quade 4
QuoteSo you would accost the man . . .
Nope. Pity would be appropriate enough unless his belief in his cat puts him or his family in danger.
Either way, dead or alive, just the possibility of being able to "take" the cat away from the man proves it exists. No such proof exists with any god.
Nobody here has ever "forced" anybody to recant their belief in god that I'm aware of. People may have pointed out the cat isn't alive, but to my knowledge there is no way to "force" someone to not believe in their imaginary friends.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
turtlespeed 221
QuoteQuoteSo you would accost the man . . .
Nope. Pity would be appropriate enough unless his belief in his cat puts him or his family in danger.
Either way, dead or alive, just the possibility of being able to "take" the cat away from the man proves it exists. No such proof exists with any god.
Nobody here has ever "forced" anybody to recant their belief in god that I'm aware of. People may have pointed out the cat isn't alive, but to my knowledge there is no way to "force" someone to not believe in their imaginary friends.
Here? Here on Earth?
I disagree. Here is just one example.
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun
quade 4
QuoteI disagree. Here is just one example.
No sir. The can "officially" ban religion, but it's impossible to ban the actual belief. You can ban the book of a religion, but not the belief. You can ban a religion from being practiced publicly in a country, but not the belief. You can kill the people that practice the religion, but not the belief.
It can't be done.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
turtlespeed 221
QuoteQuoteI disagree. Here is just one example.
No sir. The can "officially" ban religion, but it's impossible to ban the actual belief. You can ban the book of a religion, but not the belief. You can ban a religion from being practiced publicly in a country, but not the belief. You can kill the people that practice the religion, but not the belief.
It can't be done.
If you destroy an entire community that believes one specific thing, can you not destroy the belief as well?
Why do you think genocide is so popular in the middle east?
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun
jakee 1,535
QuoteWhy do you think genocide is so popular in the middle east?
Yep, been really popular there for a looong time - and they haven't managed it yet

maadmax 0
What you are talking about is a sort of "gambler's" belief in a god. People that only believe in a god "just in case" are really lying to themselves about their beliefs. It's a bit like the kid who is old enough to stop believing in Santa but still writes the letters "just in case."
It's a selfish belief and not a sincere one.
It appears your beliefs regarding God are based on biased assumptions with no factual support. I am not talking about the gamblers assumption. Regardless of what happens after death, knowledge of God allows one(me) to live life more abundantly in the here and now. You can only prove the cat is dead or alive by utilizing observations outside the initial conditions of your example. I can prove God is real by ulitilizing observations that are unavailable to you because of your lack of perception. And we can each feel sorry for the other.
quade 4
QuoteI can prove God is real . . .
No. You can't. People have tried for thousands of years. People far smarter than you or I will ever be.
Saying you can doesn't make it so.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Calvin19 0
QuoteIt appears your beliefs regarding God are based on biased assumptions with no factual support. I am not talking about the gamblers assumption. Regardless of what happens after death, knowledge of God allows one(me) to live life more abundantly in the here and now. You can only prove the cat is dead or alive by utilizing observations outside the initial conditions of your example. I can prove God is real by ulitilizing observations that are unavailable to you because of your lack of perception. And we can each feel sorry for the other
But, the conclusion on wether the cat is alive or dead is made using observations that you and him and I can agree on and measure. What you are describing is delusion, as defined by any dictionary, because you are "perceiving" things only you can perceive or sense.
My belief is that I do not know, and cannot know, but as my main man Carl said,
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe"
maadmax 0
Close, my point of contact with God was through the complete fulfillment of intense spiritual needs. Ones that I believe we all have if we examine ourselves honestly. The proof of Gods existence that I and others who have heard His Word have found, is in how He makes us whole.
turtlespeed 221
"You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe"
Close, my point of contact with God was through the complete fulfillment of intense spiritual needs. Ones that I believe we all have if we examine ourselves honestly. The proof of Gods existence that I and others who have heard His Word have found, is in how He makes us whole.
Thst goes for those that believe He doesn't exist, just as much as for those that believe He does.
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun
RonD1120 62
QuoteI find it horribly sad that you will never know god isn't real.
Don't be sad my little bucko. Jesus saved me from a path of hopeless destruction. The past 29 years have brought me blessings beyond my imagination. For me life is good, very, very good. And the best is yet to come.
Andy9o8 2
Quote"god" is supposed to be capitalized?
I would certainly hope so. As we all know, God is big business. And under-capitalization is a piss-poor way of running a business.
Our operators are standing by to take your pledge.
jakee 1,535
QuoteIt appears your beliefs regarding God are based on biased assumptions with no factual support.
No no, Your beliefs...
QuoteI can prove God is real
No, you can't.
RonD1120 62
QuoteQuote"god" is supposed to be capitalized?
I would certainly hope so. As we all know, God is big business. And under-capitalization is a piss-poor way of running a business.
Our operators are standing by to take your pledge.
I am blessed by your clever wit.

