other christians are victims of bigotry or anything close to it.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Don't piss me off. :S



when I am accused of something false and I explain otherwise and then I am called a liar. Yeah, that pisses me off.

no it doesn't


Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Fair enough. Yes, that does answer my questions.

on your shortcomings, remember Leviticus 19:18. :P

Further, it does not offend me or most others that "in god we trust" is on our currency, or "god" is in the pledge of allegiance. (it more annoys me that a pledge to anything is required in the first place) That just goes to show that the church has a strong foothold in people and politics and is not going away. would you vote for an agnostic or atheist president if it was the better choice for the people?

The author of that article is a sensationalist, and that bugs me. exaggeration for purposes other than to entertain can be scary. for that we have 2 Corinthians 11:13.

(Edit, to clarify, I have read the good book, But I do not actually remember anything from the bible, I just have a good iphone app that searches for whatever I need. I imagine I am not the only one using it.)


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