
A disturbing publication...

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This is an e-book published in Iran (Tehran's Science and Technology university, if I got it right).

This is probably one of the worst anti semitic, Holocaust denying publications I have ever come across.
While the quality is far from impressing, it is pretty disturbing...

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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You think this was the Iranian government?

They have :oswastika:o as the turn page arrows.
I know there are plenty of hate web pages out there.


This is an e-book published in Iran (Tehran's Science and Technology university, if I got it right).

Went to High school in Iran and NEVER had an Anti Jewish teacher or book. There is plenty of Anti Israeli sentiment however.

And in Farsi the picture says "how many have been killed because of the excuse of the holocaust" We right sentences different in farsi, but you get what they are saying.

That makes sense to me as I think Isreail does get breaks and was created right after W.W.II mainly because of the Holocaust.

Are you denying that?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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To me it looks like there showing the Israeli Jews as hypocrites who have asked for sympathy and help when they were the victims of horrific acts, at the same time they seem to have no issue committing horrific acts.

Sorry but I can see there hypocrisy.

However its not just Israelis who suffer from this condition. I have noticed any one who values there sense of camaraderie more then logic tend to do the same thing.
We see them here on SC all the time.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Went to High school in Iran and NEVER had an Anti Jewish teacher or book. There is plenty of Anti Israeli sentiment however.

now we understand why you say what you say

So . . . just so I understand this correctly . . . you are saying that you never experienced any teachings that were anti-jewish, BUT, you have experienced anti-Israeli sentiments.

Did you learn anything from the sentiments expressed?

You know, when I went to school in New Mexico, I NEVER had a racially predudiced teacher. There was plenty of racist sentiments, however.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Darius my friend, I am not going to turn this into a "does Israel have a right to exist" thread or does it owe its creation to the horrors of the holocaust.

The only thing I would agree to is that the Holocaust showed how important it is for the Jewish people to have their own state again. It's by no mean the justification for the creation of Israel.

This e-book is well aligned with the antisemitism of the current Iranian government and it is simply disgusting. anything from the message, through the text used the the Nazi-like cartoons that accompany it.
I must say I expected you to be the first to condemn this awful publication.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.

This has proven to be equally true of you and your side. Selective facts, generalizations, head in the sand.

Few of us here have lived with a real prospect of being genocided out of existence.

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Darius my friend, I am not going to turn this into a "does Israel have a right to exist" thread or does it owe its creation to the horrors of the holocaust.

I think anyone with the IQ of above 80 who can read knows that the holocaust is why we have Isreil. Sorry if it hurts for you say.


The only thing I would agree to is that the Holocaust showed how important it is for the Jewish people to have their own state again. It's by no mean the justification for the creation of Israel.

To deny that link is to deny historical fact. It happens alot here.


This e-book is well aligned with the antisemitism of the current Iranian government and it is simply disgusting. anything from the message, through the text used the the Nazi-like cartoons that accompany it.
I must say I expected you to be the first to condemn this awful publication.

Oh I am not supporting it. I tried to explain what the farsi was saying on the sign.

I read more on the site and you are right it is a hate site. No argument there.

But read a few of the pages they are so stupid SO fucking beyond the realm of reality its hard for me to believe anyone would read this and think oh this is facts. Even the way its written is insane.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Few of us here have lived with a real prospect of being genocided out of existence.


And i think thats the reason we have always given Isreil a pass.

I don't get how that can be denyed by anyone who thinks they value logic.

The holocaust was systematic extermination. I think that horror was a HUGE motivation in making sure that the Jewish people have there own land. 1948 we have Israel.

The problem we have is there is no clear-cut answer.

It can not be denied that people were displaced from there land. There was an injustice done to them.

At the same time the Israelis built the country up to what it is today, and many sacrificed to make it what it is.

If you read how it was at beginning you get much better view as to how much people struggled to make Israel what it is today.

At the same time they have reacted harshly and with no compassion to the people who used to live on the land.

You cant get me to say that Israelis creation was a just act, I cant bend my morals that way. It was not.

At the same time what will you do now? Fight forever? More children will die and their situation will never get better. Israel has the right to defend its self as anyone else but to deny the condition that brought the hate and expand the hate is insane.

So its not black and white. Both hands are dirty with blood, and the first strike was the displacement of the refugees who lived there.

Its about land religion is just a tool used.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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that the holocaust is why we have Isreil.

I don't disagree with that.
As I said, the holocaust showed what can happen and how important it is to have a home land for the Jewish people.
If you want a simple proof, just google the Balfour deceleration from 1917.


To deny that link is to deny historical fact

Again, huge difference between the holocaust showing the need for Israel and having Israel as a compensation for the holocaust. big difference.
but again, if you want, I'll be happy to start another thread where we can discuss the two views in a civilized way. I'm not going to have this discussion here.


Oh I am not supporting it.

Good, I'm happy to hear that.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.

what you don't seem to understand is that america is dirfferent by design and most of us don't want to be like the countries that have socialist governments. your views are fine, just not what we want here in the us, so take your views to a country that has your views.

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Israel may have existed anything, as early as post WWII, without the Holocaust. The Jews have been pushing Britain for it for well before, and post war is a time when these sort of reorganizations take place. But no doubt, the war made it clear that there was no place for the Jews in Europe, esp Germany or Poland.

