
"Who Islam Hates"

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There are plenty of beis din (Jewish courts); I'm sure there are sharia courts too. They exist for peopel who want to live in that sub-society, and US law trumps religious law in the secular world.

But an Orthodox Jewish woman can't marry again until she's granted a divorce by a Jewish court; if she does, she's considered to be committing adultery. It's not as much of a problem for a man, because it's the man who grants the divorce.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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There are plenty of beis din (Jewish courts); I'm sure there are sharia courts too. They exist for peopel who want to live in that sub-society, and US law trumps religious law in the secular world.

But an Orthodox Jewish woman can't marry again until she's granted a divorce by a Jewish court; if she does, she's considered to be committing adultery.

Very much akin to, for example, a devout Catholic seeking (and being officially granted - or denied) an annulment in conjucntion with a secular-law divorce, so as to be permitted to re-marry under Catholic canon law.

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When you add up all the deaths caused because of Christianity (crusades, inquisitions Etc. ), the “colonization” or better called theft of resources done by the Europeans, WWI-WWII (all the deaths caused by Christians), recent unnecessary wars like Iraq, The puppet governments we put in too place, the barbarians we have supported I think you will see There number one.

How many people would not have been killed if we didn’t lie to invade Iraq again?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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You are a fucking hypocrite, if you hate Muslims so much then get on a plane

Yea with his mentality I wonder if he is doing more harm then good.

Its like bringing a KKK member to peace talks with African American leaders. Not a good place to start.
Now if your goal is just murder the African Americans then he sure would have motivation.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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When you add up all the deaths caused because of Christianity (crusades, inquisitions Etc. ), the “colonization” or better called theft of resources done by the Europeans, WWI-WWII (all the deaths caused by Christians), recent unnecessary wars like Iraq, The puppet governments we put in too place, the barbarians we have supported I think you will see There number one.

How many people would not have been killed if we didn’t lie to invade Iraq again?

This whole thing is pointless.

Christians kill this many.
Muslims kill that many.
But Athiests kill this many.
no,no...Christians kill this many
yet, buddhist kill this many
wait, they weren't buddhist, they were athiest...

None of it's about God, but rather power, money, control and resources...and maybe a tiny bit of good intentions paving the road to hell.

I'm with Andy...It's apaulling!

...and we all just end up looking foolish for entertaining the idea.
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When you see thread after thread of so called Christians talking about Islam as if they are clueless about there own bloody past and present its hard not to give them a fact check.

Its extremely annoying to see some of the most blood thirsty people on the planet whose main motivation for war has been GREED to sit there and act like there all high and mighty. Not to mention it makes them look retarded.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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As can Kristian

Wendy P.

Not really, beg your pardon. The spelling "Kristian" only refers to a name (which indeed stands for "Christian") but only in languages such as German or Swedish.
AFAIK there is no "official" way to spell "Christian" (as an adjective or denomination term) as "Kristian".

The "Muslim"/"Moslem" thing seems to arise from the fact that the original term is written in Arabic letters and thus needs to be transcribed for which there are several ways due to several reasons it seems.

BTW: We experience a take-over of the American transcribing system of names written in Cyrillic letters here in Germany at the moment, e. g. "Evgenij" instead of good old "Jewgeni". Not to talk about Gorbatschow or Rachmaninow... [:/]
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>None of it's about God, but rather power, money, control and resources...

Well, it's about power, money, control _and_ belief. Violent and bloody wars have been fought over details of belief that would seem insignificant to an outsider.

Which is another way of saying "people will fight over anything."

(And yes, it is both appalling and pointless.)

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I live in the British Isles where I was born. Unlike you who have pimped your arse out to people you hate to make a buck.

You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I live in the British Isles where I was born. Unlike you who have pimped your arse out to people you hate to make a buck.

You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it.

the brits don't have a radical muslim problem ?

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I live in the British Isles where I was born. Unlike you who have pimped your arse out to people you hate to make a buck.

You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it.


the brits don't have a radical muslim problem ?

The problem I have is with people who apparently lack the intellectual capacity to refute my arguments, and therefore launch personal attacks.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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The problem I have is with people who apparently lack the intellectual capacity to refute my arguments, and therefore launch personal attacks.

You don't make arguments. You post long and ignorant articles from Strategy Page.

- Dan G

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I live in the British Isles where I was born. Unlike you who have pimped your arse out to people you hate to make a buck.

You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it.

Who's talking about spritual energy? We're talkin' bandwidth.

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I live in the British Isles where I was born. Unlike you who have pimped your arse out to people you hate to make a buck.

You missed again. I never said hate. I strongly dislike much of what I see, it's true. I don't waste spiritual energy on people who don't deserve it.

Who's talking about spritual energy? We're talkin' bandwidth.

the who is precisely stated. now define we're !

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