
How 'bout that economic turnaround...

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Very few problems are solved by denying they exist.

You still denying that the last recession started under Clinton?

The previous recession started March 2001, when Bush was president. No recessions started during the 8 years of the Clinton presidency.


4 of the last 5 recessions started during Republican administrations.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Since when does it take sixty votes to pass a bill through the senate? This is happening because the rescums are filibustering EVERYTHING. That is a gross abuse of the filibuster process.

The Scumlipublicans use fillibuster way more than the Dems, yet the same cry like beotches when Dmes use it and reconcilliation, as with the HC Bill. Hell, fillibuster was used twice with GWB's tax cuts. They should at least STFU when Dems rarely use it.

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I rememeber you wetting your pants about the 1Q GDP numbers

Seen the revissions put out today?

Yea, I'm still excited. As usual, I have to cite them.


I think the numbers are great, as well as the unemp data too. It all needs to be bettered, but considering the mess your dad left us, this is as good as it gets.

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Sorta lousy day for the US though.

Been a pretty shitty 520 days for the USA

The Bush recession started in December 2007. It would have been over sooner had the GOP not been in denial over "the R word".

Yea, now everyone is whining about the recession (as per GWB's advisor).

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I find it ironic that the obama supporters scream bloody murder about the oil gushing out of the hole in the gulf, about what a terrible environmental catastrophe it is creating, and demanding immediate and decisive action to stop it.

And at the same time, they approve 100% of the way obama is gushing money out of the national treasury and our children's future, creating a terrible financial catastrophe that will bankrupt the nation, and are completely apathetic about demanding it be stopped.


I don't recall your outrage when Bush was gushing money out of the national treasury during the boom time before his recession hit, when he should have been saving a surplus handed to him by his predecessor.

How convenient when everyone who parrots this line forgets about a little thing that happened on 9/11

Yea, giving the surplus back in light of a trillion dollar war is brilliant. Check history, so that you at least have a little historical education, in WWII, Korea, VN the lowest the top tax brkt was reduced to was 70%, GWB was in the process of lowering it to 35% as he was emptying the gov coffers of cash and then writing trillion dollar checks.

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How convenient when everyone who parrots this line forgets about a little thing that happened on 9/11

many of the tax cuts were in place before that. And Iraq was an expense that cannot be attributed to 9/11, even if the environment gave him the public approval to do it.

Now the paper surplus did not account for the bubble bursting, so some of it was fictional, but that doesn't give Bush a free pass.

As well, the war costs account for 15% of GWB's 5T debt hike.

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Very few problems are solved by denying they exist.

You still denying that the last recession started under Clinton?

Here's some more free education. A recession is defined as 2 or more consecutive Q's of negative GDP. Here's a little help figuring out the historical GDP:


During the period with all the stolen mortage money while your hero was standing with his thumbs up his ass doing nothing, that stolen money was circulated and caused the GDP to do well, quashing any possible argument that there was negative GDP connected from the Clinton era extending even a year into your dad's term(s).

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Recessions come and go, that is the nature of things. We had a good run for many years, overspent ourselves, made too many bad/stupid decisions, and now the system is correcting itself. In all honesty, Presidents have very little to do with economic cycles.

What they do have control over is not making things WORSE. Obama's economics make sense only to those who see government as a source of wealth, which it is not since it relies on tax money that would have been spent in the economy anyway. Even the ability of the Fed to print money and send it out is nowhere near as efficient as the sum total of all economic decisions made by individuals.

The repubs spent like drunk saliors, but drunk saliors eventually run out of money. The Obamazombies have lost all financial control, dug us into a deep hole, and are now filling in the space around us so we cannot escape. It makes no long-term economic sense.
The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.

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Congratulations! A great day for republicans; I'm sure you'll enjoy gloating. Sorta lousy day for the US though.


Nice attempt at a sideways swipe.

It's an interpretation of Republicans take on any negative economic action. It's obvious that R's fucked it up, so now R's look for any reason to be let off the hook and then celebrate.


It's not a great thing for anybody; but it is accurate in that the economy isn't going to rebound just because people wish it to be so.

Yes, but with stimulus and military cuts it can and will, did under Clintion, parred with tax increases.


And it certainly isn't helping any to roll out or expand programs that are ridiculously expensive already.

Oh, so following Hoover's process right after Black Tuesday would be a better idea?


