
Rally to Restore Sanity

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stewart is a comedian ? he seems a lot more like a lib commentator , and not so funny , at least to me. maybe if he barbecued more lib sacred cows !

I think he's pretty even handed in his mockery of both sides - and funny much of the time too

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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To me there's a difference between testifying, whether willingly or unwillingly, and giving a speech. He'd be just as within his rights to lambaste Obama as he was to lambaste Bush.

Maybe I misunderstand the purpose of testifying before Congress, but isn't it akin to testifying in court?


Surely you've seen some of the nomination hearings for the Supreme Court, or perhaps the hearings over the 9/11 events. Those are TV ops, dog and pony shows for the legislators to put on a show. No different from what he was doing.

Colbert doesn't pretend he's not an act. Senators do it all the time. I have much more trouble with them. How long did they spend investigating steroids in baseball? How much time did they spend on social security reform? Or any of many vital agenda items?

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"I think he's pretty even handed in his mockery of both sides - and funny much of the time too"

I used to think that too, but both Colbert's and Stewart's schtick is getting a bit old, but when they do hit one on the head, they can be funny as hell.
I put Colbert and Stewart near the same catagory as Bill Maher except that Maher isn't funny the vast majority of the time, he's just a hateful little man.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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