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>They are equally important!

No, they're not. See if you can find the last time a law was struck down due to issues of incompatibility to the Declaration of Independence.

>Had we followed our Founders, things would be different.

Yep. We'd still have slaves, for one thing. Women wouldn't be able to vote or own property. Sunday would not be a day off. There would be no foreign wars of aggression.

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Yep. We'd still have slaves, for one thing. Women wouldn't be able to vote or own property

Oh, really...?

So... are you one who believes our Founding Fathers were just evil selfish rich white slave owners?

Why don't you just ask him if he's stopped beating his wife?

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Yep. We'd still have slaves, for one thing. Women wouldn't be able to vote or own property

Oh, really...?

So... are you one who believes our Founding Fathers were just evil selfish rich white slave owners?

Our founding fathers were not evil by owning slaves and not allowing woman to own property, this is just what society did back in these times due events in the past. In ancient Greece woman were not allowed to buy anything without a male supervisor present with them at all times. It is just how things were back then and we have started to open our minds up and give equal rights to all.

There's no correlation between woman not having rights and that being an evil thing, given the right time period, things have now changed.
B.A.S.E. #1734

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Actually... that is a legitimate and serious question.

If you know what Progressivism is, and its origins... it makes sense.

But so far, none of the predominate (arrogant) voices; like Billvon, Quade, Lucky, and so on... have been able to correctly answer my questions.

One of three key things that Progressives must achieve... understood and crafted by Woodrow Wilson... to enable them to “progress” to their goals... is to separate the public from the Founders.

Jefferson was a hypocritical slave owner... Franklin was out having sex with numerous women... Washington was a deist, he didn’t believe in God.

These are just some of things that are said...

If you can separate the American people from the Founders... and separate them from their founding principles... you can control and manipulate, far easier.

Like Nancy Pelosi, manipulating the meaning of, “the Pursuit of Happiness.”

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Well... kinda. Progressive was a good term for Wilson. After they dirtyed it... and the American people saw thier goals (like rejecting Wilson's League of Nations, and the 2nd Bill of Rights with FDR), they changed to liberal.

Now they have done the same with the term Liberal... so they are back to saying Progressive.

Its all the same thing, its a wording game.

Lot of coding in her words... progressives are not for civil liberties... I will prove that with Teddy's words.

Not interested past 01:29 seconds :P

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Well... kinda. Progressive was a good term for Wilson. After they dirtyed it... and the American people saw thier goals (like rejecting Wilson's League of Nations, and the 2nd Bill of Rights with FDR), they changed to liberal.

Now they have done the same with the term Liberal... so they are back to saying Progressive.

Its all the same thing, its a wording game.

Lot of coding in her words... progressives are not for civil liberties... I will prove that with Teddy's words.

Not interested past 01:29 seconds :P

So, do you think it is progressive in the sense of becoming intolerant to any other point of different than theirs?
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Not totally sure what you mean...

Progressives... Lindsey Graham, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton X 2, Reed, Kerry, Obama, Grayson and so on...

They look back, as Hillary said, at the Progressives of the 19th (Teddy) and early 20th century (Wilson, FDR) and they are using their playbook and tactics, but have learned from their mistakes.

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