Any sort of change that involves new nations has losers and conflict. Yugoslavia emerged out of WWI, didn't last long past the fall of the Soviet Union. Presumably at some point the area around Israel will ultimately become two separate nations, but not so long as enough in each want to make it all or nothing.

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I'm so sick of the whole Israel Vs Iran hate fest. I wish we could get the leaders of both countries put them on a small island somewhere and keep them there until they either sort out their differences or kill each other, and quite frankly I'm not to bothered which.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.

This has proven to be equally true of you and your side. Selective facts, generalizations, head in the sand.

Few of us here have lived with a real prospect of being genocided out of existence.

Any native Americans here?
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.

This has proven to be equally true of you and your side. Selective facts, generalizations, head in the sand.

Few of us here have lived with a real prospect of being genocided out of existence.

Any native Americans here?

Not any more.:|

Sorry - couldn't resist.:ph34r::D:D:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You think this was the Iranian government?

They have :oswastika:o as the turn page arrows.
I know there are plenty of hate web pages out there.


This is an e-book published in Iran (Tehran's Science and Technology university, if I got it right).

Went to High school in Iran and NEVER had an Anti Jewish teacher or book. There is plenty of Anti Israeli sentiment however.

And in Farsi the picture says "how many have been killed because of the excuse of the holocaust" We right sentences different in farsi, but you get what they are saying.

That makes sense to me as I think Isreail does get breaks and was created right after W.W.II mainly because of the Holocaust.

Are you denying that?

The contention is complete nonsense.

Read "Bible and Sword" by Barbara Tuchman and get back to me.

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Yes when you know history and not only exposed to the highly censored American Media you tend have a better worldview.

By the way that’s what debates for bring your facts and see if they stand up.

Most who have tried on here have failed because simply the facts don’t support there stance.

So they do what you do which to easily right off what they don’t like to hear, and simply generalize every one who disagrees with them in a simple group.

I know it hurts some of you to have to think.

This has proven to be equally true of you and your side. Selective facts, generalizations, head in the sand.

Few of us here have lived with a real prospect of being genocided out of existence.

Any native Americans here?

What percentage of native american blood do you count???

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so take your views to a country that has your views.

Let me see if i can explain this in crayon for you.

Views formed by only understanding one side of the story are usually wrong or at the very minimum very skewed.

Also what you say is rubbish every country has people who have different views.

If the only thing you can come up with is go back to where you came from maybe its time to reevaluate your beliefs, that would be the intelligent thing to do.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Any sort of change that involves new nations has losers and conflict. Yugoslavia emerged out of WWI, didn't last long past the fall of the Soviet Union. Presumably at some point the area around Israel will ultimately become two separate nations, but not so long as enough in each want to make it all or nothing.


I think Iran is going to really bad places. Its very sad to see the govermnt become more and more extreem.

I know the poeple the majority don't agree with the goverments viwes they are very much like prisinors in there own land. Unarmed citizens but thats another thread.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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what you don't seem to understand is that america is dirfferent by design and most of us don't want to be like the countries that have socialist governments. your views are fine, just not what we want here in the us, so take your views to a country that has your views.

What you don't seem to understand is that the US is far away from beeing *designed* ... It's a wonderful mixture of European immigrants - bro ;)

Genetical heritage cannot be ignored. :)


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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what you don't seem to understand is that america is dirfferent by design and most of us don't want to be like the countries that have socialist governments. your views are fine, just not what we want here in the us, so take your views to a country that has your views.

What you don't seem to understand is that the US is far away from beeing *designed* ... It's a wonderful mixture of European immigrants - bro ;)

Don't be so clueless about it.

It was a large number of European immigrants who rejected the fucked up feudal/royal design used by most European states, and fled for a new start. It's boundaries expanded by the frontier type, something that hadn't existing in Europe for many centuries, if not millennia.

Most of that culture is gone from the people as the end of the frontier came around 1900, but not the institutions.

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Any sort of change that involves new nations has losers and conflict. Yugoslavia emerged out of WWI, didn't last long past the fall of the Soviet Union. Presumably at some point the area around Israel will ultimately become two separate nations, but not so long as enough in each want to make it all or nothing.


I think Iran is going to really bad places. Its very sad to see the govermnt become more and more extreem.

I know the poeple the majority don't agree with the goverments viwes they are very much like prisinors in there own land. Unarmed citizens but thats another thread.

Hi Dari,
You say,"Unarmed Citizens..." Well bud 'ya got that a bit cornfused! There are no "Unarmed Citizens!"
"An Armed Man is a 'Citizen'"
"An Un-armed man is a 'S-U-B-J-E-C-T!'"....Got that??
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Any sort of change that involves new nations has losers and conflict. Yugoslavia emerged out of WWI, didn't last long past the fall of the Soviet Union. Presumably at some point the area around Israel will ultimately become two separate nations, but not so long as enough in each want to make it all or nothing.


I think Iran is going to really bad places. Its very sad to see the govermnt become more and more extreem.

I know the poeple the majority don't agree with the goverments viwes they are very much like prisinors in there own land. Unarmed citizens but thats another thread.

Hi Dari,
You say,"Unarmed Citizens..." Well bud 'ya got that a bit cornfused! There are no "Unarmed Citizens!"
"An Armed Man is a 'Citizen'"
"An Un-armed man is a 'S-U-B-J-E-C-T!'"....Got that??

That was my point.
its good to remember guns are not just to protect us from criminals but also from tyranny. I think of the 2nd amendment as the guaranty or at least protector of all our other rights.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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