The economy isn't going to improve solely on the smoke & mirrors BS spewed out or implemented by SuperBama - regardless of whether a person thinks he is doing right or wrong. Feelings are worthless in the discussion; it's results that count.

Actually, in part hope is needed. Confidence is huge with investors and consumers, so you are grossly wrong. But the substantive measures are needed too and Obama has done several.


Economies do not run on hope and desire and bullshit cheerleader speeches about CHANGE...

Here's an article from the Repub's own RW rag, the WSJ. They talk of confidence as essential to economic growth. Quit listening to Limbaugh and do something more important with your time.



(which has turned out to be a complete lie since he has demonstrated his ability to engage in bully partisan politics as well as anybody on the hill).

Don't you wish you had a patsy for a president? Sorry to make you unhappy.


They run on commerce. Our current leader wants to replace commerce with highly centralized control mechanisms; ignoring the fact of history that they quite simply do not work well and have never worked at all in an economy that approaches our scale.

Love the examples you post to support your theory. Also, we see the economy has tanked under the corrupt and unregulated Republiscum, so there's to your lack of regulation: Reagan/GHWB's 3T and GHWB's 5T addition to the debt - nice argument you make.


You are a smart person. Open your eyes and put your biases aside. The economy is getting worse, not better.

Unemp: rose 3.4% GWB's last year, Obama stopped the slide by October and it has dropped since. Jobs are now being created.

GDP: 4 of 5 Q's under GWB were negative, the last grossly negative. Since then we have had 4 consecutive Q's of very + growth, one Q 6%.

The banks have restructured and healed.

The stock market was on a slide that ended at 6500, now it's over 10k.

Your arguments aren't even fun, but juvenile attempts to persuade the naive.


What specifically do you think this administration is doing to improve the economy.

Saving the auto industry, the housing industry, teh mortgage industry. Ensuring unemployed people have benefits to carry them over. Holding WS and the banks responsible to pay the money back and to end massive bonuses until it is paid back. Allowing for GWB's tax cut to expire.


My observation is that damn near everything they do is actually hindering recovery. Raise taxes, expand programs, increase benefits, open the borders to cheap labor, more regulation, . . .

He hasn't raised taxes yet, but he will via the expiring tax cuts. BTW, show me where a major fed tax cut has helped via example. I won't wait up. Expanding what programs? What has said expansion hurt? How has he opened the border to cheap labor? Increase what benefits? How has it hurt?


This Prez is more like one of those TV preachers than a leader. What a fucking joke.

The real joke is taht you harp, yet cannot substantiate any of your claims. I can dos o to mine, would you like to see?

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In all honesty, Presidents have very little to do with economic cycles.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT, it's just coincidence that since Reagan took charge that Republicans run debt and leave the economy flat or just plain fucked and the Dems fix it. That old, tired cliche is long dead; let it go.

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The Scumlipublicans use fillibuster way more than the Dems, yet the same cry like beotches when Dmes use it and reconcilliation, as with the HC Bill. Hell, fillibuster was used twice with GWB's tax cuts. They should at least STFU when Dems rarely use it.

The Democrats need to start playing the same game. It's their own fault for letting the fillibuster hurt them so much.

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The Scumlipublicans use fillibuster way more than the Dems, yet the same cry like beotches when Dmes use it and reconcilliation, as with the HC Bill. Hell, fillibuster was used twice with GWB's tax cuts. They should at least STFU when Dems rarely use it.

The Democrats need to start playing the same game. It's their own fault for letting the fillibuster hurt them so much.

Yea, they need to do a lot of things more balsy, so far they're off to a good start. It's almost better to be autocratic and pushy than to be honest and passive.

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Very few problems are solved by denying they exist.

You still denying that the last recession started under Clinton?

The previous recession started March 2001, when Bush was president. No recessions started during the 8 years of the Clinton presidency.


4 of the last 5 recessions started during Republican administrations.

right after the dem's agenda really started to kick in. People have been hiden from the the truth about alot of the deficit that reagen and bush saw, much of the debt under reagan and bush were from programs that started because of bills signed into law under carter and clinton that started after they left office.

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I rememeber you wetting your pants about the 1Q GDP numbers

Seen the revissions put out today?

Yea, I'm still excited. As usual, I have to cite them.


I think the numbers are great, as well as the unemp data too. It all needs to be bettered, but considering the mess your dad left us, this is as good as it gets.

Vice-president Biden disagrees with you...

