
Death Penalty

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Agreed fully.

I'm also bothered that the prosecution will typically back a defendant into a corner (whether truly guilty or not) and they end up taking a plea agreement.
In Florida, when a plea agreement is entered into, the defendant is required to sign AWAY all rights to DNA challenges.
This is a huge problem with defendants that do not receive a proper counsel. Meaning most people charged with serious criminal offenses.
Most of us could not afford to defend ourselves.[:/]

I've seen what is obvious prosecution and defense counsel working together in public defender cases.

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>AGAIN, our government and criminal justice system is not fail proof and
>I personally cannot change that.

Well, actually you can. You can help improve the criminal justice system by serving on juries, so that criminal cases are not decided by "the people too dumb to get out of jury duty."

You can also change the effect of those errors by voting for or against people who support the death penalty.

So you do have some say in whether people are executed for crimes they did not commit.

I don't know what it is like where you live but here in Tampa jury selection is subject to strict scrutiny.

Every time I have been chosen I have been asked my education level. I have a masters degree. What do you do for a living? I am a mental health/substance abuse counselor. Do you have friends or relatives in law enforcement? Yes I do.

Thank you sir, you may be excused.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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And sick of big brother -how do you marry the opinion that the government should have the ultimate right to take the lives of it's citizens - EVEN when the government is wrong and the citizens they execute/imprison are sometimes innocent, and then take the stand that the government is "big brother" - let's look at the company we keep, China, Iran, Vietnam and ourselves are the worlds top executors - that doesn't even need elaborated upon....do you want MORE or LESS government power?

Now you have hit the nail on the head.

Liberals want the government to take over their responsibilities and then whine because it makes mistakes.

Will the circle be unbroken?
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You show me. After all it was YOU who said...


I am in favor of the death penalty based on Scriptural justification

So show me. If you can't show me in the New Testament then I can only take it that you are refering to the Old Testament in which it says that Adulters and homosexuals should be stoned to death. So show me or reveal your hypocracy.

I apologize, I took advantage of you because I know you lack education and understanding of the Scriptures.

It does not exist in the new covenant.

The new covenant instructs us to follow the law of the land regarding the death penalty. Read Romans 13.

So you are in favour of stoning adulterers to death, whipping unmarried women seen in public with men, life imprisonment for insulting the King of Thailand... you basically have no criticism of any law in any country.

Dude, Stop being such an ASS, and get back to the original subject. I will now return to my self imposed banning.

Thank you for that lesson in things to say when you know someone is right but disagree with them anyway.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>AGAIN, our government and criminal justice system is not fail proof and
>I personally cannot change that.

Well, actually you can. You can help improve the criminal justice system by serving on juries, so that criminal cases are not decided by "the people too dumb to get out of jury duty."

You can also change the effect of those errors by voting for or against people who support the death penalty.

So you do have some say in whether people are executed for crimes they did not commit.

I don't know what it is like where you live but here in Tampa jury selection is subject to strict scrutiny.

Every time I have been chosen I have been asked my education level. I have a masters degree. What do you do for a living? I am a mental health/substance abuse counselor. Do you have friends or relatives in law enforcement? Yes I do.

Thank you sir, you may be excused.

The chronic under-education and under-employment of jurors is one of my ongoing disenchantments with the justice system within which I've made my career. Actually, in most places, more jury trials occur in civil lawsuits than in criminal prosecutions. Aside from the "family in law enforcement" factor in criminal cases (which I think is a legitimate concern), most of the time prospective jurors who have good educations and/or careers get excused from the jury pool because so many judges give in to their whining about how losing a week's time will screw things up at their highly-responsible office job (as if blue-collar jobs are somehow less valuable), or make it hard to take care of their kids (for which I have some sympathy, within reason). Pisses me off, I have to say. So much for doing one's civic duty.

So the end result is that most juries, rather than representing a fair cross-section of the community, tend to be disproportionately populated mostly by retirees, college students, people who have lower education levels, and those who are are chronically under-employed.

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So the end result is that most juries, rather than representing a fair cross-section of the community, tend to be disproportionately populated mostly by retirees, college students, people who have lower education levels, and those who are are chronically under-employed.

So much for a "jury of peers"

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The system is flawed, our judges, lawyers, juries are flawed, AND ON AND ON. That has been my point through this whole thread. We Will never have a perfect system, innocent people hava always dies at the hands of the law. It will never change to a perfect society. We as a society want it OUR PERSONAL WAY. Never gonna happen. So come to a comprimise within and figure out if putting people to death such as JOHN WAYNE GACY...TED BUNDY, the inmate in my cell hall that RAPED HIS 2 YEAR OLD TO DEATH WITH A PEPSI BOTTLE...or the one that MADE HIS SON EAT HIS EJACULATION, KILLED HIM WITH AN IRON AND CHOPPED HIS BODY UP...yeah, lets feed those assholes for the next 40 years? So yes, I do agree with the death penalty in extreme cases.
" Mean people SUCK!"

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Up or down vote.

Friend of ours was killed.

They found the killer.

The evidence is overwhelming.

The killer was sentenced to Death.

I have mixed emotions and would like to open this up for reasonable, and intelligent conversations.

Please leave Obama and Bush and all that other shit out of it if at all possible.

First of all, I'm truly very sorry for your loss !

Prior to having kids, grandkids I would've played the religious card; is it up to a system or another human to take the life of another, legally or not !

Then I toyed with...well is the killer insane ?
I mean not just clinically insane. Not the woah is me, I'm a victim of a dysfunctional childhood, or PTSD, but justifibly, genetically, without the ability of the right of reason...insane !

Then it was...it depends on the reasoning !
Intent, accidental intent, a crime of passion, greed, just a purely evil individual, yadayadayada ?

Too many defenses, loss of moral content & irrational lack of taking responsibility for one's actions & basically the human conscience & discineration of so many's spiritual soul's, situations like this have run amuck...worldwide, by every social class & race !

Now, I'm more cynical!
If there is absolutely no chance of a mistake or wrongful conviction, proof positive, absolute i.d & water tight guilt &/or confession... I say hell 'ya..especially if it is a child !

Hopefully, due to this new found cynicism & by the Grace of God, I will be forgiven, for this...but, yes, I say Absolutely !

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