I personally resent them, they steal our tax dollars and have regard for nothing. If they want to come here, do it legally and go through channels just like our relatives did, otherwise stay the hell out of my Country.
They aren't just illegals, because they are here illegally they are criminals.
I personally saw this arrest as I was driving by on the way to breakfast Tuesday. I joined the crowd for a few minutes and participated in applauding the cops.
I feel the cops enjoyed that part and reassured them that that they were doing what the public wants.
This should motivate them to repeat future busts.
Some say it's racial profiling. Who gives a shit, as long as the end result gets them deported.
DanG 1
QuoteI personally saw this arrest as I was driving by on the way to breakfast Tuesday. I joined the crowd for a few minutes and participated in applauding the cops.
How did you know, while driving by, that these men were being arrested for being illegal immigrants?
- Dan G
QuoteQuoteI personally saw this arrest as I was driving by on the way to breakfast Tuesday. I joined the crowd for a few minutes and participated in applauding the cops.
How did you know, while driving by, that these men were being arrested for being illegal immigrants?
First, their profile of a bunch of Mexicans in a long window van with 5 squad cars drew me to that conclusion; Yes, it was racial profiling by me.
Once I parked and joined the others I was informed that one of the cops mentioned it, this confirmed my profiling suspicions.
Furthermore, I recalled hearing a news release the night before where a similar van was stopped and some of the suspected illegals bailed. The ones they caught were confirmed illegals.
Bolas 5
QuoteIt seems as though few politicians take our borders seriously. There is an unknown agenda within the upper levels that I simply do not understand.
It's rather simple, cheap labor for the the right, and a clean social conscience for the left.
Now, that's closer to the truth. In state and national politics, 99% of the Right exists to serve the Corporate Owners of America. (Whereas for the Dems, that's only about, eh, 87%.) And illegal workers who work well below minimum wage, w/o bennies, and know how to STFU are good for business. And as Silent Cal said, what's good for business is good for America.
Only the Right won't be (indeed, cannot be) intellectually honest about it in public. Rather, it creates and funds "news" outlets like FoxNews and the Wall Street Journal to program conservative people (and not a few bigots) into thinking that their social outrage (and bigotry) makes a goddamn bit of difference. It's all sleight-of-hand: "Look at the birdie (while I f*** you up the ass)." The Left, on the other hand, is more honest about it: "Look, guys: they're here; they give us cheap goods at the store; deal with it."
If that's truly the case, why is Arizona doing something about it? Surely they have corporations there that would rather not see this succeed.
Neither the left nor right are honest with people and while they may employ separate tactics to accomplish nothing, they are both "f***(ing) you(us) up the ass"
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
skyguy78 0
I challenge anyone who opposes AZ's law to actually investigate it and see what it says. it is pretty close to the same laws used to catch drug dealers and runners. They need probrable cause to ask someone for their papers. Besides, they are illegals. Yes, they are here illegally. I think they deserve human rights in every way but I dont care at all what their political views are. You dont live here, you are not supposed to be here. How would it go over if I came to Iran or China illegally and then told their government that they were doing everything wrong and i was to be afforded rights. Sounds kind of crazy right?
kallend 2,063
However, there are also a lot of myths flying around about illegals and their cost to the economy. The only govt. services available to illegals are emergent health care and education for children (many of whom ARE US citizens by birth). Most employed illegals have taxes withheld but don;t file returns to get rebates - the govt. makes a profit on them. They also have SS and Medicare taxes taken but again are not entitled to the services.
We also need to remember that a whole lot of US businesses have actively encouraged illegals to come here, to the extent that illegals are now so thoroughly embedded in the economy that extraction will be expensive and painful for all.
I'm all for policing the border effectively, but dealing with those already here and working is not going to be a simple or inexpensive matter.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Bolas 5
QuoteWe also need to remember that a whole lot of US businesses have actively encouraged illegals to come here, to the extent that illegals are now so thoroughly embedded in the economy that extraction will be expensive and painful for all.
Yep, cuz if all the illegals were fired and deported until they were legal there'd be no citizens that could take their place because of our negative unemployment rate and job surplus.

If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
billvon 3,030
>there'd be no citizens that could take their place because of our . . .
. . . feelings of entitlement. We DESERVE high paying jobs, a flatscreen TV, a decent car, a nice apartment and cheap goods from Wal-Mart.
Bolas 5
Quote>Yep, cuz if all the illegals were fired and deported until they were legal
>there'd be no citizens that could take their place because of our . . .
. . . feelings of entitlement. We DESERVE high paying jobs, a flatscreen TV, a decent car, a nice apartment and cheap goods from Wal-Mart.
One of the arguements made why we can't cut gov't aid to people is there are not enough jobs for all that are unemployed.
It's a two pronged plan:
* Free up the jobs formerly done by illegals
* Start cutting benefits for those able to work to encourage they find employment.

If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
kallend 2,063
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Bolas 5
QuoteDealing with those already here and working is not going to be a simple or inexpensive matter, regardless of what you may think.
Never said it was going to be either simple or inexpensive (short term) but the "oh the problem is too big and complicated to do anything" attitude some have on here isn't helping things either.
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
turtlespeed 221
QuoteQuoteDealing with those already here and working is not going to be a simple or inexpensive matter, regardless of what you may think.
Never said it was going to be either simple or inexpensive (short term) but the "oh the problem is too big and complicated to do anything" attitude some have on here isn't helping things either.
Too big to do anything? What about the group that believes that the borders should be completely open?
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun
Too big to do anything? What about the group that believes that the borders should be completely open?
Some real mental giants, right there!

Blamey 0
QuoteI personally resent them, they steal our tax dollars and have regard for nothing. If they want to come here, do it legally and go through channels just like our relatives did, otherwise stay the hell out of my Country.
Do you have any idea how difficult that is. I mean it's not like you fill in a form and them pay a fee and suddenly you are legal.
Bolas 5
QuoteQuoteI personally resent them, they steal our tax dollars and have regard for nothing. If they want to come here, do it legally and go through channels just like our relatives did, otherwise stay the hell out of my Country.
Do you have any idea how difficult that is. I mean it's not like you fill in a form and them pay a fee and suddenly you are legal.
Which is yet another reason why many don't bother doing it legally.
If one wanted to live in a country and the legal process to become a citizen was expensive and time consuming or they could come illegally with little chance of getting caught and not much consequence if they were...

If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
It's rather simple, cheap labor for the the right, and a clean social conscience for the left.
Now, that's closer to the truth. In state and national politics, 99% of the Right exists to serve the Corporate Owners of America. (Whereas for the Dems, that's only about, eh, 87%.) And illegal workers who work well below minimum wage, w/o bennies, and know how to STFU are good for business. And as Silent Cal said, what's good for business is good for America.
Only the Right won't be (indeed, cannot be) intellectually honest about it in public. Rather, it creates and funds "news" outlets like FoxNews and the Wall Street Journal to program conservative people (and not a few bigots) into thinking that their social outrage (and bigotry) makes a goddamn bit of difference. It's all sleight-of-hand: "Look at the birdie (while I f*** you up the ass)." The Left, on the other hand, is more honest about it: "Look, guys: they're here; they give us cheap goods at the store; deal with it."