You have scored twice in this thread. Well played.
Calvin19 0
QuoteQuote"god" is supposed to be capitalized?
I would certainly hope so. As we all know, God is big business. And under-capitalization is a piss-poor way of running a business.
Our operators are standing by to take your pledge.

maadmax 0
QuoteQuoteIt appears your beliefs regarding God are based on biased assumptions with no factual support.
No no, Your beliefs...
Hey, did we finally wake up? In regards to God we are on equal footing. You have your unprovable beliefs, I have mine. In my case my beliefs are empowering!
What have your beliefs done for you today?
jclalor 12
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteIt appears your beliefs regarding God are based on biased assumptions with no factual support.
No no, Your beliefs...
Hey, did we finally wake up? In regards to God we are on equal footing. You have your unprovable beliefs, I have mine. In my case my beliefs are empowering!
What have your beliefs done for you today?
I have no beleifs,I have reality and reality by it's very nature is provable, one does not have to beleive in reality.
When one realizes the wonders of being alive in this day and age and how forunate we all are compared to the vast majority of the world, I just chalk it all up to very good cosmic luck.
And as far as your beleifs being empowering;
The fact that a beleiver is happier than a non beleiver is no more to the point than a drunk man is happier than a sober one. "George Berhnard Shaw"
jclalor 12
QuoteDon't be sad my little bucko. Jesus saved me from a path of hopeless destruction. The past 29 years have brought me blessings beyond my imagination. For me life is good, very, very good. And the best is yet to come.
Don't sell your self short, I'm willing to bet you have a very good life because of YOU.
jakee 1,535
QuoteIn regards to God we are on equal footing.
Not really. You say there are leprechauns living under the floorboards, I say there aren't. We've looked under the floorboards every day and we've not seen a single leprechaun yet. Theorietically you may say that doesn't prove that the leprechauns are never there, but practically speaking it's fairly conclusive.
QuoteIn my case my beliefs are empowering!
What have your beliefs done for you today?
I'm the master of my own destiny. Feels nice.
But that's not a reason for belief. Even if not believing in any god was in any way depressing, I wouldn't change my mind just to make myself feel better.
billvon 3,031
Or I don't fit into one of the two 'allowable' stereotypes here.
maadmax 0
The fact that you are unaware of how much faith you have pumped into your construct of reality makes you a candidate for the blind faith award.
maadmax 0
Have to agree, I don't have much use for leprechauns. But to make your analogy applicable to our discussion, if I kept finding pots of gold at the ends of rainbows and under the floorboards I might have to reexamine my beliefs.
Well, I can prove the cat is either alive or dead. I can't do that with a god.
What you are talking about is a sort of "gambler's" belief in a god. People that only believe in a god "just in case" are really lying to themselves about their beliefs. It's a bit like the kid who is old enough to stop believing in Santa but still writes the letters "just in case."
It's a selfish belief and not a sincere one.
So you would accost the man, take his cat away from him to prove whether you were right or wrong? Otherwise how would prove it?
I love those that try to force their belief, rather their disbelief on others.
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun