Oil Cleanup: Brilliant

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There are a whole bunch of Bill Nye (of all people) videos that CNN has that explain a lot of this stuff. One of which includes that they already use massive amounts of Hay to clean up oil spills. It's not new info.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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>Pardon me if this is a repost but this is pretty fuckin cool.

That's how the spill-control booms they used around the oil depot I lived near worked. They were basically floating bales of hay. Worked pretty well as long as you replaced them regularly (which unfortunately they sometimes neglected to do.)

To work on this scale lets run some numbers:

He used about 1/4 lb of hay to absorb about 1-2 ounces of oil. Currently the spill is around 161 million ounces a day. So that's about 40 million pounds of hay a day needed to keep up with the present flow. We grow around 820 million pounds a day, so we'd need 5% of our total output. It's definitely possible from that angle, although the logistics of getting that much hay from farms to boats to the spill would be formidable. A fleet of self-discharger 40,000 DWT cargo ships could do the water part. Assuming 4 days to load and unload and 2 days to get there and back (10 day cycle time) you'd need 5 ships working round the clock.

Getting the hay out of the water would present a larger challenge. Since it will be soaked with either water or oil, you'd need ships capable of lifting around 16 million pounds of hay an hour. Assuming a similar schedule as above that would require a fleet of 50 ships with some kind of "scooper" able to funnel, lift and store the straw. Needless to say damp oil soaked straw is something of an ignition hazard so you'd have to deal with that; perhaps keeping it water-saturated would help there (but would reduce the capacity of the ships picking it up.)

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

no, actually I'm a Marine Biologist that understands the physics, biology and ecology of this tragedy but also intelligent enough to recognize that there is plenty of blame to go around, some just aren't willing to accept their share
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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I keep hearing they are going to "Test" Kostner machine has anyone heard how the test went? I'd be surprised if Kostner put his name behind it and it was a total POS....he doesn't need the money and he would look bad in Hollywood!

Bill....you seen anything?

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?

To right wing nitwits, HELL YES!!!

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?

To right wing nitwits, HELL YES!!!

And just how many degrees in Marine Biology to you possess?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?

To right wing nitwits, HELL YES!!!

And just how many degrees in Marine Biology to you possess?

What the fuck does having a degree in ANYTHING have to do with whether or not someone is a right wing nitwit?

The correct answer is - NOT A GODDAMN THING!!!

Spewing right wing talking points vebatim is not impressive, no matter what your credentials. The bullshit posted is VERBATIM the right wing talking points. That someone with what are supposed to be advanced degrees is so gullible as to believe them, and parrot them, is PATHETIC!!

It is HILARIOUS to see all of the "smalll government - no regulations" folks pitching a bitch because of the lack or government regulations and oversight allowing the nightmare to occur. Funny how fast Jindal started CRYING for the federal government to step in and help out. Just like the rest of the dirtbags. They'll talk a big game, but when the shit hits the fan, big government is the knight in shining armor that will come to save the day. When their anti-government, anti-regulation policies are actually put into practice, like the MMS did under ShrubCo, bad things happen.

Read anything about BPs cleanup plans - you know, the ones that go into detail about how to save walruses that would be affected by a gulf oil spill?

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?

To right wing nitwits, HELL YES!!!

And just how many degrees in Marine Biology to you possess?

What the fuck does having a degree in ANYTHING have to do with whether or not someone is a right wing nitwit?

The correct answer is - NOT A GODDAMN THING!!!

Correct. Turtle seems to have developed a taste for the ad hominem.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Your hypocrisy rating is goig through the rood this week professor.

You are saying that Turtle has "developed a taste for the ad hominem" and completely ignoring that the person you responded to called billeisele a "right wing nitwit."

Nice to see that your principles still only go as far as your level of appreciation.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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OK, so can you address his concerns, or just say they are "right wing talking points" and ignore them?

Why do you think the rigs were so far out and in such deep water?

Do you think they should have burned the oil on the surface?

Do you think bermed should have been implemented earlier and with less red tape?

Have you considered that since "big government" was deeply involved in creating this mess and placing it somewhere so difficult to correct, they SHOULD hold some of the blame?


When their anti-government, anti-regulation policies are actually put into practice, like the MMS did under ShrubCo, bad things happen.

Funny how you cam complain about how Bush et al were invading your life, growing governmetn power (thr wrong way) and infringing on rights, and then post the above. It must be your "progressive" logic at work.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Your hypocrisy rating is goig through the rood this week professor.

You are saying that Turtle has "developed a taste for the ad hominem" and completely ignoring that the person you responded to called billeisele a "right wing nitwit."

Nice to see that your principles still only go as far as your level of appreciation.

I see you can't tell the difference between a personal attack and an ad hominem fallacy. You might want to look it up.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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why not just round up all the folks that complained about the rigs being too close to shore, said don't burn the oil on top of the water and don't issue a temporary permit for berms to catch the oil without an Envir Impact Statement, and take their crying towels

that should be enough to collect their share of the oil leak

Listen to right wing radio a lot, don't you?
You have the talking points memorized perfectly. Regurgitated like a perfect parrot.

If you were a third grader, I might give you a star to put on your forehead.

Wow - Hostile and demeaning much?

To right wing nitwits, HELL YES!!!

And just how many degrees in Marine Biology to you possess?

What the fuck does having a degree in ANYTHING have to do with whether or not someone is a right wing nitwit?

The correct answer is - NOT A GODDAMN THING!!!

Spewing right wing talking points vebatim is not impressive, no matter what your credentials. The bullshit posted is VERBATIM the right wing talking points. That someone with what are supposed to be advanced degrees is so gullible as to believe them, and parrot them, is PATHETIC!!

It is HILARIOUS to see all of the "smalll government - no regulations" folks pitching a bitch because of the lack or government regulations and oversight allowing the nightmare to occur. Funny how fast Jindal started CRYING for the federal government to step in and help out. Just like the rest of the dirtbags. They'll talk a big game, but when the shit hits the fan, big government is the knight in shining armor that will come to save the day. When their anti-government, anti-regulation policies are actually put into practice, like the MMS did under ShrubCo, bad things happen.

Read anything about BPs cleanup plans - you know, the ones that go into detail about how to save walruses that would be affected by a gulf oil spill?

AH . . so what you are spewing is that everyone has the right to your opinion, but they are NOT ALLOWED to have their own.

Gotcha - THAT explains a LOT!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>but what was the problem with the caps (top hats or whatever) that they
>previously tried? Was the pressure too great to be able to contain the


-many leaks in the pipe (that's fixed now; pipe was cut back)
-very very high pressure that increases as the plume rises
-clathrates that freeze as they expand and block the pipe
-failure to get a good seal around the pipe (hard to cut well with that much pressure)

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It is HILARIOUS to see all of the "smalll government - no regulations" folks pitching a bitch because of the lack or government regulations and oversight allowing the nightmare to occur.

Actually we are just waiting for him to come through . . . you know since he said he has had a handle on it since "Day One"

Is MSNBC in collusion with fox now? It has to be!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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