They keep changing the message. This administration is not interested in putting people back to work without central planning in every facet of society - energy, health care, finance (maybe)...

He's just raised the white-flag on the recovery. It's an admission that the stimulus is not working (though he's on the record saying it has been working "better than they hoped")...
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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During the period with all the stolen mortage money while your hero was standing with his thumbs up his ass doing nothing

Are you referring to Barney Frank or Chris Dodd? [:/]

"These two entities [Fannie and Freddie]...are not facing any kind of financial crisis.... The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Very few problems are solved by denying they exist.

You still denying that the last recession started under Clinton?

The previous recession started March 2001, when Bush was president. No recessions started during the 8 years of the Clinton presidency.


4 of the last 5 recessions started during Republican administrations.

right after the dem's agenda really started to kick in. People have been hiden from the the truth about alot of the deficit that reagen and bush saw, much of the debt under reagan and bush were from programs that started because of bills signed into law under carter and clinton that started after they left office.

I bet you really believe that crap don't you:S:S:S:S

JESUS H CHRIST it just never stops getting deeper and deeper and needing a bigger shovel to push that agenda:S:S

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You have got to be joking. Unfortunately, life is just not that cut-n-dry. We have associated economic conditions with the value of a president but in reality, they have little control over un/employment rates. Clinton enjoyed a strong economy, not because of anything he did, but because the economic cycle went up.

There are ways to kill an economy, however. Tax the crap out of everything to drive up prices/costs; regulate the hell out of everything to slow down investment/production/consumption; force banks to make bad loans to unqualifed people; or spend every nickle in the Treasury until there is nothing more to spend and the good folks in China refuse to buy your debt.

For you Obamatrons--Larry Summers views on unemployment prior to becoming Obama's chief econ advisor. According to Summers, 2 government actions lead to increased unemployment: welfare spending and unemployment insurance.


What is that cliche I hear? National bankruptcy?
The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.

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Very few problems are solved by denying they exist.

You still denying that the last recession started under Clinton?

The previous recession started March 2001, when Bush was president. No recessions started during the 8 years of the Clinton presidency.


4 of the last 5 recessions started during Republican administrations.

right after the dem's agenda really started to kick in. People have been hiden from the the truth about alot of the deficit that reagen and bush saw, much of the debt under reagan and bush were from programs that started because of bills signed into law under carter and clinton that started after they left office.

COMPLETE NONSENSE. Reagan started the biggest peacetime federal spending spree in history up to that time. Carter had nothing to do with Reagan's deficit and tripling of the debt.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Congratulations! A great day for republicans; I'm sure you'll enjoy gloating. Sorta lousy day for the US though.

Bill, the right didn't want this.. they just knew it would happen.[:/]
the worst part about this is the deficit .We owe more than $500 million in interest payments every day to cover our government’s debt, much of that debt is owed to foreign governments like China[:/]

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I don't recall your outrage when Bush was gushing money out of the national treasury during the boom time before his recession hit, when he should have been saving a surplus handed to him by his predecessor.

this is why Bush's approval rating was so low.. I hated the way he charged the war off to the deficit. Now Obama makes him look frugal.[:/]

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I don't recall your outrage when Bush was gushing money out of the national treasury during the boom time before his recession hit, when he should have been saving a surplus handed to him by his predecessor.

this is why Bush's approval rating was so low.. I hated the way he charged the war off to the deficit. Now Obama makes him look frugal.[:/]

People should spend more time studying Keynes and less time on the Voodoo economists.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't recall your outrage when Bush was gushing money out of the national treasury during the boom time before his recession hit, when he should have been saving a surplus handed to him by his predecessor.

this is why Bush's approval rating was so low.. I hated the way he charged the war off to the deficit. Now Obama makes him look frugal.[:/]

People should spend more time studying Keynes and less time on the Voodoo economists.
you have to be joking..John Keynes believed that the failure to provide full employment and the arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes were the outstanding faults in the economic system. this guy is an elitist fool. and Obama is following his ways. talk about voodoo economics.:S

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I don't recall your outrage when Bush was gushing money out of the national treasury during the boom time before his recession hit, when he should have been saving a surplus handed to him by his predecessor.

this is why Bush's approval rating was so low.. I hated the way he charged the war off to the deficit. Now Obama makes him look frugal.[:/]

The war accounted for 800B as GWB left, GWB's deficit, eventually debt tally was about 5T. Please start making sense.

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