
Israeli troops attack ship carrying aid to Gaza killing 16

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4) Are there pictures and video of the humanitarian aid crew stabbing and beating soldiers that were doing what they were told to do?

Yes the Israeli edit version.

Are you saying the Israelis blue screened in some "aid crew" fighters?

5 ships received their borders. 1 did not, instead choosing to attack. All fatalities occurred on that one ship.

I guess the "peaceull" activists were not violent afer being violent after claiming they were going to cause violence so they could be martyrs.:S:S:S

I guess there is a different form of logic used in the Palistinian cause that eludes all the rest of us except for those predisposed to swallow large amounts of Al JIZZZZZera.CUM

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meanwhile israel becomes more and more isolated and the siege of gaza is broken...

And you as a "supporter " of Israel.... celebrate that...

Where are my fucking chest waders .... just WAYYYYYYYY too much bullshit in this thread as posted by the OP

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israel has already fought for and won its state. now it risks too much by doubling again and trying for greater israel. if it settles for a practicable two state solution everyone wins and we avoid a third world war :)

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israel has already fought for and won its state. now it risks too much by doubling again and trying for greater israel. if it settles for a practicable two state solution everyone wins and we avoid a third world war

So, does that mean you think Israel should completely abandon the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem?

If so, shouldn't the land go back to the countries in possession of that land before they attacked Israel and lost? Why do you support a new country being created?

Besides, if this new country you propose does come to be, when they attack Israel, they'll just be occupied again and we'll be right back where we started. Or do you think HAMAS will just up and change it's mind about annihilating Israel and go about existing as a peaceful neighbor.


To say that the map of Israel is complicated would be a gross understatement. The map below, from a world regional geography text, shows some of this complexity. There’s the area initially delimited as the State of Israel by the United Nations in 1947 (shaded in brown.) Then there’s the area captured by Israel in 1948, and under Israeli control since then (in green.) And then there are the areas captured by Israel from its neighbors in the war of 1967. Shaded in yellow, these are the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank.

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I have always been curious why the other ARab countires did not accept their muslim brothers from Palestine when they fled from Israel after they failed to obliterate the jews.

The lands stolen from the Jews who fled or were forced out in the last of the antisemitic pogroms in the late 1940's/Early1950's across the Arab world amount to at the very least 3 times the amount of the lands taken during the war.

Perhaps those Arab neighbors could give the stolen jewish lands and possessions to the displaced palistinians.

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If he means the embargo then he is probably referring to the Egyptians opening (or loosening their grip on) the flow of items into and out of Gaza along their border.

I don't understand the use of the word siege here. The IDF could clear out all of Gaza and a few days. They would just have to be as bloodthirsty as DD and Darius and some others claim they are.

And yeah, it's hard to call it broken when the Israelis haven't apparently changed anything about what they are doing.
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If he means the embargo then he is probably referring to the Egyptians opening (or loosening their grip on) the flow of items into and out of Gaza along their border.

It makes one wonder why the Egyptians don't trust their neighbors in Gaza.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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If he means the embargo then he is probably referring to the Egyptians opening (or loosening their grip on) the flow of items into and out of Gaza along their border.

It makes one wonder why the Egyptians don't trust their neighbors in Gaza.

Could be the rockets and bombs.

But that is just a guess.
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If he means the embargo then he is probably referring to the Egyptians opening (or loosening their grip on) the flow of items into and out of Gaza along their border.

It makes one wonder why the Egyptians don't trust their neighbors in Gaza.

Lots of Israel-bashers like to ignore the fact that the embargo of Gaza was being run by BOTH Israel AND Egypt.

And as to you calling the inhabitants of Gaza "neighbors" of Egypt, well, techinicaly if the Gaza strip doesn't belong to Israel, then it belongs to Egypt since they occupied it after the 1948-49 War.

Funny how folks who say they want a "country of Palestine" don't have anything to say about

From 1949-67 when all of Judea-Samaria [West Bank & Jerusalem] and Gaza ... were 100% under Arab [Jordanian & Egyptian] control, no effort was EVER made to create a second Palestinian State for the Arabs living there. Surely you do not expect Israel to now provide these same Arabs with their own country when their fellow Arabs failed to do so! And isn't it curious how Arafat and his PLO (formed in 1964) discovered their "ancient" identity and a need for "self-determination" and "human dignity" on this very same West Bank ONLY AFTER Israel regained this territory (three years later in 1967) following Jordan's attempt attempt to destroy Israel! Why was no request ever made upon King Hussein of Jordan by the Arabs living on the West Bank when he occupied it? Is it logical that the PLO was formed in 1964 to regain the lands they would lose three years later in 1967?

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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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New footage has emerged of the Israeli assault on a convoy of aid ships headed to Gaza in which nine activists were killed.

The high-quality film was reportedly recorded by New York-based documentary maker Iara Lee aboard the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ship that bore the brunt of the Israeli attacks.

Israel attempted to confiscate all footage recorded by participants in the Gaza Freedom flotilla – including taking away mobile phones – but Lee managed to smuggle one hour of video out of the country by hiding it in her underwear, it was reported.

The 15 minutes of film posted online shows the moments leading up to and during the Israeli commandos' assault on the Mavi Marmara.

At one stage, the captain of the boat can be heard over the public address system saying: "Do not show resistance … They are using live ammunition … Be calm, be very calm." Gunshots can be heard.

The film includes footage of an Israeli inflatable boat carrying commandos, and troops can be seen rappelling from a helicopter on to the Mavi Marmara. While they do so, two men on the Marmara can be seen using catapults aimed at the soldiers, who are high above them, although the projectiles they are firing cannot be ascertained.

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1) Did the soldiers that boarded the boat have lethal weapons with them?




How do you know this? All you have is the video evidence that you, yourself, say is false. Yet you state it as if it is true without reproach. Good thing you are objective here.

Thanks for playing - this is as credible as your posts will ever get. Shame really, I was hoping for better.

Wow that was pathetic. This is why its impossible to have an intelligent conversation with some you.

You do understand the difference between an edit video, and a false video right?

You also do know that IDF is military right?

You do know people were killed by bullets right?

Seriously I don’t know why but I expected more from you then noise.

What’s odd and very sad is even when you and amazon cant answer questions you still blindly support the other side with noise.

I am still waiting to hear her justification for a whole village being massacred.

And your answers to my questions.

I don’t think I will get an answer because that would actually require thinking and maybe having some logic for the way you feel and not just emotion.:S
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I don’t think I will get an answer because that would actually require thinking and maybe having some logic for the way you feel and not just emotion.:S

I don't get anything but calmness and openness from your posts on these subjects.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Yea and instead of sarcasm and bull shit if you have reasons or a set of standards that you apply to reach a conclusion feel free to share them.

I take any ones lack of ability to debate there case as a sign that they have a weak case.
Often they didn’t think it trough. Their mentality didn’t go any further then “these guys are my group so I will stand up for them no matter what”.

When people run out of reasons but have built there whole foundation on a false belief that even they can not defend they tend to get angry. I get nasty PMs from them when they simply have lost the ability to debate or state their case.

Its satisfying to win debates or even better validates your own way of thinking with logic, however at the same time when people are hypocrites we have no sense of justicebecause all they do is twist and bend to fit their agenda.

Oh let me guess the next replay will be a grammar error that I made.

Like I said before pathetic
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Oh let me guess the next replay will be a grammar error that I made.

Like I said before pathetic

You mean like:

"think it trough"
"have built there whole foundation"
"the next replay"

Naw - I wouldn't do that, not on such an emotional issue for you guys :D

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Often they didn’t think it trough. Their mentality didn’t go any further then “these guys are my group so I will stand up for them no matter what”.

no, the response is to point out that again you act no differently. You'll support baby killers to your last breath, so long as the babies being killed are Jews.

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What’s odd and very sad is even when you and amazon cant answer questions you still blindly support the other side with noise.




noise in capital letters even...
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Yea and instead of sarcasm and bull shit if you have reasons or a set of standards that you apply to reach a conclusion feel free to share them.

I take any ones lack of ability to debate there case as a sign that they have a weak case.
Often they didn’t think it trough. Their mentality didn’t go any further then “these guys are my group so I will stand up for them no matter what”.

When people run out of reasons but have built there whole foundation on a false belief that even they can not defend they tend to get angry. I get nasty PMs from them when they simply have lost the ability to debate or state their case.

Its satisfying to win debates or even better validates your own way of thinking with logic, however at the same time when people are hypocrites we have no sense of justicebecause all they do is twist and bend to fit their agenda.

Oh let me guess the next replay will be a grammar error that I made.

Like I said before pathetic

I am not amazed that you think you've won the argument, I expected that.

You are so guilty of every transgression that you accuse others of making. I understand that you don't care what others think of your argument, but your concluding that you've won because others ignore or ridicule you is not reasonable. Do you have the ability to reflect on your own thoughts? You get so bent when others don't want to answer your questions (because they've already been repeatedly answered), but you ignore the reasonable discussion points and questions of others. You shouldn't be surprised at the reaction you're getting.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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After a 38-year struggle for truth and justice campaigners for those killed in Derry on Bloody Sunday tonight celebrated the Saville Report's exoneration of the victims and the report's unequivocal conclusion that the shootings were "unjustified".

The Bloody Sunday tribunal's repeated use of the term "unjustifiable" throughout the 5,000-page report, and its verdict that soldiers had lied to the inquiry, now opens up the possibility of legal action against former troops involved in the atrocity.

Fourteen unarmed civilians were shot dead by the Parachute Regiment which had been sent into Derry's Bogside on 30 January 1972. The deaths propelled a generation of nationalists into the Provisional IRA.

Saville's conclusion that none of the 14 dead was carrying a gun, no warnings were given, no soldiers were under threat and the troops were the first to open fire, marked a final declaration of innocence for the victims of the biggest British military killing of civilians on UK soil since the Peterloo massacre in 1819.

Northern Ireland's director of public prosecutions confirmed tonight that he was considering whether prosecutions for murder, perjury or perverting the course of justice could arise from the report.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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