
Gun Rights Argument

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I only want to take way your right if you are a convicted felon or a looney. Are you either of those?

If he says he's not a looney, is that good enough for you? Since the answer is probably no, that's where the problem lies with your stance.

My answer is "trust but verify" (R. Reagan).

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I do not think that convicted felons or mentally ill people should have a right to a gun.

Convicted Felon, is TOOO broad of a brush too!

My cousin, rightfully convicted for drunk driving back in 79, served his time, and now can not hunt, (his hobby and main form of putting food on teh table before that faithful night)

Why take away his guns, take away his car...yes...(BTW, he has not touched another drop since that day!) And nobody else was involved, other than a tree..

first time DWI was a felony anywhere in 1979? I was 10, I didn't track those laws then.

As with any convicted felon, he can ask the courts for his rights to buy and use guns to be returned.

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It helps if you know what the legislators mean when they call it an assault weapon. They don't use the military (or common sense) definition. I have found that nearly everyone, once they know what the law/bill is actually about, thinks it is nonsense and wonders why the gun banners give a shit.

A fairly thorough listing of facts surrounding the AWB are in this thread.
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I only want to take way your right if you are a convicted felon or a looney. Are you either of those?

If he says he's not a looney, is that good enough for you? Since the answer is probably no, that's where the problem lies with your stance.

My answer is "trust but verify" (R. Reagan).

Trust but verify would mean letting the person buy his gun, and then check his history latter. You've expressed a strong desire to make sure a mentally disturbed person never get his hands on it in the first place.

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I only want to take way your right if you are a convicted felon or a looney. Are you either of those?

If he says he's not a looney, is that good enough for you? Since the answer is probably no, that's where the problem lies with your stance.

My answer is "trust but verify" (R. Reagan).

So we come back to you wanting to limit specifically enumerated constitutional rights without a reason why other than what somebody might do someday. Should we have literacy tests for voting. Should all vehicles have interlocks? Should the press be required to submit material for approval before publishing? Should citizens have to take your "felons or loonies" test to buy knives? Matches? Ballpoint pens? Does "loonies" include anyone who's every been committed? Voluntarily entered a mental health facility? Been prescribed Xanax or other antidepressants?

Tell you what, once you can define "loonie" I'll take your answer seriously. Until you tell us what your rule means, it doesn't really mean anything.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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